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Nuhrii paced up and down the sidewalk, glancing around for any sign of Vakama. He should’ve been here by now. With a sigh, Nuhrii stopped pacing. Vakama had definitely asked him to be here at this precise time to tour the Kanohi shops, as they had often done ever since Nuhrii had begun training him. Lately, however, Nuhrii was becoming hesitant to agree to these trips. He advanced so quickly, the mask-maker recalled, as if he was born a veteran of the craft. Vakama was so soon able to put my work to shame… Nuhrii kicked a rock down the road. It was easy for him to tell when someone was better than him at something, but he was never happy to see this occur. Not only that, but there were very few who could best him in his life’s work, and this was the first time his student—his own student—had risen to that level. On one hand, Nuhrii wondered if this meant he was an excellent teacher. On the other, he was terribly, terribly jealous of Vakama. “Nuhrii!” Vakama came running down the street, pausing in front of his former mentor to catch his breath. “I was getting worried,” Nuhrii said. “Was there a chute leak again?” Vakama shook his head. Gasping for air, he stood up and looked at Nuhrii with a huge smile. “Nuhrii…the Turaga…he said…” Nuhrii held up his hands. “Don’t get ahead of yourself; I’ll be patient.” It took Vakama about a minute more to stop panting. When he did, he excitedly said, “Turaga Dume came to my workshop. He’s asked me to forge the Mask of Time for him!” Nuhrii went stiff. …Turaga Dume…the Turaga personally went to his workshop… Vakama cocked his head. “Nuhrii…?” He wants Vakama to make a Legendary Kanohi? The Turaga wants Vakama to create the Great Mask of Time?! “Um…well, I wanted to thank you, Nuhrii. If it hadn’t been for your teaching—“ “Shut up,” Nuhrii whispered. “What?” “Don’t patronize me!” Nuhrii shouted. “I already know you’ve surpassed me. You don’t have to rub it in my face like this!” Vakama recoiled at his outburst. “…But…Nuhrii…” Nuhrii threw his hands up. “I give up, alright? Congratulations on your great honor, Vakama. Now I know I’ll never be able to beat you.” He left, heading back for his forge. Vakama stood there, dumbfounded, wondering what he had done wrong.
Ehrye pushed open the crystalline door and strolled into the room. “Nuju, I have a delivery for you!” Not taking his eye off the telescope, Nuju said, “I have told you before, Ehrye: you must learn to knock.” “Well…do you want the delivery or not?” Nuju sighed. The scholar turned and snatched the tablet from Ehrye’s hand, noticing that its cloth covering had been unfolded. He gripped the item tightly. “You opened it.” Ehrye tried to back away slightly. “Well, I was curious. If I’m going to be a scholar someday, I need to start learning as much as I can. It’s some fascinating research you and Jaa are working on! I was wondering—“ Nuju held up his hand to silence the messenger. Very slowly, he walked over to his desk, set down the tablet, and then tapped his fingers a few times. Before long, he leaned down to open the bottom drawer and pulled out a stack of dusty tablets. He set them on the table, turned to Ehrye, and pointed to them. “Take these to Tower 19.” Ehrye’s eyes widened. “19?! You’re kidding!” Nuju said nothing. Remembering that the scholar never liked to repeat a request, Ehrye sullenly gathered the stone slabs into his bag and headed out the door. Tower 19 was far from Nuju’s tower, all the way at the border to Onu-Metru. But it wasn’t the long trip that bothered Ehrye. This particular Knowledge Tower had been designated as storage for things the scholars no longer saw any use for, with the intention being that they could be safely preserved until someone had use for them once more. However, in Ko-Metru, things with no further use for the future were considered little more than trash, and Tower 19 had become a thing of disgust. Nothing that went through its doors was ever seen again, earning its reputation as “the graveyard of ideas.” Scholars made use of it due to encouragement from Turaga Dume, but rarely travelled there themselves, leaving it a derogatory task assigned to messengers as punishment. This would be Ehrye’s tenth visit…or perhaps twelfth? He had lost count after dropping off Jaa’s disproven Spirit Star Theory. Regardless, it never became any less humiliating. When Ehrye stepped through the doors, he immediately spotted the tower’s caretaker asleep on his desk. He kicked the piece of furniture, providing enough vibration to jolt the old Matoran awake. “Huh?! Oh, Ehrye. Back so soon?” Ehrye scowled. “I have some old prediction logs from Nuju. Where do you want me to file them?” The caretaker mumbled to himself and went over some notes he had hastily chiseled down. The process took longer than Ehrye had hoped, but eventually he was directed to the far corner of the first floor, where an ancient cabinet topped with a pile of relics stood. Ehrye tried the door. It was stuck. He pulled harder to no avail, and then decided to give a violent tug. All he succeeded in doing was burying himself in a rain of debris. “Clean that up!” the caretaker shouted. “If