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Credit for the banner goes to Toa Onaku, who helped out overworked me. Characters: You are allowed three kinds of characters: Heroes – Heroes are the force of good in Makuhero city and across the galaxy. They have powers and weapons, and can get to any planet they wish via Hero Pod or Dropship. Hero Profile: Name: [Hero name here] Powers and Abilities: Please stick to one/two main powers and one/two minor abilities. Keep it simple. For example, your character might be able to fly and shoot fire from his hands (main powers) and was specially designed for speed and endurance (minor abilities). Weapon(s): The weapon or weapons of choice for your Hero. Please be reasonable. A bunch of small throwing knives or dual swords is good. Two machine guns or warhammers is bad – stick to one per character, please. Appearance: A MoC, picture, or a written description will do. Bio: Who is your character? What is their personal history and background? What are they like to be around? Do they have any hobbies or interests outside of crime fighting? ------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: All hero characters, unless specifically noted IC, have a feed from their optical sensors to Mission Control. This allows Zib to provide guidance and direction to Hero Characters, track their locations, and contact Zib and Mission Control for help. Characters can scramble these signals IC if they wish Mission Control not be apprised of a certain event, or if they want to go rogue or off the grid. ------------------------------------------------------------ Villains and Monsters – Wanted criminals for everything from theft to violence to just plain being a threat. Villains have powers and weapons – how mobile they are is up them and their wiles. Villain Profile: Name: [Villain name here] Powers, Abilities, & Weapons: The powers, abilities, and weapons that your villain employs. Your villain may have many weapons but no powers, or many powers but no weapons, or a mix of both. Please specify what powers your villain has and what weapons they have to start, if any. Appearance: A MoC, picture, or a written description will do. Bio: Who is your character? What is their personal history and background? What are they like to be around? Do they have any hobbies or interests outside of crime and nefarious schemes? Why does your villain dislike Hero Factory and/or he or she in the business of villainy? Location: Where is your villain when the story starts? Civilians – Civilians have no powers, but sometimes they have the best weapon of all – information. Mission control has access to Hero Factory’s extensive database, call center operators are the front lines on knowing what’s up, and the media has the power to influence thousands. But that’s not all you can be. Civilians are limited to one per player – we want to focus on the Heroes – but I’m opening it up to add interactions and flavor to the world(s). Civilian Profile: Name: [Name of Civilian here] Job/Location: Where is your civilian? What is their job? If you’re a call center operator, you live in Makuhero city, if you’re a prison guard, you may be on another asteroid. Bio: History and personality of your civilian. No GModding the information powers. You do not get to magically know everything if you are in Mission Control. A good yardstick: If it’s in one of the TV shows or the books previous to the mission, HF probably has it in the database. You are allowed to bring in characters from previous versions of this RPG if you like, but their interactions will not carry over. Alluding to them in your character bio is allowed. You may create as many hero or villain characters as you like. Please do not post like ten characters in one post when there are only like 5 characters created by everyone else in sum total. That’s just absurd. ALL CHARACTER PROFILES MUST BE APPROVED BY ME BEFORE POSTING IC. I WILL ENDEAVOUR TO DO THIS AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. IF YOU FEEL THAT I MIGHT HAVE MISSED ONE, PLEASE REPOST OR PM ME. Canon characters are NPCs in this game. You are allowed to play as them to support your actions. However: 1. If a canon character is an integral part of a mission (their names are in the mission briefing at the top) they are under the control of the GM for the duration of the mission. You cannot play as them in this case. 2. All players, including the GM, may play as said NPC. Their actions cannot cancel each other in an unrealistic way. In the event of a conflict, the first player’s post will stand unless I indicate otherwise. 3.All NPC interactions must be in character for that NPC. Having Stormer suddenly start break dancing is not allowed. Surge, on the other hand… 4.Be realistic in all NPC interactions. 