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Blog Entries posted by Fenrai

  1. Fenrai
    I just came back from the movie theater. MEGAMIND WAS AWESOME.
    But seriously, I highly recommend watching this. It puts a unique twist on the hero-vs.-villian story, and it does it very well.
  2. Fenrai
    I can't beat him! No matter how hard I try!
    On a better note, I'm doing good in Guardian Signs. I just captured Raikou and saw a strange emblem in the sky *coughRangersigncough*.
  3. Fenrai
    I was thinking of deleting my file in Pokemon Diamond and making a new team with a theme/challenge to it.
    ...but I can't think of any themes or challenges.
    Any ideas?
  4. Fenrai
    I just got Thunder and Breez. They're actually pretty cool, but Thunder's arms are a little awkward, and Breez is a snap-together instead of a buildable figure. Overall, I like them.
  5. Fenrai
    I'm so excited! It's gonna be awesome! My family and I are going out to dinner at Mitchell's Fish Market. Their crab cakes are SOO good.
    Also, I tried Epic Yarn, and it is fun too.
  6. Fenrai
    I beat it this morning. 02 was actually pretty easy. I was only hit two or three times. Anyway, after looking back at the game, I can sum it up in three words.
    I wonder if Kirby's Epic Yarn is gonna meet up to the expectations after Kirby 64. I'm getting it on my birthday (Thursday)!
  7. Fenrai
    I'm gonna have a Sonic MOC Contest sometime soon, and I was wondering about the prizes. I had a few ideas, but I just want you guys's opinion.
    I was thinking since I had just ordered iron-on transfer paper that 1st, 2nd, and 3rd would each get custom T-shirts with the Sonic character of their choice on it.
    Would that be enough, or should I throw in something else, like 6-month PMship for 1st?
  8. Fenrai
    I was thinking of maybe hosting a Sonic MOC Contest sometime, but I'm not sure. I'm new here, so is there any kind of approval or anything you have to go through?
  9. Fenrai
    I've made one.

    I'm pretty sure that you just PM it to someone you want to give it to, but if I'm wrong, could you please let me know?
  10. Fenrai
    That's how long I was at school. School started 15 minutes early today, I practiced my percussion for an hour after school until my drum teacher came, and then I had a 1-hour lesson.
    I actually didn't mind. It was pretty fun.
  11. Fenrai
    So, I finally became a Premier Member as an early birthday present, and it is fun. I like having my own blog (did you know that blog stands for web log?), even though about nobody's probably going to look at it. It's still fun.
    Also, my BBC 60 entry is going well, but it's definitely not going to win. Oh well.
    So, yeah, I like my blog.
  12. Fenrai
    Yesterday, I went on a zip-line canopy tour thing on the side of a mountain. Pretty much what happens is a group of people zip-line in a harnesses from platform to platform one at a time. The platforms are REALLY high off the ground, which makes it especially fun and scary. If you guys get the chance to try a zip-line canopy tour, I highly suggest it. It's really fun.
  13. Fenrai
    My family and I got to Niagara Falls for a vacation over spring break, and the falls are amazing. So far, we walked down to look at the falls, went to dinner, and soon, we're going to swim in the hotel pool.
    Where are you guys going/at for spring break?
  14. Fenrai
    They're so fun.
    Earlier, I was over at my friend's house, and we played on his trampoline for a while. Then, when my friend had to go to lacrosse practice, I went back home to find my neighbors...
    ...playing on a trampoline.
    I played with them until about 8:30 PM, and my experience has made me want to say:
  15. Fenrai
    Someone on Lego Universe showed me an easy way to beat them in the Battle of Nimbus Station.
    First, you get out a wand of some sort (preferably a Mosaic Wand) and lead the Riders over to a long bush on the edge of the battlefield. Then, you start repeatedly using your wand attack, which goes through the bush, on them. They can't attack you because the bush blocks the projectiles. And viola!, you have four defeated Riders.
  16. Fenrai
    Well, while BZP was down, I got a few things done.
    First off, the SatBK sountrack that I've been waiting for has finally come. The songs are on my Ipod, and they are cool.
    Secondly, I went to a Brandon Heath and Tobymac concert, and I got my concert ticket signed by Brandon Heath!
    Also, when I was playing Lego Universe, I came across this strange screenshot in the Battle of Nimbus Station.
    On a side note, I think I'm gonna use The Fenromancer as my new username. That sounds really cool. Thanks, Felix!
  17. Fenrai
    Seriously, as fun as this level is, the huge amounts of enemies can be really annoying. Although I do like the new outfit packs (Bat Lord, Mosaic Jester, Bone Suit, etc.), and the Ninjago part is cool.
    Has anybody else gotten to Crux Prime?
  18. Fenrai
    Silver (33.4 KB)

    Sonic (21.8 KB)

    Shadow VS Mephiles (40.7 KB)

    What do you think?
  19. Fenrai
    I got some Beyblade toys at TRU today, and I really like it! I got a portable stadium/Beyblade carrier, Lightning L-Drago, Dark Bull, and Earth Virgo. I used the parts to create some custom Beys.
    1. Earth Bull GB145 HF
    Face Plate: Bull
    Energy Ring: Bull
    Fusion Wheel: Earth
    Spin Track: Gravity Bowl 145
    Performance Tip: Hole Flat
    2. Dark Virgo 100 BS
    Face Plate: Virgo
    Energy Ring: Virgo
    Fusion Wheel: Dark
    Spin Track: 100
    Performance Tip: Ball Sharp
    3. Lightning L'Drago H145 SD
    Face Plate: L'Drago
    Energy Ring: L'Drago
    Fusion Wheel: Lightning
    Spin Track: Horn 145 (Second Mold)
    Performance Tip: Semi-Defense
    Does anybody else like/collect Beyblades?
  20. Fenrai
    Well, there's a collaboration at Brickfair this time around, and I think I'm gonna participate.
    Here's the basic idea: There are COGs and REBs (rebels) facing off against each other. COGs are black and red and are supposed to be the upper-class bots. REBs are supposed to be lower-class working force revolting against the COGs. They have a more rusty/old-style feel and should have some kind of function that was used to help the humans, like mining tools.
    For more info, here are Primus's, LO's, and Felix's blog entries about it.
    Feel free to join in!
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