it’s so difficult, then just leave the tablets there and I’ll put them away myself.” Ehrye dug himself out and sat up. A dizzy feeling overcame him, alerting him to the fact that his mask had been dislodged in the avalanche. Blindly grasping for it, he cut himself on the jagged edge of some glass object. Oh great. When at last he found his mask, Ehrye reattached it and sighed with relief. He took a good look at what he had cut his hand on: half of a broken globe of black glass with ancient star charts printed on it. Despite himself, Ehrye chuckled. This artifact was more infamous in Ko-Metru, for it was something else that became no less humiliating over time. Ages ago, an eccentric scholar had theorized that the world they inhabited was round and floated inside a shell imprinted with stars, which spun as the stars changed. Once the domes were discovered, that particular scholar had disappeared rather quickly. It seemed like a good place to start. Picking up the shattered globe, Ehrye stepped towards the ladder granting access to the top of the cabinet, but something made him pause. A tiny tablet could be seen inside the remains of the globe. Fishing it out, Ehrye squinted—tiny lettering had been carved into the piece of stone. Ehrye had trained himself to read small print (through reading the many detailed tablets of scholars that he had been tasked with delivering), so he was just barely able to make out the words: “In Ko-Metru, find where sky and ice are joined.” Ehrye frowned. What is this supposed to be? He absent-mindedly turned the stone over. On the side opposite the riddle, there was an image of a Kanoka with the code 429. A Great Disk. Gradually, the confusion gave way to surprised awe. Is this…a clue to finding Ko-Metru’s Great Disk?! The caretaker yawned loudly. Remembering that he was being watched, Ehrye tucked the stone into his bag and hurriedly cleaned up the mess. Once he was back on the street, he slipped into an alleyway and took another look at the small tablet. Ehrye was unsure how to proceed. If this really was a clue to the Great Disk’s location, he could easily rise to the rank of scholar—maybe even higher. But was a hint such as this really so reliable? It was likely planted by that eccentric scholar, and if he could be so wrong about one thing, perhaps he was wrong about this as well. He cast a glance back up at Tower 19. Cracks ran all along the crystal’s length, and there were places where entire chunks had been torn out. Ehrye smiled. If it’s wrong, no one will know. I’m not going to miss my chance. He ran off towards his next stop, already wondering which Knowledge Tower his office would be placed in.
Wow, it's been a long time since I've written anything. This is just a quick story I wrote for the latest FFFC. Hope you enjoy: As the Sand Rises... My name is Amahki, and I'm not like other Fa-Matoran. You see, I have a habit of getting lost. You'd think that with our internal compass, that wouldn't happen, but I manage it just fine. It's actually a subject of mockery in my little village. That's why it's so surprising when one day I just felt like I knew where to go. I was in the middle of a delivery of some protodermis to a crafter on the other side of the village when I just felt this... tugging in my gut, like I needed to be somewhere. So, I did what I hoped was logical and ran with it. What I found was an old building that looked like it hadn't been used for decades; definitely not the crafter's home. Still, the tugging remained, drawing me ever closer to the collapsing doorway, though I began to feel an ominous aura emanating from that gaping hole. Inside, barely revealed by the dim light streaking though the holes in the roof was two enormous protoglass bowls connected at the bases by a slender neck. Inside was almost a desert's worth of sand, slowly but surely spilling from the top into the bottom, and the top was nearly empty. "It's called an hourglass." The ancient voice startled me out of my scrutiny, and I dropped the protodermis I still held in my hands. "Oh, I'm sorry," I said as I slowly turned to see a wizened Fa-Turaga limping towards me. "I just felt... like I should be here." His eyes sparkled at this. "You know, this isn't any normal hourglass. Read the inscription around the base." I slowly walked up to the gargantuan stone cylinder set into the ground and saw faded lettering spelling out: As the sand rises, so shall I. As the sand falls, so shall you. "What does it mean?" "Legends passed down to me through generations speak of a dark shadow that once visited this land. It threatened to wipe out our homes, but a single Toa managed to drive it back. Instead of destroying it, he offered the darkness a choice: they could continue fighting until one collapsed and was vanquished, or to show mercy and leave the village. The shadow chose to leave, but created this hourglass to count down its return." "That must have been a brave and powerful Toa." "It was a Toa of Light that drove the shadow back." I gawked at that. "Surely it is only a legend then. No one has seen the Av-Toa for... forever, if they even exist." "Oh, they're real alright. And it is only their power