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001 (I'm aware of the hard-to-see eyes in some panels and I'll eventually correct the error and prevent it in future comics.) Consider this another cut project. I'm sorry.
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Imagine if dead forums were haunted by ghosts and they had GHOST FLAME WARS about who scared more people and who was scarier. They'd do stuff like taking control of signatures long abandoned and bumping dead topics, making those topics zombies controlled by ghosts, and interfering with navigation, and other stuff like stuff!
Hi fellers! For my first topic here at BZP I wanted to bring up something interesting that I had been thinking about and thought you guys might want to hear about. Now as much as we all love Bionicle and its story, we probably all know for the most part how it has plenty of plot holes and loose ends that have never been explained. So as we all know Tahu and the rest of the Toa Mata fell into pools of energized protodermis when they defeated to Bahrag queens, thus becoming the Toa Nuva. The nature of energized protodermis is simple enough to understand, it can either destroy or transform objects and entities based on whether or not they were destined to. Here's where the problem comes up: Tahu was destined to wear to golden armor one, right? But in order to do this he had to be a Toa Mata, meaning he was never meant to become a Toa Nuva, meaning he was meant to be destroyed when he fell into the energized protodermis in the Bahrags chamber! The biggest culprit for this problem was mainly the designers wanting to put a Tahu back in the market for the last year of Bionicle wearing a Kanohi Hau; from what I can tell they wanted some memorable and nostalgic characters. The story would have been perfectly fine without turning Tahu back into a Toa Mata and in fact just complicated things with the incongruity between him and the rest if his team. Plus the golden armor was never a very fleshed out or thought through artifact; it was mainly just put there to add a nice and convenient clean up of Makutas army. So Tahu's supposed to be dead now... But I guess there are some loopholes I can think of to this that have a chance at saving the Bionicle lore from yet another sad technicality (but honestly all have something that makes them not work so they probably can't...) : 1. The definition of 'destiny' in this case. One could say that Tahu wearing to golden armor wasn't really his destiny, it was something mainly one would argue that it was something that had to be done at some point in time. Why this probably doesn't work: because it is strictly Tahu that must wear the golden armor, effectively making it his destiny and his destiny alone. Or else why couldn't it be ol' Gali or Hewkiis destiny to wear it? 2. The protodermis entity is a clown It's been sorta revealed that the protodermis entity has complete and utter control over energized protodermis (because he is the energized protodermis and the engergized protodermis is him) and chooses whether or not he wants to transform them based on his own personal interests, and can do whatever he wants to with a being or object (transform or destroy). Why this probably doesn't work: the way he talks about his substance is like he doesn't know about what it'll do himself; when he was about to wash over Helryx and Keetongu in energized protodermis, he asked them the rhetorical question of what will happen to them, "transformation or destruction?", implying that he doesn't have a full understanding or control over the substance despite his self being made from it. Plus, even if he can choose whether or not he can get the object to transform or destroy, there is nothing saying he has any control over what the object or entity will transform into (that would sorta be like saying he can control one's destiny) 3. Energized Protodermis lives on the 'wild side' This is probably the most likely candidate to disprove my theory, because one theory is that energized protodermis only acts to change things if they are destined to at the moment. For example, Tahu's physical destiny at the moment was to become a Toa Nuva along with the rest of his team but later his destiny changed so that he would have to be a Toa Mata in order to wear the Golden Armor. Why this probably doesn't work:There isn't enough canon evidence of this to support it, it brings up the question that if Tahu had been exposed to energized protodermis again later after he became a Toa Nuva if he would've been transformed back into a Toa Mata. So all in all, if you want to get super realistic like I did, Tahu is in fact suppose to be dead, but I want to know what you guys think! I would hate to have to imagine that Tahu is suppose to be dead (it would ruin the story D: ) so if you see a flaw in my logic or you think there is another exception that I missed that can show that Tahu isn't actually dead, please feel free to politely tell me! I'd love to see what you guys have to say! Thanks guys (and gals!) and I'm happy I decided to finally join this awesome site! (I'm 15 and I've wanted to join for a while but I honestly never felt like it was the time for some reason!) Keep loving Biurnicles!