5.You are required to have at least one original character to join this RPG. You can’t randomly walk in here and start controlling NPCs. 6.No non-canon NPCs are permitted. If you want a new character, post a new profile for them. (general guideline) GM CHARACTER KEY: Locked NPCs: These characters' headers will be posted in red. These are canon characters only I can post as for the duration of the mission - standard players cannot post as these. If you need a response from a locked NPC, please wait for the 5 minutes it takes for me to type a reply. Unlocked NPCs: These character's headers will be posted in green. These are characters that all players with active characters can post as. If you're waiting for a response from an unlocked NPC, you can just post as them to decide what they would do. Or someone else can post as them. Or whatever. Player Characters: These characters' headers will be posted in black. These are my characters, including the secret gamemaster mysterious ones. If I need to dictate another player's character's discoveries or something like that, this will also appear in black. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Handy Profile Reference Blog Entry: HF RPG Profiles (defunct ATM) APPROVED PROFILE LIST: (H = Hero, V= Villain, CV = Civillian) GM fishers64's profiles: Traferous Diafianous (V - DEAD), Fravi (V - IN JAIL), Adam West (V - DEAD), Tracia Tartonles (CV), 78 East (V - IN JAIL), Dan Barker (CV), Jarrious and Rwer (The Brain Master) (V), Graven Dfer (V) Approved Profiles: Arnold Scharzenegger - Flare (H), Rock Raider (V), Jack Plasmid(V), Samantha Electro(H) Dina Sauyama - T. Pecs (V)Durahk: The Skull King - Mr. D (CV)Fallen Cor - Erik Jet (H), Darren Wolfe(H), Henry Flint (H), Helena Corona (CV), Dr. Xaal (V)Ghidora - Ghid Squidulus (H)Jayne Cobb - Dane Hellsend(H), Agent Epsilon (V), Blake Crosshair (H)Jiming - Reyna Pherae (H)Lugh - Coquelicot(V)Lucina - Matteo Focus (H)masterchirox580 - Kavok Quake (V)Makuta Luroka - Breaker (V)Nato Greavesy - Crowley(V), Mr. Vyle (V), Saracen Rune(H), Silva Raine(CV), Marcus Vex(H), Anamnesis (V), The Creator (V), Sir Reginald Buckley (H)OLISI - Agent Theta (H)Petewa - Smitty Slink (H)Pumpress Sumira (aka Shadow_Ignited) - Nevra Joyū (H)PyroLizard Prime - Arsenal (V), Jason Ferro (H), Scourge (V), Wilhelm Gorn (H) The Other Other Alex (aka Scorp) - Aza and Ezec (both V), John Striker (H), Kathrine Scarlet(H), Kaiba Blader (V), Jade Riley(CV), Max Vale (V)QuirkyTurtle - Amalagation (V)Rylinth Anderfel - Alex Drift (H), Echo (H), Cobra Shard (H), Marrow (V), Gabriel Bliss (H)Shard the Gemknight Toa - Azure Striker (H), Gadget Thompson (H), Ryker Bullet (H), Xiphias Billade (H) Some Random Phrase - Extrax(V), Marcel Bolt (H), Parcival Overflow (H)Smudge8 - Fred Stinger(H)Toa Onaku - Daxer Phyrus (H - dead), Jimmy Abacus (H), Nimius Ardor(H), Titanos Forticus (H), Delta (V), Captor (H), Franklin V. Stone (CV), Var Vicious (V), Lilith Specter - "The Wraith" (H), Necrissa (V), Andrea Plume (H)Timeimageness - Leighla Artemis (CV), Riot (H), Epix (H)Unit#phntk#1 - Jonathan Splint (H) Vicarath - Robert Shade (H)Vestak - Night Stalker (V)ZippyWharrgarbl - Eloise Thumper (H), Wilbur Flood (H), Mara Quiver (H), Dorothy Quark (H), Ken Render (H), Mona Selphi (CV), Orukam Amayika (V) Ship Profiles: Mission #3 update SHIPS --> SHIP RULES 1. All approved characters, whether Heroes, Villains, or Civilians, are allowed to own their ships to battle against the Brain Master. 2. Ships may be posted along with the characters that pilot them to battle, but they will not be approved if their drivers aren't approved. 3. Large Ships require three approved characters and two players playing them to be a thing. 4. No ship G-Modding 5. You are not required to own your own ship for this mission. You may choose to hitch a ride with another approved ship, use a standard dropship, or battle the Brain Master's forces and other villains on the ground. 6. See below. SHIP PROFILE: [Name of the Ship Here] Ship Size: You may specify Small (the size of a Hero Dropship, suitable for 1-5 passengers, small weaponry like guns and lasers), Medium (up to 10 passengers, can have a few large weapons such as a cannon or space for hauling cargo or torturing prisoners), Large (think the size of Traferous' ship). You may also specify the size of your ship in more specific detail if you want something in-between. Pilots (these are PCs onboard): Who is onboard? You may have more than one character aboard your ship. For any vehicle larger than Medium size, you must have at least three PCs on board to start controlled by no fewer than two players. This is to prevent G-Modding. (there will be no penalty if a character leaves the ship IC later) NPCs onboard (if applicable): Small vessels are not allowed to have civilian NPCs, medium vessels are allowed one or two. Large vessels can have up to 50. Please specify what they do - do they operate the weapons? the engines? Villains aligned with the Brain Master may have brains aboard ship as NPCs. IMPORTANT: Hero NPCs and Mission Control characters (Zib and Quadal) cannot be claimed for a ship here. If they join your vessel, your character will have to ask them IC, and they may turn you down. Communications Systems: Who can