that can drive the shadow back again. Yet, it is you that has been chosen at this time." "But... I can't save us," I stuttered. "You have the wrong person! I just... got lost, as I always do." "What you may call coincidence, I call Destiny. It is your Duty to your people. Only through Unity can you fulfill it." He walked over to the hourglass and leaned against its polished surface. "Over the years, the Matoran have forgotten about this place, but not I. I have watched the sand fall for centuries, waiting for it to have finished its countdown, when the shadow will return to seek its revenge. Then, we will need a hero, a new Toa to defeat the darkness forever. "The sand is nearly gone. It is time to find our hero. And it just so happens that you walked in at just this very moment." I just froze. I could tell he depended on me, not just because of this "destiny," but because I was the only one here. I looked up to meet his eyes, just catching a glimpse of the last of the sand slowly pouring into the bottom. Sparks danced along my armor as the very air wavered and became electrified. The hourglass vibrated and shattered with an earsplitting crack, spilling an ocean of sand as the dim room began to brighten. As suddenly as it began, the strange effects ended, only now a tall being stood in the midst of the spilled sand. Darkness seemed to emanate from him where light had been before. His deep red eyes seemed to radiate power and authority. It could only be a Makuta of old. It was about this time that I managed to dig my way out of the sand and began brushing myself off to see the new arrival. I froze as his gaze seemed to penetrate me. I felt something smooth and hard slip into my hand from under the sand. I only had a chance to look down and see a glimmering stone when light filled my vision and I felt... changed. My body was lengthening, I began to feel power I didn't know I had, and my mind was filled with the buzz of an activating Kanohi. I looked down to see my new form as a Toa. And not just any Toa, but a Toa of Light. "Impossible," the Makuta bellowed. "You are a Fa-Matoran!" I laughed, enjoying my newfound power. "Well, then this won't hurt a bit." As I quickly grasped the new element at my disposal, I realized how much sense this all made. I was always different, and now, they would all see. I will save my village, for a new Toa of Light had risen today.
It’s here. Somewhere. Tracking in the jungle is not my area of expertise. That particular duty falls to Lewa, naturally. I can do so to a certain extent, given my capability to sense the earth’s vibrations, but, of course, that is impossible at the moment. The Kal have robbed us of our powers, and we must now do without – we have, after all, brought this lot upon ourselves. I am perhaps the best-equipped among us to face this challenge – my mask still grants me strength beyond my belief; my weapons still carve through protosteel as though it were butter. Were it not for these factors I would not have refused even to consider the possibility of tracking the Kal alone. Given the circumstances, however, the opportunity that presented itself was simply too enticing to pass up. The Kal had passed beneath the cliff upon which I was standing, entirely unaware of my presence. And so I had followed it, awaiting an opportune moment to ambush it and slice its repulsive metal carapace in two. Of course, this lasted only until it saw fit to veer from its course and vanish into the jungle. Perhaps the wisest course of action would then have been to equip my Kakama and seek out Lewa as quickly as possible. But I did not. Another less than favorable situation brought on by carelessness. Another debacle I must make the best of. But then, discretion is the better part of valor, or so I am told. This search is fruitless, it would seem. The wisest choice at the moment would again be to alert Lewa that a Kal is hiding within his home. I raise a hand to my mask, feeling the Pakari’s smooth surface ripple into the ridged form of the Kakama. I inhale. CRUNCH I am lying on the ground, paralyzed. Or– Not paralyzed entirely, it seems. I can lift my fingers, though ever so slightly. I can twist my head to view my assailant. The sunlight glints off the silvery form of the Kal, briefly blinding me. As my vision returns, I am able to discern the black markings on its insectoid forehead, able to make out the saw-like shields that discern it as the Nuhvok Kal. Gravity. It is capable of speech, I know. But it says nothing. I make to stand, knowing even as I begin that it will be a fruitless effort. The Kal’s glowing green eyes glimmer with pleasure. My mask ripples again, its form shifting back to that of the Pakari. I call upon its power and make to stand again. I barely rise to a crouch before the Kal waves its shield. I collapse again. But collapsing is not an option. I lock eyes with the Kal and call again upon my mask, pushing myself to my knees. It raises a shield again, but I hold steady. And then I rise. I waver, but I remain upright. The Kal holds my gaze for a few seconds, contemplating, perhaps, my resilience. And then it is gone, leaving only a quivering leaf in the underbrush.