sunday night: pulled an all-nighter to finish my fiction/non-fiction portfolio. 30 pages total of various fiction and non-fiction pieces. monday night: started work on my biology poster, but went to bed at an acceptable time because i knew that... tuesday night: pulled another all-nighter to finish my biology poster and also write my philosphy term paper. wednesday night: stayed up till 3AM on my final biology lab report. thursday night: went to bed at an acceptable time. slept 12 hours. final casualty count: approx 24 hours of sleep lost. whew. it's been a good semester hup hup tune in next week for the legend of the exams
Does anyone think there is a BIONICLE afterlife? Like a place BIONICLE characters go when they die?For example, a Toa and a Makuta die in battle. The Toa goes to some kinda heaven or another awesome place where he/she can roam free without trouble brewing. The Makuta goes to a place of suffering. Do you think that happens? Discuss it here.-Sybre
Mafia III: the Cult It was dark and stormy night in- ugh, cliché. Whatever- let us continue.The Detective was sitting at his desk in the brand new jail that had been built- he hoped to abolish the tradition of lynching every single person thought to be guilty of crime, and instead cram these people into one of three cells. This night he was going over several notes and pieces of evidence linking a series of arson crimes to each other, the latest being his own house.Thunder boomed outside the window, and a flash of lightning illuminated the entire room like day for a split second. The Detective ignored this as he muttered to himself, shuffling papers around and frantically scribbling down more notes. This continued undisturbed for several minutes, until the sound of thunder was accompanied by the door to the jail being slammed open. The Detective leapt from his chair, shotgun in one hand and a wrench in the other.“Who goes there?!” he shouted.“’tis I, my friend.” The Medic responded in kind, stumbling in, dragging something behind him out of the rain. “I am in need of my medical license being returned to me.”The Detective was stopped from mentioning how the Medic had turned his last patient insane when the Medic pulled a body from behind him with a grunt. Soaked by the ran (quite like the Medic) and also muddy, the Detective was barely able to recognize the face as their mayor, iBrow.“What’ve you done to him?!” the Detective cried, loading his shotgun and firing at the Medic.The Medic, who had been expecting this, was already across the room, removing the Detective’s weapons from him.“It vas not I, Detective.” The Medic hissed. “Zere vas zis symbol on ze vall beside him. Also on ze floor. Actually, it vas all over ‘is ‘ouse. Kind of disturbing if you vere to ask me.”“What symbol?” the Detective asked hoarsely.The Medic pulled out a sheet of wallpaper that he had obviously taken from iBrow’s home. The Detective backed away, groaning.“I know that symbol.” He said. “The Cult of Hapori Dume was once here, long ago. That was their symbol.”“Zey ‘ave come back.” The Medic responded. “Zey ‘ave struck.”“But to kill him?”The Medic shrugged. “iBrow vould alvays push too far into enemy territory. ‘E did ze same zing ‘ere.”The Detective rubbed his brow, staring at the mayor’s mud caked body.“Alright. Alert the village.” He ordered. “We have a Pyro and the Cult on the loose.”“Absolutely.” The Medic agreed, producing a syringe. “Now, if you vould zust ‘old still....”“What are you doing? Stop! I command you to... stop....”The Detective collapsed to the floor, unconscious. The Medic shook his head.“My apologies.” He said, dipping his head. “But I cannot risk it. Vith ze Cult out zere, ‘oo knows ‘oo could be a part of it? Zat solution vill make you forget everyzing zat ‘as been said ‘ere tonight. So long Detective.”The Cult of Hapori Dume has resurfaced, and a Pyro remains out there, burning down homes and killing villagers night after night. Can you stop them?The Rules1. Have fun.2. Lying about your role (or revealing it) in any fashion is acceptable.3. 