your vessel communicate with? Hero Factory? The Galactic Conspiracy? Traferous? The Brain Master? Nobody? Somebody else? Everybody? Navigation and Drive: For Heroes, this section may be brief. What sort of navigation information is available to the pilot? Are their 360 degree cameras? Extensive star maps? How is the ship piloted? Like a standard Hero Dropship? Multiple battle stations? Any special considerations should be listed here. Weapons Systems/Armor: What weapons does the ship have? Does it have thick armor plating, cloaking devices, or energy shields? Indestructible vessels will not be tolerated. Propulsion Systems: How fast and agile is this vessel, and how does it move? You don't need to go into oodles of detail, but please keep in mind the laws of physics - a heavily armored vessel is not going to be agile. Also, to be clear, propulsion is related to acceleration in space, not speed, considering the lack of friction in space. Land vs. Dock (Atmospheric): Can your ship land on a planet or asteroid safely? For most small and medium-size vessels, the answer will be an obvious yes. Large vessels is an open question. GM NPC PROFILE TAPE: I was asked after some confusion about NPC capabilities during the first mission to write this up. So here we go! tape Name: Mr. Makuro Job/Location: Mr. Makuro is Hero Factory's founder and main inventor of new technology. Bio: Mr. Makuro is a gentle, soft-spoken inventor with an air of charisma and dignity, especially when explaining his newest inventions to eager crowds. However, Mr. Makuro actually believes that new inventions and innovations are the answer to just about every problem and puts too much trust in them for his own safety. He also doesn't deal in politics very well, despite his charismatic polish, and frankly is more at home in his inventor's lab. * * * Name: Zib Job/Location: Zib is the overly-stressed out leader of Mission Control, responsible for keeping Heroes informed and on their way to their next battle. Bio: Zib has been in Mission Control for as long as anyone can remember - at least, from the day that Mr. Makuro decided that he wanted to focus on inventing new Heroes instead of directing missions. While Zib does have a whole group of other Mission Chiefs to assist him, for some reason he is often the one that other heroes refer to. Name: Zib Job/Location: Zib is the overly-stressed out leader of Mission Control, responsible for keeping Heroes informed and on their way to their next battle. Bio: Zib has been in Mission Control for as long as anyone can remember - at least, from the day that Mr. Makuro decided that he wanted to focus on inventing new Heroes instead of directing missions. While Zib does have a whole group of other Mission Chiefs to assist him, for some reason he is often the one that other heroes refer to. * * * Name: Jawblade Powers, Abilities, & Weapons: Jawblade has two blasters that he can use to blast fire, and nasty jaws. He is also capable of swimming really fast and limited on land movement, using a levitation power. (That's the only way the Breakout scene where he's punching Stormer makes any sense.) Appearance: Yarr. Bio: Jawblade has been in and out of Hero Factory containment. His original crime was trying to get into the power conduit to Hero Factory underwater to disable it (see book Legion of Darkness). He also escaped in the Villain Breakout and used Oxidium against the Alpha Team member Stormer. He also enjoys swimming. Location: Hero Factory Villain Storage, maximum security. His Blade weapons have been taken from him. * * * Name: Black Phantom Powers, Abilities, & Weapons: Black Phantom is a strong and muscular robot with a very large power reserve, something he has used to his advantage. He also has a combination blade/mace weapon and his collection of Aracknix drones, which can divide and combine with each other, fire energy blasts, and create fields of energy. Appearance: Yarr. Bio: Black Phantom was once the leader of the Legion of Darkness, a villainous organization that nearly destroyed the younger Hero Factory, and orchestrated the villain breakout. He is cunning, ruthless, and sadistic. On the extremely rare occasions when he is not plotting, he has played chess against computers and violent video games. He doesn't like the company of others, and when things aren't going well he is known to simply disappear. Location: Hero Factory Villain Storage, maximum security. His drones and the maceblade have been taken from him. The drones have been released back onto the planet where they are from, making it unlikely for him to get them back. * * * Name: Corroder Powers, Abilities, & Weapons: Corroder has the ability to create, control, and absorb acid. He's also a fan of gas bombs, which give off a nasty odor and can corrode stuff. Hence the name. He also has used a pair of claws to focus his acidic powers, and a shoulder blaster. Appearance: Yarr. Bio: Corroder once attacked a prison asteroid and was imprisoned along with Von Nebula. He escaped in the Breakout