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~Sol de Medianoche~

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Blog Comments posted by ~Sol de Medianoche~

  1. Oh, my. Who in their right mind would give you a blog, I do ask? :P

    The administrators, apparently. :P


    Lol, I was going to say that before you did, but I had to shut down my computer. :P


    Well too bad, I beat you, slowpoke. :P


    @Blade: OH YEAH I forgot to mention Smiley Ichigo. Well, Smirky Ichigo is more like it maybe, but whatever. Close enough. =P


  2. I thought I recognized it from there after I posted that comment. =P But I figured that it was too much of a stretch. =P


    But that's pretty cool. =) The opening and new song is awesome. =)

    Aye, the opening sequence is full of much Gin and flashbacky goodness. Song's quite pretty as well. =D


    BLOG FOR A YEAR :happydance:



    YAY NON-SLEEP-DEPRIVING-PARTY. I'll need that sleep for when school starts tomorrow. ._.


    Oh, my. Who in their right mind would give you a blog, I do ask? :P

    The administrators, apparently. :P


  3. Lulz, Inferna. :P


    I love these time-killing things!


    1. What is my life's philosophy?

    Glittering Clouds (Locusts)- Imogen Heap (Great way to start off…)


    2. What will my last words be?

    Evolution (The Grand Design)- Symphony X (This oughtta be interesting. :P)


    3. How am I feeling today?

    Hide and Seek- Imogen Heap (More bored out of my skull than depressed, but sure, we're roll with that)


    4. What is my theme song?

    John Wayne Gacy Jr.- Sufjan Stevens (o0 Okay, so the message of the song is more or less is in line with my philosophy, but…o0)


    5. What song will be played at my wedding?

    Happiness- The Fray (D’awww. :3)


    6. What song will be played at my funeral?

    As the Rush Comes- Motorcycle (…This isn’t even one of my songs. XD)


    7. How will I be remembered?

    Lying From You- Linkin Park (Nice to know I left such a favorable impression…)


    8. What is some good advice for me?

    Soul Meets Body- Death Cab For Cutie (Not bad, actually.)


    9. What is my life's dream?

    Miniature Disasters- KT Tunstall (So, achieving balance? Sounds about right.)


    10. What's my kind of lady/man?

    Almost Easy- Avenged Sevenfold (…I’m afraid. D:)


    11. How do people see me?

    Never Say Never- The Fray (Idunnolol)


    12. How would I describe this page?

    Whisper- Evanescence (I am not sure what to make of this. XD)


    13. How would I describe my best friend?

    Gravity Hurts- …I forget (Um, okay?)


    14. What's in store for this week?

    Origin-Evanescence (…*Jumps into bed and hides under covers*)


    15. How would I describe my parents?

    Love and Truth- YUI (LOL)


    16. If I had one wish, what would I wish for?

    This Is Our Town- We The Kings (All I whish for is for home to be there when I return?)


    17. What do my friends think of me?

    Stitches- Switchfoot (Um… Sure, why not?)


    18. What is said about me behind my back?

    Love Is The Movement- Switchfoot ( B) )


    19. What do I think of this questionnaire?

    Dirty Second Hands- Switchfoot (Srsly, iPod, Switchfoot three times in a row? So much for shuffle…)


    Lol, I did this again and got on of my pastor's sermons under "What's good advice for me?" And Evanescence thinks the best thing for me to do is lose control.


  4. Guh, sorry for completely disappearing.


    Remember, though, that the meta-humans would be so good at it that regular humans would soon find themselves out of a job. A bit like how machines are doing more and more of the labor these days while laborers are laid off. That would probably not be illegal, but the average human would not take kindly to the idea that him and pretty much everyone in his division just got laid off because of one guy who can do all their jobs at once, and probably better.

    Hm, true, true...


    Obviously a telepath just reading the minds of those around them would be illegal - there are privacy laws for one's house and belongings, it follows that one's mind is the same - but how they would be detected and enforced is another matter. They'd probably result in fines or imprisonment (specialized for the psychic) same as any crime, but how would such infractions even be detected? How can the untrained person on the street even tell their mind is being read? If another psychic happened to pass by and detect the intrusion, that's good, but you can't exactly rely on other psychics being nearby.

    Huh. I was just operating under the assumption that anybody would be able to sense a foreign presence. Guess it depends on how mind-reading works in this scenario.


    Then there's the potential for crime. A single super-powered criminal, not necessarily a super-villain but simply a thug with super-strength and bulletproof skin, could single-handedly rob a bank. A lesser power, maybe a low-level pyro, could dominate a street gang, even several street gangs, possibly an entire neighborhood, and without competing gangs to deal with his would own those streets until some other (preferably fireproof) super came by.

    Guess the police force better get to work recruiting supers, eh? Actually, that makes me wonder... Would mind-reading by the authorities be prohibited? It'd be a pretty serious invasion of privacy and there's a lot of room for abuse, but it would also be pretty useful... Probably need to have a good amount of physical evidence to support your suspicions before you could do anything.


    And, to throw a wrench in the works, what if really low-level powers were fairly common? Industrial accidents, low-power mutants, what-have-you. An entire group of these might gather together. Ever played City of Heroes? You know the Outcasts? Something like that.



    Unfortunately, I haven't. D=


  5. I don't object to a few century-old works of literature sprinkled in, (as I said in the original post, I understand the thought process behind choosing old books) but I am inclined to agree. My class actually did read a few new books throughout the school year... but they were all fairly depressing-- which leads me to yet another pet peeve, but I won't get into that now. :P




  6. Oh fine, I'll take a stab at it. :P


    Honestly, I think denying any hypothetical "meta-humans" jobs in which they can use their natural-born talents would be rather unfair and stupid. Why should somebody be penalized for doing what they do best?


    I wonder what kind of laws would be passed and how they would be enforced... Like, would it be illegal for a telepath to just barge into a person's head without permission? What's the punishment supposed to be for that kind of thing? How do you make sure that behavior is corrected?


    Yay for embracing my inner nerdiness. x3


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