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Everything posted by Caliga

  1. (\(\



  2. but it are funny B'(

  3. HAY.

    u watched the lazor collection yet????

  4. Oh yeah, it is Earth Day, isn't it. Happy Earth Day to you too!

  5. Not to mention it's a lot cheaper ;)

    Also happy birthday!! =D

  6. I don't know. I mean, the iPad's fine and all, it just bothers me that it's a big iPod Touch. There's really not much new about it.

  7. I've thought of that before, but I really doubt it. They don't support people acting like this, and it would encourage actual noobs.

  8. I've thought of that before, but I really doubt it. They don't support people acting like this, and it would encourage actual noobs.

  9. Cream is right, you should listen to what many people (including me) have been saying, and read the rules. They will help.

  10. Really? Huh, didn't know that. Thanks.

  11. What always confused me was that when you quick edit blog comments, the complete and cancel buttons are switched around. They're different from normal posts.
  12. Hey, just thought I would point out that your avatar is too big. The biggest it can be is 64x64, and yours is 80x80.

  13. Yeah, I understand. But if you're ever going for an iPod, I would recommend the iPod touch ;)

  14. Yeah, I suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea. Besides, the 4th gen version will probably be coming out soon <.>

  15. Ha, yeah. They're really nice, I would consider saving up for one if I were you.

  16. Oh, I guess the emote only on my iPod touch :P

  17. Lol again? Thanks!

  18. Haha, being a Forum Mentor sounds harder than I thought :P

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