and was recaptured. Corroder has a reputation for acting arrogant and dim-witted, which is plenty dangerous given his power set. Location: Hero Factory Villain Storage, maximum security. His claws have been taken from him, and his cell is made of reinforced concrete in addition to laser bars all around him. * * * Name: Merrick Fortis Powers and Abilities: Merrick Fortis has powers similar to the Kanohi Volitak and strength capable of throwing Bulk across the room. He has telescoping, x-ray, and infrared vision. Weapon(s): Merrick carries a single grappling hook weapon. Appearance: So sloppy. Bio: Fortis is the leader of the Hero Recon team. He paid a visit to Quatros to spy on Witch Doctor and appointed Rocka to watch Villain Storage during the Breakout. He's also kept track of Vex's and Striker's recent adventures on Tranquis and Streptos, but left the actions to Zib. He also knows all of Hero Factory's systems better than even Zib, and installed a few of his own. (One of which flips the Hero Testing Area upside down.) * * * Name: Queen Beast Powers, Abilities, & Weapons: Queen Beast has the ability to create, control, and absorb acid. She also makes coccoons capable of imprisoning a Hero, Civilian, or even a villain in a state of stasis, unable to wake up until someone opens or destroys the coccoon. She wields a sharp-bladed staff, and has enough strength to knock over a Hero with one swipe. Appearance: Queen Beast is blue and orange in color, and has six limbs - four legs and two arms. Bio: Queen Beast is normally a benevolent and caring creature, living peacefully under Antopolis and caring for the evolution of new beast-like creatures. The evil brain controlling her, however, is filling her head with the idea that the inhabitants above at threats to be destroyed. She is resisting with a fair degree of success, but the other beasts aren't so lucky. Location: Below Antropolis. * * * Name: Julius Nex Powers and Abilities: Julius Nex is the poster boy for Hero relations, spending time on social media with the civilian population regularly. He carries a triage kit capable of healing, reviving, or modifying any hero in the field. Weapon(s): Plasma blaster, laser cutter, and Breakout-style Hero Cuffs. Appearance: This set looks ugly. Bio: As part of his programming for Hero relations, Nex is witty, charming, and a shameless flirt. He's been on a whole bunch of missions by now, revealing that he also is ambitious and goal oriented. When he's not checking Herofeed or Herobook, he can be found enjoying a game of roboball with Furno. ------------------------------------------------------ Mechna Mechna is particularly famous for three things: factory tours, mechanized theme park rides of various kinds, and manufacturing of various kinds of technology. Huge disparities exist from rich villain apartments filled with slaves to slum districts where low-level villains scrape by on petty crime to hotels to factories. The one thing that it all has in common is the slick metal plating, the robotic arms, and the incredible amount of other industrial equipment. 1. The Grunge District - Most classy villains would stay out of here. Everyone on the street will rob you blind or kill you to rob you blind. The area is famous for the excess of shady bars and female pleasurebots like what Fravi once was. This place is in terrible repair - the oldest section on Mechna, this place is filled with broken down technology that no longer works. Many bots scrape by repairing or disassembling these machines and selling them in the other districts or even off planet - for the highest price they can get the suckers to pay. 2. The Middle District - Many villains live on the lap of luxury here. Although this area actually isn't preferred by most rich - they usually prefer lush and green planets to the dingy smog of Mechna, the constant thrum of machine noise, and the threat of theft. Instead, this area is composed of apartments that middle-class villains live in with their modest slave holdings, and some that are rented to high-class villains in timeshares for when they have to be on the planet to conduct business. These two districts abutt and blend together and aren't distinguished by those names IC; the OOC distinction is just to show the difference. The Middle District is North of the Grunge district. 3. The Government Hall - This old yellow building - it used to be white - houses the council that runs Mechna's government. Rumors have been circulating that the Galactic Conspiracy has significant inroads here. 4. The Slave Market - These are underground in the Grunge District and the Middle District. Many villains in the Middle district will venture into the Grunge District for lower prices on slaves. 5. Factory Area/Slave Living Quarters - On the opposite side of the planet from the Tourist District, the Factory Area abutts the Middle/Grunge area. Conditions in this area make the Grunge district look like a nonstop party. Slaves are kept in cells with barred windows and are rarely allowed to venture out. Slaves are run on murderous four-hour rotations and punished mercilessly for any mistakes. Many dream of being a house slave in the Middle District as a better destiny. 