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~Sol de Medianoche~

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Status Updates posted by ~Sol de Medianoche~

  1. ...Excuse me while I go virtually smack Alex upside the head. :P

    Okay, that's very good to know. I shall stop bothering you now, go get to work on my homework, and FINALLY finish two very overdue profiles.~~

  2. ...I don't know what happened, but I think life and laziness ganged up on me again. ;_; Alex tells me that Fall of the Titans is set to end around page 250, have I just procrastinated too long? .~.

  3. Yeah, but you'd think he'd know by now that that just doesn't end well. :P

    And okay, thanks. :D

  4. Aside from Chuck deciding YET AGAIN to hide something from Ellie, yeah. :P

    Liked the new episode though. :)

    Oh, everybody in FotT is in the US now, right? Or did I miss the window?

  5. Sure. Still buggs me though. :P

  6. Yeeeeah, that was sort of annoying. Not that the conflict was resolved I mean, just the *way* that it was. Characters are a huge selling point for me, so OOCness really bugs me. =P

  7. Aye, that was the bulk of it. >>

  8. No of course, this is to be expected with Jefster. It's a staple of the characters. :P T'was the main cast. Minus Casey, of course. Casey is never not awesome. XD

  9. Poor communication kills and all that. =P

  10. Nah, we all love how ridiculously over-the-top that show can be. I think they were starting to get annoyed with the characters. Admittedly, they were acting sort of stupid for a while. :P

  11. Well I could move to another room I guess, but most of the damage is already done. And I like to watch TV with other people. That's why I drag my little brother into whatever series I watch/read. :P

  12. It's hard to retain your enjoyment when everyone around you is sighing and saying "This is stupid". =P

  13. I think I'm okay, but thanks. =3

  14. Oh. Maybe I should just procrastinate a bit longer then. :P

  15. Yes, Team Evil. :P

    The two I have now are done all except for the bios, which are killing me. >> I originally had something in mind, but it looks like everybody moved to Venice now, which messes greatly with my plans. Blergh. =P

  16. Got two right now, but they're both Olympus, and I promised Alex I'd join Team Evil, so eventually three, if I ever get around to the third. =P

    ...Yaaay, run-on sentence. :D

  17. Heeeeey, you, happy slightly late anniversary. =3

  18. ...Okay I lied. I didn't get it done. =P But I'm almost finished. For real...!

  19. Right, that too. :P

    Whoo, 'kay, thanks. :D That helps.

  20. Heh, yep. Actually, I've been there for a while now. I should probably get out before I either go crazy or catatonic. :P

    Also, FotT question. Can anyone play as an undead, or is that only under special circumstances?

  21. Ah, I am, I just got socked in the face by life and kind of got thrown off track. I'm gonna try to get a profile or two together over the weekend.

  22. Ah, yes, that would be quite fitting. :P

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