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Posts posted by Nescent

  1. Aside from the prototype parts that were distributed, there were some prototype masks shown off in the Inside Bionicle designer videos. As I recall, you can see like two early versions of Tahu's mask, and a couple others.


    No way those will ever make it into the hands of the fans, though.

  2. Thanks for the comments!


    In fact, do you know where I could get my grubby little mitts on those tracks you used? [:P] I collect Bionicle-y music, and these sound incredible 01-ish. [:P]

    The music is from my Music of Okoto album, there's a link to that on my profile. :)

    • Upvote 1
    These are brief animations made using the art from each Region of Okoto.
    The first part is a 3D animation made with the Okoto map, you can read more about how I made it here.
    As for the 2D animations, I made those by tracing parts of the wallpapers in Photoshop and separating them into layers (for example, I cut out each vine from the Region of Jungle), and placing them on top of each other in Blender (open source animation software). Then it was just a matter of panning each layer separately to give the illusion of perspective.
    Some of them are a little rough (like the Region of Ice, which was the first one I made), but I hope you enjoy them!
    • Upvote 16
  4. Suicide Squad - Meh. It had some extremely cool CGI, Deadshot and Harley were okay characters, but overall I did not enjoy it and do not recommend it.


    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - Absolutely phenomenal! I watched that movie dozens of times when I was a kid, and every song in the movie made me feel a crazy amount of nostalgia. It really is a fantastic film.


    The Music Man - Another musical that I watched many, many times as a child. It was nice, and I think the flawed nature of Harold Hill didn't register with me way back when...


    The Princess Bride - One of my favorite movies, I hadn't watched it in a few years and I loved it very much. Everyone should watch it at some point.

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