6. Tourist District - On the opposite side of the Government hall from Middle/Grunge and the Factories is the Tourist district, filled with theme park rides like rollercoasters and ferris wheels. There are also five "clean factories" that the government uses for tours - ticket prices are the only thing making these operations profitable. GALACTIC MAP (WIP): Rules: 1. All BZPower and Lego RPG rules apply. No GModding, bunnying without permission, autohitting, or other RPG ills. Tennising is OK for the most part – with our small player base, two characters or players interacting with each other is fine. However, if a third character or player enters the situation, please acknowledge their interaction as well – that’s just common courtesy. 2. Heroes cannot perform Nova Blasts. 3. Powers involving food – i.e. donuts, cake, pie, ice cream, or other similar edibles are not allowed. 4. Unless indicated otherwise, I am the gamemaster of yonder RPG. If you have a problem with one of my decisions, please take it to a PM to avoid disrupting the interaction. Unless I indicate otherwise, all decisions are final. 5. Please use IC and OOC for your posts. 6. Please respect all decisions made by your fellow members in their choices of interaction. Unless it falls under rule #1, taking issue is a waste of space. If you must, take it to a PM. 7. Please respect all decisions made/warnings made by the Lego RPG staff. RPG Staff/Gamemaster: fishers64 Missions: Periodically, I will be bringing you, the players, assignments from Mission Control. If you are a Hero, you may choose to join the Mission, and if you complete the mission you will receive a reward. If you are a villain, you may feel free to oppose the mission in any way that you see fit, and if you successfully oppose the mission you will receive a reward. Unlike in the typical Hero Factory storyline, villains do have a chance of achieving your objectives. Play your cards well, and you may be the future crime master of the galaxy. You are not required to join or oppose a mission – you may choose to do your own thing. You may also allow your own thing to intersect with the mission at hand if the story allows. Current Missions: Mission #4: In the Mirror Canon NPCs involved: Mr. Makuro, Black Phantom, Von Nebula, XT4 The Valos system is a tortured place to be. Unlike the Streptos system, the Tranquis system, or the Makuro Belt, the star of the system is surrounded by an oddly crackling force ring, which seems to be responsible for the nasty changes that the inhabitants have to endure. Legend has it that several planets have passed through the star itself, only to reappear later - which would explain the planet that just appeared two years before. It is in this system that the planet Mechna can be found, home to robotic slavery, trafficking of said slaves, and sweatshop factories that make Makuhero City's factory district look like paradise. Crime runs rampant among the city streets - but the truth is, no civilianslive on Mechna. Everyone on the street is a villain - just some more nefarious than others. And all of the villains keep their slaves - civilian or not - locked up. Except for the public government of Mechna, who sweeps all of that under the rug and presents the gleaming metal hallways and robotic arms as a tourist attraction. None of the government sponsored tours reveal what that planet is really all about - selling goods for the highest profit imaginable. The latest sponsored tour, however, has included something that no other tour has dared to include - a sweet portal into the unknown. Except that no one has come back from the portal yet, has grown so big that another planet nearby has called in to say that Hero Factory might be interested in investigating before the entire planet of Mechna...and maybe the entire Valos sucked in. Hmm. Seems like a villainous plot if there ever was one. Or like...5? Hero Objectives: 1. Investigate the person who called in about the portal. 2. Go to Mechna and investigate the portal itself. 3. Investigate the planet of Mechna itself. 4. SECRET OBJECTIVE (this has to do with the portal) 5. SECRET OBJECTIVE (this has to do with Mechna, and some old friends) Villain Objectives: 1. If possible, destroy the Astral. 2. Conceal the true nature of Mechna, and the portal. 3. SECRET OBJECTIVE (again, having to do with the portal) 4. SECRET OBJECTIVE (this one is for the old friends) 5. Help Traferous fix his ship and get out of Makuhero City (this is more local). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHARACTER PROFILE POSTING NOW OPEN! I will make every effort to approve or return profiles as quickly as possible. Character profiles must be posted IN THIS TOPIC. PLEASE SPECIFY WHETHER THE PROFILE IS FOR A HERO, VILLAIN, OR CIVILLIAN IN THE PROFILE UPFRONT. MAKES MY LIFE EASIER. THANKS.