2 Days will be given after each scene to vote on who should be hung. Roles will have 2 days to pm for each scene.4.Games & Trivia Rules Apply.The RolesThe Pro-Town – These players show up as “Pro-Town” in investigations.Villager x 15 – The majority of the players must try to discover who leads the Cult, who the original Cultists are, and who the Pyro is. They must then lynch these players in order to win. Any of the villagers can be turned into new Cultists.Suicidal Villager x 1 – Like an ordinary Villager; however, if this player is targeted by the Cult, both the player and the Cultist targeting him die instead of the player joining the Cult. This player is not told that they are suicidal.Detective x 1 – Each round the Detective is allowed to investigate one player to discover if they are Pro-Town or Anti-Town. Once players go missing, the Detective can try to find them in one of six locations. If he succeeds, that player is saved. If the Detective is targeted by the Cult, he becomes an ordinary Cultist.Medic x 1 – Each round the Medic chooses one player to protect. The protected player is then protected from the influence of the Cult for the duration of the round. The Medic cannot be converted into a Cultist; however, the Medic cannot protect against the Pyro.The Anti-Town – These players show up as “Anti-Town” in investigations. The Cult of Hapori Dume – The Cult wins if they manage to expand until more than half of the players still alive are members of the Cult. Cult Leader x 1 – This player leads the Cult, and manages the votes on which player to try and convert into a Cultist each round, and which of the Cultists will do so. If killed within the first two rounds, he may select a replacement from the original Cultists. If hung, he may select one player to be converted into a Cultist (unless he tries to convert the Medic).Cultists x 2 – The original two Cultists, and the only two Cult members besides the Cult Leader whose identities are not known to the Pro-Town roles; if the Cult Leader dies within the first two rounds, one of these two players will be chosen to replace him. The number of Cultists throughout the game can increase until the Cult Leader is killed.Other Anti-Town Roles Pyro x 1 – Every two rounds, the Pyro is allowed to target two players, one of whom will be killed. If one of the two targeted players is also targeted by another role (such as the Medic or a Cultist), both the targeted and the other player targeting them are killed. The Pyro wins if they are the last player remaining when the game ends. The Six Locations the Detective Can Search[*]The Jail[*]The Bakery[*]The Forest[*]The Town Hall[*]The Payload[*]The Video Game StoreThe Players1. MoC1: BZPower Paladin - Villager; Killed Round 22. Legolover-3613. Noble Knight Biobeast4. Fullbringer Blade5. Kohrak-Kal 17 - Cultist; Lynched Round 36. Portalfig - Villager; Lynched Round 17. Ultimate Game8. Elemental Ussal - Cultist; Lynched Round 59. Lhikevikk Returns! - Cultist; Lynched Round 210. Clone Commander Cody11. Impulse - Cultist; Lynched Round 412. Squishypony13. Toa of Dancing - Pyro/Cultist; Lynched Round 614. Ddude the Insane - Cultist; Killed Round 415. ironman19716. Mt. Ihu17. Toa Onarax - Villager; Lynched Round 118. The Dark Chronicler19. Toarobot1820. Jl1223 X21. Icystar22. The Wretched AutomatonSo here it is. I don't think anyone's done a Mafia game like this on BZP before, so I hope you enjoy it!-ibrow
A recumbent effigy-styled tomb. 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 I'm not really sure where fusion builds go, but considering this one's about 85% System, I'll pop it in here. This was an attempt to recreate a Medieval-styled recumbent effigy, a type of tomb that was common back in those days. This was also supposed to be a monochromatic MOC, which I suppose it still is, if you count both the old and the new dark grays as the same color...
So, after reading DLC containing pretty much all of the first Left 4 Dead is coming out for the second one soon, I was thinking of picking up a copy of Left 4 Dead 2 for halloween. Can I get some first-hand opinions?
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