Season 1 - ReBirth P-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-E Character Sheet Lewa Mata-Evo-Furno-Surge-Rocka-ALMIGHTY Season 1 Wiki Page CFE Preview Season 2 - Fire Rising P-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-E Breez-Strakk-Pohatu Nuva Season 2 Preview Nex-Strakk-Kiina-Bruizer-Core Hunter-Nex 2.0 Character Sheet PSAs: Holiday Season Piraka Show: Happy Birthday - SLENDER Interviews: Splitface Take 2: The Toa of Ice Dear Tahu Stars, I do not take pleasure in a letter such as this one, but I fear it is necessary, regarding the current situation. Upon your arrival I had hoped that we could become allies, perhaps even friends. Unfortunately, this has turned out not to be the case. Before this civil war escalates beyond our control, I have written this as a request for peace in the hopes that you will see your errors and correct them. I will re-iterate that I have no problems giving you control of the Bionicle sets, but to do through violent means is a big “no” in my books. Send a reply with the confirmation of peace and we’ll settle this the old fashioned way with a vote. Or you can continue to be manipulated by your troops, many of whom were in jail for a REASON, Tahu Stars. Reasons I hope that, regardless of any decisions past this point, you will consider and acknowledge before replacing the sets in question back where they belong. If you do not, they could have catastrophic consequences. -Tahu Mata The AfterwordsPrologue: The Numbers Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning, No one could be sweeter than my sweetie when I meet her in the morning. Where the morning glories Twine around the door, Whispering pretty stories I long to hear once more. Strolling with my girlie where the dew is pearly early in the morning, Butterflies all flutter up and kiss each little buttercup at dawning, If I had Aladdin's lamp for only a day, I'd make a wish and here's what I'd say: Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning. “Turn that thing off already, for the name of Tohu. That song is too sad to be playing on a beautiful day such as this.” “Sorry about that. I like Trocadero.” “I don’t care who you like buddy, it’s the first day of spring – doesn’t Trocadero have anything more upbeat?” “Um... looks like we have Blood Gulch Blues on the iPod.” “Don’t you dare put that thing on, it’s almost as sad as this one. Wait, do you have the original version of this?” “Heck no, I hate jazz. I deleted every single jazz song they had on here... and that was a lot of songs. It took me almost four hours.” “Was the original version of this on there?” “Probably, considering how many songs they had. There were over three hundred.” “...I hate you sometimes.” “Somehow, I really do not care.” “Somehow, that doesn’t change the fact that I dislike you immensely.” “Somehow, that – you know what, no. I’m not getting into this catfight again.” “Suit yourself, Evo. Someday you’re gonna find that the iPod has nothing but jazz on it.” “Hey Rocka, you know what?” “What is it Evo?” “I hate you.” *-*-*-* Takanuva Stars, a primarily white set with both gray and silver armour as a secondary colour within his scheme, pointed his staff up towards the attic as he led a red set by the name of Furno through a tour of the house. “You see that trap door?” the white Toa asked. “Yes, obviously I can see it. Why are there scorch marks?” asked Furno. “That is for me to know and for you to never know or question again.” “I can tell that this is going to be an informative tour.” “I don’t get paid to do this. Excuse me if I take some liberties.” Furno rolled his eyes as they walked further down the hall, choosing to remain silent for several minutes until Takanuva Stars halted in front of a room that held a shining gold plaque. “The Bedroom...” Furno said, reading it. “It is arguably the most important room in the house.” Takanuva Stars explained. “Lewa Mata lives there, as do a majority of the sets... the good ones, at any rate. Before Lewa Mata was our leader... well, that’s not important.” “If it’s not important, why even mention it?” “Well, you see, sometimes a Toa slips up and says something he’s not supposed to. Then, when his leader discovers he said something wrong after the guy begins pestering everybody with questions, he tickles the offending slip-upper to death.” Furno opened his mouth to say something, but found that the statement was one he could not really find an appropriate response to. “That said, let’s forget this ever happened and move right along!” Takanuva Stars said, moving right along. “Alright then, I guess. The history lesson can wait until another time.” Furno said. The two slowly hopped down the stairwell, coming to a stop in front of a rather ominous looking door. In fact, it was so ominous that when Takanuva Stars told him to stay away, Furno slapped him across the face. “Of course I’m not going in there!” Furno cried out. “For goodness’ sake, I’m not a moron! Who wants to go on the other side of a door like that?! Where is that, anyway?!” Takanuva Stars glared at him and rubbed his mask. “That door opens up into the stairs that take you to the basement... not much ever happens down there, because most sets stay away from down there. Trust