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Years ago, humanity created a great achievement – Artificial Intelligence. This creation allowed for better working conditions, for the prototype robots at Sentai mountain with this new AI took jobs in places too dangerous for ordinary workers. Peace was enjoyed throughout Sentai Mountain, and they coexisted in a prosperous harmony with the robots. But that was not to last. A new variant of Robot was created. Meca One. Meca One rebelled against his pacifistic programming, and rallied the other robots to his cause. The enslavement of humanity. War broke out when the robots, armed with guns and mining machines, attacked the settlements of their progenitors. The war was quick, and soon the robot rebellion was quelled. But at what cost? The mountain was literally ripped in half by the weapons of war. To prevent another war, the humans threw all the robots down the gorge in-between the mountain. But they survived. The robots now had an unrelenting rage for their creators, and in their exile they created and upgraded their war machines for the next war. Meanwhile, bridges were constructed between the two halves, connecting the mountain once more. Then the Robots struck. And they blitzed up the southern half, pillaging any towns on their way, until the southern area was secured. But by the time they were crossing the bridges to the northern side, they humans were prepared. A wise old sensei recruited the young men and women of Sentai Mountain and armed them with powerful battle machines. The humans now had a force to reckon with. The Battle for Sentai mountain rages on, but who will win? That is for you to decide. Humanity is at war. Robots have ascended from the gorge and now occupy the southern half of the island, erecting factories to create their machine of war. Humanity has resisted the spread of the robots, but the fight is only beginning. You can create your character as either a human or a robot, and duke it out with your enemies. Battle machines are being produced in multitude by both races, all to defend their land and conquer their opponents. It is your actions that will lead your faction to its destiny. Good Luck! Locations: There are many varied locations on the split Sentai Mountain, even now, not all of them completely mapped. Here are some important areas that are crucial to the battles between the Humans and Robots. Northern Half Also known as the “Human side” of the Sentai Mountain, the northern half is mainly dominated by forested peaks and terraced farmland. Various human settlements dot the vertical landscape, some complete marvels of engineering as they jut straight out from sheer cliffs or hang across bottomless canyons. Most of the human population lives here, protected from the invading forces of the robots. On this half of the mountain lies the Sentai Fortess, the head quarters of the human's EXO-FORCE team. Here, pilots can train, upgrade their battle machines, and prepare themselves for battle against the robots. The Sentai Fortess is the human's first line of defense for their population. Southern Half The “Robot side” of the mountain is almost completely dominated by their massive black fortress, which spans almost the entire length of the southern side of the mountain. What trees and villages had resided on that side of the mountain have all been burned away to make room for the gigantic industrial factories and mines that litter the side of the split mountain. The Bridges The only physical link between the North and South portions of the mountain, and the closest thing to “neutral ground” as any, the bridges are highly contested and often the most heavily fought over places. Both sides have set up various gates and turrets to defend their sides of the mountain. Most battles will take place on these bridges. The largest of which is the Tenchi Bridge, with one ends leading to the human's Sentai Fortess, and the other to one of the largest gates to the robot's own monolithic fortess. Battle Machines: Battle Machines (or mechs, as they are also referred to) are the main fighting platforms used by both the humans and robots. All are equipped with armor, weapons, and advanced systems geared for combat against other Battle Machines. While there is variation between each Battle Machine, they can generally be classified into one of three types: Soldier-class Battle Machines are the main fighting units used by both factions. They are the smallest of the three classes, and aren't as heavily armored as a tank, but are more durable than the flight class. Their smaller size makes them fast and maneuverable, still a force to be reckoned with. They have all-around capabilities, and are very good at adapting to different combat situations. Some even have the ability to fly, while others can repair other battle machines during combat. UplinkGate DefenderWhite LightningSentrySentry II Tank-class Battle Machines are just what their name implies: tanks. They aren't the fastest mechs on the battle field, but can