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Gallery A rogue robot inquisitor without morals or mercy. This guy was built around his head, which I tablescrapped months ago after getting a bunch of the shovel pieces. I guess you can think of him as sort of a robosaint-inspired followup to my horse a while ago. As always, enjoy the MOC!
This is a short story about my BZPRPG character, Poraku. Enjoy! The Rogue Rahi Poraku's hut had been built just outside of Po-Koro. For such a friendly person, it would seem strange that his hut would be built so far from other Po-Matoran. And, Poraku relented, it was a bit odd, but it was a precaution, in case something like the incident of the Rogue Rahi ever happened to Poraku again. What is the Rogue Rahi incident, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. ***** In the time before time...Just kidding. It's still in the time before time, but this story isn't an epic, there is no epic quest to find some Mask of Ultimate Awesomeness, and there is no Toa. This is just an even that happened in Po-Koro to a small Po-Matoran, and how the event shaped him. Poraku awoke one day to horn's blaring. That meant an emergency. Poraku wondered what the emergency was. So, against better judgement, Poraku jumped out of his bed, grabbed his special weapon, an unearthed Kanoka launcher, off the wall, and ran outside. It always takes awhile to adjust your eyes to the bright sand of Po-Koro on a sunny morning, but when Poraku's eyes finally adjusted, he saw what the emergency was. A lone Kane-Ra Rahi-beast was tearing through the village of Po-Koro. Some huts had been mowed down already, and several Po-Matoran were being run over and flung out of the way by this furious beast (luckily, the armor of a Po-Matoran is extremely dense, so no one would suffer serious injury.). Something had angered this beast, because Rahi beasts never came this close to the village. Poraku could even see this beast's pack, just southwest, about 200 yards down. But, there was no way to figure out what the problem with the Kane-Ra was immediately because at that time, the Kane-Ra pivoted, saw Poraku with it's beady eyes, and charged. The Kane-Ra rammed into Poraku's hut, instantly destroying it. Luckily, no incredibly important possessions had been in the hut, luckily. Also luckily, Poraku had jumped out of the way just before the Rahi made contact, so he was not caught in the impact at all. The Kane-Ra rifled through the rubble, looking for a morsel to consume. Poraku took the advantage. Poraku fired his Kanoka at the Kane-Ra's back. It howled in rage and turned around to face the tiny Po-Matoran. Poraku probably looked like little more than a mouthful to the beast. "Hey, ugly..." Poraku whimpered. He gulped. The beast lunged forward, almost like it was spring-loaded. Poraku jumped, and landed on it's back. "Oh, no," Poraku groaned. The creature started bucking back and forth. It was all Poraku could do to hold on. "If only a Toa were here!" he moaned. Suddenly, he had an idea. "Well, if a Toa's not here...think like one!" The plan formulated. As the Rahi bucked forward, and Poraku let go. The rest went in slow-motion. Poraku, as he flew backwards, flipped in midair, to where he was facing the Kane-Ra straight on. The beast roared. While his mouth was opened, Poraku fired his Kanoka again. The Kanoka disk flew in, struck one of the Rahi's teeth, and flew back out. The Rahi's tooth shot out like one of those Piraka's Zamor spheres. Poraku landed less than expertly, but that didn't matter, because the creature was already retreating in his pain. It headed back in the direction of it's pack. Poraku breathed a huge sigh of relief and sat down. Something didn't feel right in the southern regions. He felt under his bottom, and there was the Kane-Ra's tooth. Poraku smiled. Here was a souvenir worthy of the Toa themselves. He stood up, and all the Po-Matoran nearby cheered. He was a celebrity! Later, Akiri Hewkii awarded him with a small, golden medal for his bravery. Hewkii also privately told Poraku that one of his aides had seen Poraku in action, and how he had much potential to be a great athlete. Hewkii offered to even privately mentor the small Po-Matoran! Poraku felt so proud. During the ceremony, a Po-Matoran guard named Takoii shoved another, angry looking Po-Matoran into the middle of the ceremony. "I found the man angered the Kane-Ra," The guard said. "This man right here." He pointed at the other. "Ahkmou. A troublemaker if I ever saw one." So, Poraku thought, it was this Matoran who was responsible for the destruction of his hut and several others. He'd have a few choice words for this 'Ahkmou' later. But, Poraku already knew where he would build his next hut. And, he knew exactly what he was going to do with his medal and the Kane-Ra tooth. ***** And that is why Poraku's hut is stationed on the edge of Po-Koro. Long and drawn out, I know, but hey, it's a story. And what happened to the Kane-Ra tooth? Well, Poraku knew some of the arts of weapons crafting, as Po-Korans' usually make the most weapons out of all the six Matoran. He fasioned the tooth into a small blade, crafted a small handle, and fastened the medal into the hilt of the sword. And since then, it has been Poraku's most-prized possession. And it isn't bad for combat either. As for Poraku, Hewkii kept his word and personally mentored Poraku until he became a great Kolhii player, second only to Hewkii himself. And that Ahkmou character? Well, he became the arch-enemy of sorts to Poraku, but that's for another time, and another story. Because that is the way of the Bionicle.