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Status Updates posted by Caliga

  1. Yeah, most of my names are going to involve it. That was just a joke.

  2. You should probably block out that url in your banner. It's got some pretty inapropriate content.

  3. It was a joke, what he said. And that's such typical behavior. Losing an argument? Just tell them to drop it, of course.

  4. (continued) right to go on stealing his work. But of course, after I spend all of this time typing this, you will probably just ignore it like you said. Grow up.

  5. I'm going to be completely honest here. This "abuse" you've been the "victim" of is your fault. You overreact to situations way to much and act completely immature about everything. You can't just steal someone's work and expect everyone to just automatically think everything is ok. Daiker was not at all rude about this, and even if he was, it would give you no rig

  6. He's not being rude. He made the image, and he has rights to it. Take it down, or you can be reported.


  8. Lawl. I was actually planning on changing it to "Caliga Schmaliga" when I can. Actually, that'll be pretty soon O:

  9. Lenny the Lemonade was beautiful.

    At least, it was better than anything else in that forum.

  10. If being at a friend's house is a conspiracy, Y.

    Besides, if I don't have school, I'm usually up till around 3 am.

  11. No, I hate it.


  12. Hey Brickeh! I heard you got your

    Yahoo working :o

  13. Really? Well, I could

    Get on after school, around three.

  14. You're cruisin' for a bannin'

  15. Way to completely insult the people who were just trying to make you feel welcome.

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