take as much damage as they dish out. The largest of the three classes, these mechs are nearly unstoppable, wading into crowds of enemy mechs and leaving piles of twisted scrap in their wake. However, that heavy armor comes at a price. None of these have the ability to fly, and are slowest Battle Machines on the field. Grand TitanSupernovaThunder FuryVenom Flight-class Battle Machines are the fastest things in the air. They forgo the heavier armor of Tanks and Soldiers for sheer speed and maneuverability. All have the ability to fly, and frequently do so during combat. They are perfect for hit-and-run tactics, zooming into combat and decimating enemies with heavy weapons, before making a jet-assisted getaway before the enemy has a chance to react. Stealth HunterSilent StrikeFire VultureHuman Stealth Hunter Fast flying battle machine, mainly used for recon and ambush attacks. Has no additional armor, but makes up for this with build-in stealth technology. While going full stealth drains power, it is completely invisible to enemy battle machines. Silent Strike Standard human flying battle machine, light armor provides moderate protection. Generally used for standard aerial attacks on robot battle machines. It is more durable than the Stealth Hunter, but is slightly slower as a result. Grand Titan Heavily armored human battle machine, and easily the most heavily armored of all battle machines in use, the Grand Titan is nearly indestructible. Though it pays the price with a complete lack of maneuverability, to the point where more agile battle machine would be running in circles around it. Supernova The Supernova is a standard ground battle machine. It has moderate armor, allowing it to take a beating while still retain some form of mobility on the battlefield. Back-mounted solar panels allow it to collect extra power for super-charged shots from it's weapons. Uplink These small battle machines take the role of "medic", able to quickly get to damaged battle machines and repair them. Medium armor provides protection, while each has access to various tools and equipment to keep battle machines running. Gate Defender Like its name suggests, the Gate Defender is built for defense of locations. With the ability to fly, this battle machine can pepper attackers with laser rounds, before retreating behind cover. It is slightly more armored than the Silent Strike, allowing this smaller battle machine to survive a surprising amount of damage. White Lightning While lacking the armor of the Gate Defender, the flying battle machine White Lightning provides almost unmatched air speed capabilities. This makes it great for scouting, as well as hit-and-run tactics. It's the fastest thing in the air. Robots Fire Vulture A very tough flying robot battle machine, Fire Vultures have a single massive turbo fan to keep themselves in the air. Although not as fast in the air as human battle machines such as the Stealth Hunter, it's extreme agility makes it more than a match in aerial battles. It has slightly more armor than the human's Silent Strike, further giving it an edge in combat. Thunder Fury A walking colossus of thick tanetium armor and heavy weapons, the robot's Thunder Fury battle machine is only bested by the human's own Grand Titan in terms of sheer survivability. However, the cockpit-mounted light gatling laser cannon that all Thunder Furies come equipped with more than makes up for it's slightly less durable armor. Venom A battle machine that makes use of the Thunder Fury's durable frame, the Venom is an extremely heavily armed battle machine that sacrifices a portion of the original Thunder Fury's armor for sheer firepower. It's frame has a brace for an addition shoulder-mounted weapon, while it's lighter armor allows it to move quickly throughout the battlefield. Two integrated laser cannons add additional firepower. Sentry A smaller robot battle machine, Sentries are extremely effective soldiers. Their armor is comparable to that of the human's much larger Supernova, but with speed and agility that benefits their small size. Sentry II A slightly less armored version of the original Sentry, the Sentry II has a build-in airscoop that can be used as both a weapon and as a means for movement. Acting as jump-jet like device, it can quickly move around the battlefield. Completely custom mechs are available for use, however the mech design must be preapproved by staff before use. PM a staff member with the general outline and abilities of it. While not required, a paragraph or two of why we should allow such a mech design into the game would go a long way to getting it approved. Profiles Profile generally follow this format, though more points can be added should you feel the need to do so. Players are allowed five characters, and each character is allowed one battle machine. You can modify, alter, or even completely change your battle machine should you feel the need. Profiles should be posted in the topic for approval. Name: (Self-explanatory.) Gender: (Self-explanatory, I