me. Some seriously creepy stuff has walked out of there.” “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Furno shuddered. “Seriously, you need to hire an interior decorator for this place. Scorched trap doors, ominous doors, creepy rooms, a broken time machine outside – HURK!” “What was that about a time machine?!” Takanuva Stars hissed, clutching Furno by the throat and glancing from side to side nervously. “Someone – mentioned that – it was – broken time machine.” Furno managed. “Can’t – remember who – it was.” Takanuva Stars let the Hero go, breathing in deeply and rolling his eyes. “Goodness Furno, don’t scare me like that.” He said. “Scare you like that?!” Furno yelled. “You throttled me a moment ago! Give me some warning next time!” “The point was sort of that you didn’t have any warning – you couldn’t fight back.” “...I hate you.” “Yeah well, so far I’m not too fond of you either. At least the other new sets don’t talk all the time.” “...yeah, you’d be surprised.” *-*-*-* “ then I told him ‘Furno, you need to stop being such a lazy cow and go to Lewa Mata yourself. You aren’t going to be given a tour otherwise.’ He glared at me for a few seconds, which I suppose was a little scary, but then he just left without doing anything and I got to put on Season 6 instead of Season 3.” Evo said. “Hey Evo, you care to guess something?” “What is it Rocka?” “How much, on a scale of 1-100, do you think I care about your story that I was present in the room for?” “...hmm... that’s difficult to answer. Is it 68?” “It’s lower, you dolt. It’s far lower than that.” “Alright then, just give me a second. I’m gonna try and guess... 12?” “Try about -9, Evo.” “Ouch. That was harsh, Rocka. That was harsh. I think you may have hurt my feelings.” “Good, I was aiming to do that you fatty.” “That’s always assuming I actually consider your opinion to hold any value whatsoever.” “Ooh, getting aggressive are we? I’d take that as a threat if you were actually, you know, physically capable of lumbering more than four steps at a time.” “I’m not fat, stupid! Do you have any idea how heavy this stupid tank arm is?! I have nothing on the other side to even balance it with! So excuse me!” “Suddenly taking offense? I think you do consider my opinion after all!” Evo sighed and shook his head, plopping back down on the couch to continue watching the last few scenes of Season 6. Rocka chuckled and hopped over, poking Evo in the back with his crossbow and then jumping down to the floor with a very clear air of victory about him. Evo mumbled something unintelligible under his breath, and Rocka paused. “Would you care to repeat that for my ancient, withering ears?” “I said that someday I’ll find a way to beat you in one of those arguments.” “That is extremely unlikely, considering I’ve beaten you in all 16 of them so far.” “...I’m just gonna finish my show.” “You do that. Let me know how it works out for you once you’ve hit Season 9.” “What’s that supposed to mean?!” “Well, everyone who’s seen every season agrees that Season 9 sucks.” “Nothing could be worse than Season 3.” “At least Season 3 had a plot.” “...oh dear lord, you have to be kidding me.” “You know Evo, for once, I wish I was kidding. You’ll have to suffer through it on your own this time I’m afraid.” “I think I’ll finish this later. I need a bagel right now.” “See what I mean, fatso? Your solution to every problem – go to the fridge.” “No it isn’t, stupid!” “Give me one time it wasn’t.” “Rocka, how often do you find peanut butter and bagels in the fridge?” “...I’m just gonna let that one go.” *-*-*-* “Please remind me now why we have been staring at a melting pond for fifteen minutes.” Furno requested. “This is almost as bad as watching grass growing.” “Trust me, this isn’t anywhere near there. I would know.” Takanuva Stars replied. “I’m just seeing if I can spot anything.” “Like what?” “That is none of your business, newbie.” “If it’s none of my business, why did you drag me out to look for it with you?” “...shut up with your logic. We’re going back inside.” “That’s more like it! It’s disgusting out here... yuck. So much mud everywhere.” *-*-*-* Far above in the Bedroom, a green Toa watched the two sets leave the pool to return inside. He nodded slowly, lowering his axe down. “Be careful where you step with him, Takanuva.” Lewa Mata whispered. “I’m watching you.” “Who is that you’re watching, boss?” asked Berix, a blue Agori. “Can I watch them with you? It sounds creepy and fun.” Lewa Mata sighed, the moment and tone he’d been going for ruined. “No, Berix, you can’t. They’re already gone now, and you’re too weird to boot.” To Be Continued! Next time in Chapter 1, 10% More Insults: Evo and Rocka have an important chat with Black Phantom, while Furno and Takanuva Stars partake in more antics! I'll see you all Friday! This is gonna be a fun ride!Also, request characters to be interviewed starting NOW.And... pick out your favourite quotes from the chapter. New chapters weekly starting Friday, plus special PSAs in between! -ibrow Feel free to use the banner! All the cool kids do it! =D ALSO ALSO ALSO please check out the six character promos! They'll give you some hints as to what you might see!
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