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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by P~M

  1. Don't you hate it when the ones with the cool usercodes are the ones that never do anything with their accounts?

  2. Dude, what happened to all your posts?


  4. Ew, new URL system

  5. First on SNL, now playing on my school announcements? Psy is EVERYWHERE.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      About 23,000,000 results (0.19 seconds)

    3. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      About 23,000,000 results (0.19 seconds)

    4. P~M


      Okay... Whatever... Good night.

  6. Going old school.

  7. Good night, everyone.

  8. Guys, this person hasn't been seen in over 6 years! I guess you go back to being a new member when you are gone a long time.

  9. Happy birthday!

    1. Regitnui


      Much thankings.!

  10. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

    1. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      Happy valentine's day!

  11. He changed his name from "Safer" to "" a day before he was last active... My guess is the admins banned him because he didn't have a name. :P

  12. heh, frontpage spelled your name wrong

  13. P~M

    Heh, I always thought you were a new guy but you've been on longer than I have

    1. >_<


      Indeed I have. I was merely stored in stasis, waiting for the right moment to awaken and unleash the awesome.

  14. Heh, whoops. Serves me right, not checking the dates.

  15. Hello, visitor! Yes, you. You there, I'm talking to you!

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. a goose

      a goose

      Nope. I'm completely over it.

      From what I can tell, this means that I am the first BZP'er to survive bronification.

    3. P~M


      I understand what you have against it. I thought I would hate it, but I found it on ####### and it was awesome. It's not what you would imagine at all. You should get over your fear and give it a try.

    4. P~M


      Oh wow, I completely forgot about the ban, lol.

  16. P~M

    Hi, and welcome to BZPower! If you have trouble, just find me!

  17. I ᴀᴍ Tʜᴇ Iᴍᴘʀɪsᴏɴᴇᴅ.

  18. P~M

    I came here to tell you how amazing your tumblr is and then I see your BZP profile feed. Bravo.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      That explains a lot. =P

    3. P~M


      The Wisdom one... That does indeed explain a lot. XD

      What's yours?

    4. Rahkshi Guurahk
  19. I don't mean to be rude, but... why did you friend me?

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