mean really.) Age: (Still pretty self-explanatory, though remember, probably not going to have kids driving these things around.) Species: (Human or Robot.) Appearance: (A short description or picture.) Skill(s): (Everyone's good at something, place a few main ones here.) Personality: (How does he/she/it act? Even Robots are bound to have some deviation from standard programming.) Weakness(es): (Come on, everyone's got at least one.) Mech: Designation: (Nicknames and such.) Type: (Stealth Hunter, Thunder Fury, etc.) Equipment: (Weapons and other such equipment, not at all restricted to what is normally equipped on Battle Machines, though keep common sense in mind. You're not likely to see an Uplink running around with a Thunder Fury's Ion Cannon. Weapon hardpoints [places where equipment can be attached] include both “hands”, shoulders, and the torso.) Right Shoulder:Left Shoulder:Right Hand:Left Hand:Torso:Appearance: (If it deviates from the norm at all.)Notes: (Anything else.) Rules: 1. All BZP Forum rules apply. No flaming, spamming, insulting other members, trolling or inappropriate content allowed. 2. Controlling other player's PCs is forbidden unless said player gives permission, this is known as “bunnying”, and isn't very fun for all involved. 3. No Autohitting, Godmodding, Metagaming, Deus Ex Machina’s, or other overpowered gameplay. Autohitting is having an attack hit another character without giving the player a chance to defend himself. God-Modding is having your character do overpowered actions, such as destroying a few hundred Thunder Furies in your Uplink or somehow randomly obtaining “super-dooper indestructable mega-uber armor from my uncle”. Metagaming is your character using knowledge he/she would not know IC, like immediately knowing exactly what your enemy's weakness is upon looking at him. 4. At the beginning of all Role-Playing posts in the RPG, you must put down “IC:” – IC Stands for”In-Character”. 5. Likewise, at the Beginning of any Non-Role-playing posts, Put “OOC:” – This stands for “Out Of Character”.For example: IC: Green lasers shot from Uplink's twin cannons, blasting into the armor of a nearby Sentry, the enemy battle machine falling to the ground with two neat smoking holes going through it. However, more of the brown-armored mechs were already on their way. OOC: Anyone mind giving me some backup? 6. You cannot kill or seriously maim another player’s character without their permission. Amendment 6a: This is not to say that you can't fire a killing shot at someone, though you cannot role play the attack hitting and killing their character. This falls under an extreme case of autohitting. However, if your character is put in a situation where under realistic circumstances where they will die, then they will die. Breaking rule 3 to have your character escape is not allowed without staff permission. If you don't want your character to die, PM the other player and try and work something out so that your character may escape realistically. 7. Try to keep excessively gruesome descriptions to a minimum. This is a children’s site, so let’s treat it that way. 8. As Exo-Force was distinctly separate from other Lego themes, try and reflect this while playing. While short, fun, cameos of other characters are permissible, don't suddenly have a bunch of knights and trolls come and join the fight. (Approved by Sisen) Approved Profiles: Garry Isotope Samuel Michael Alexander Norbert Lexington Young Max Layer Gunzer-001 Josh Hu Zyki Hitra Jack Storm Matthew Cyrista Sakajima Nori Drone 0350 Roy White Hezeka Guinevere Tylers X-71 Panzer-009 Alistair Martin Ranger ID-112/607 Holly Yuan Devastator-8015 x-1 Eleza 9466 Christina Tykon Devastator Alpha Mu Ascension: Gestalt Entity Abraham Stein Jessica Chen Wil Staff Staff include: Gravity (The Tomorrow Girl) Bulik Visaru
Just remember, the sign of a truly great contest is that its title gets automatically cut off by IPB and leaves the host looking silly until someone higher up the staff ladder can clean it up. (All LEGO RPGers, or Chima fans, or both, or neither but nonetheless interested folks: go give the topic a read! This is something that depends on all of you to make it a success.)
Okay folks! Here's the thing: the LEGO RPG forum is, shall we say, not exactly booming. So let's sit down and talk about something completely hypothetical here. You know, no reason to read into things too much, just a friendly chat. Say, hypothetically, we wanted to hold a LEGO RPG contest, much like our better-known Bionicle ones. And say, hypothetically, it would be focused on, I dunno, let's say Chima. Chima sounds good. In this completely implausible Chima RPG contest scenario - what would you, the LEGO RPG community, like to see? A straight contest, winner-designs-and-takes-all? Something more collaborative, maybe with multiple people working together to create an overall RPG setup? By all means, I'd love to hear your pie-in-the-sky, definitely totally hypothetical comments, questions, or suggestions below!