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I don't know how close this runs to being against guidelines, but as long as everyone else is cool with their comments, I think it should work out. OK: so the protectors went to the Temple of Time, and presumably using the Mask of Time or something, send their "prayers to the heavens". G2's protectors "prayer" could be a few things: 1) Just a euphemism- maybe it's just their hopes their sending to the heavens -- "prayers" just being a symbol of that? 2) There's someone up there! That lightning-bolt/laser that shot into space may have been carrying a message- perhaps another as-of-yet unknown character who organized the Toa and shot them to Okoto. A G2 equivalent of a Great Being, or GSR perhaps? 3) The communication was to the Toa themselves, to come and save Okoto- Which of course begs the question of where they were in space to begin with- and were they conscious enough to get it? Thus, was coming to Okoto a conscious decision the Toa made, or was it another unconscious-in-the-canister-and-it-just-got-launched-automatically scenario? And, if conscious, what were they doing on the world(s) they came from? Geez, just one line in an internet cartoon gives ya a lot to think about, huh?
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I've had this idea in my head for a long time, ever since I started thinking about alternate universes. I finally found the will to write it down with the latest Flash Fiction Contest: "A Canister Ashore." In this universe, the rough relationship the Toa Mata had in the beginning takes an early turn for the worse, ending up in an island-wide war. I'm thinking about expanding it into a series equivolent to Bonesiii's Paracosmos, if I have the time to write. In the meantime, enjoy the first installement, coming in at 873 words: Warpath I:Cold Justice Ko-Koro was the only village left. All of the others had moved on or been destroyed by those whom they thought would protect them. Turaga Nuju gazed over the dejected village, with Matoran stomping around with heads down attempting to rebuild what little was left. He looked up at Kopaka next to him, knowing the Toa was thinking the same thing he was. The Toa of Ice finally put those thoughts into words. "How had this all gone so wrong, Turaga? The prophesies declared we would save this people, not destroy it. The Makuta still lives, and he laughs at our separation. What can we do?" Being through a war had changed the quiet Toa. When he had arrived, Kopaka was rash and silent to all, but now, he spoke his mind and joined in with the Matoran, his people, in their daily studies of the Wall of Prophesy. He had meditated alongside Nuju, who felt there was something heavy on Kopaka's conscience, and knew that he knew the answer to his question. So, Nuju waited patiently for the Toa to begin, and so he did... ------ The night before had been stormy, and the waves had brought in much more than destruction. A metallic canister rests on the shore, seabirds pecking at the hard shell. Suddenly, a hiss of pressure escaping scares them off, and the canister blows open, scattering mechanical components everywhere. As lights begin to glow, the parts magnetically are pushed towards each other, a mind becoming active that hasn't been for centuries. ...I have slept for so long... Pieces begin to click together, forming a basic skeleton. ...My dreams have been dark ones... The body pushes itself up weakly, pieces running up its arms like tiny metal insects. ...But now I am awakened... The last pieces find their way into place, and joints begin clicking as they flex. ...Now the scattered elements of my being are rejoined... Muscle tissue spreads from the core outward, binding the new being together. ...Now I am whole... A rounded object not far from the body catches its eye, and it crawls towards it, picking up a circular mask. Placing it on its face, color spreads from the face, encasing the being in snowy armor, bringing to its mind one word: Kopaka. "...And the darkness cannot stand before me!" Kopaka takes a tentative step, then another as he regains use of his limbs. All he could remember before the canister are dreams that tormented his fragmented mind about some kind of...evil on this island. Either way, he thought as his eye caught a sword buried in the snow, it is about to find out justice can be...cold. ----- After counseling with the strange inhabitants of this island, short beings called "Tohunga" and their leaders, the "Turaga," Kopaka learned that this island was plagued by a being called "The Makuta" who sent raids of Rahi at the villages constantly, and he needed to be defeated. Even with his power of ice, however, Kopaka was not up to the task. He needed to find Kanohi Masks of Power, said the Turaga of Ice, Nuju. "You will find the first at the Place of Far-Seeing." The elder communicated through clicks, whistles, and hand gestures, which were translated through a Matoran, Matoro. Kopaka quickly figured out the hint, knowing that from the top of that mountain the Matoran called "Mount Ihu," he could probably see all over the island. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of thunder, although there wasn't a cloud in the sky. While looking up, though, Kopaka saw an avalanche bearing down on him, with a sole brown figure riding it, who was calling out "watch out!" Kopaka whirled out of the way, and then sent his ice power to encase the brown being's body in a pillar of ice. "I've already been attacked more that I would like today," he said coldly, "so state your business, and do it quickly." "I was just...practicing," sighed the frozen being. "Could you please let me out of here, and we can talk like civilized people? Let's start with introductions. I'm Toa Pohatu, and you are?" "Practicing what, exactly?" "This." With that, Pohatu willed a rock to come out of the cliff, scraping Kopaka's mask and then shattering the pillar. "So, you are?" This being's name and powers gave Kopaka a spark of recognition, but he still advanced with sword drawn, and said "None of your business outsider. What are you really doing here?" "You know, I'm not too keen on being attacked either..." Pohatu's sentence was cut off as he kicked the sword far away. Kopaka responded with another blast of ice, but before he could finish Pohatu off, a shrill whistle split the air. Turaga Nuju and Matoro rounded the corner as fast as they could, the Turaga already making aggravated whistles and gestures. "The Turaga says you are brothers and you should not be fighting," Matoro quickly translated. "He is here to help you, not harm, and you should do the same. Work together to find the masks and defeat the Makuta." "Fine," sneered Kopaka. He would give this Toa his cooperation for now, but at the first slip, Kopaka would give him some cold justice. -----
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Microscopes to Telescopes Status Report Time: 22:03Date: 2117Location: Area 51 Test case was a partial success. Participant A12 is now functioning as designed with minimal side effects, consisting of temporary stiffness and initial memory loss. Participant A13 is functioning with the same initial stiffness. Major side effects include permanent amnesia and inhibition of muscular faculties. Participant A14- Renee Dean exited out of the report and tossed the data pad onto her desk, unable to read any more. Her stomach twisted with unease and she reached for her mug of coffee, taking a few small sips.It didn’t help much; after all, she knew full well that nothing would. Nothing could change what they were doing, despite the extensive report she had provided the government with prior to the test case.Renee wanted to curse but she noticed Dr. Tripp passing behind her so she bit back the words that threatened to spew out of her mouth. Foul language irritated the woman and she was in no mood for a confrontation.But one year! One year of her life she had spent analyzing and reanalyzing the compatibility of nerve cells with the proposed treatment. And the half a dozen plane flights to medical institutes across the nation to read hundreds of medical journals discussing the issue. She had even petitioned the government to provide her with a three million dollar grant to conduct her own, specialized research in one of the most technologically advanced labs in the world.And then there were all the headaches, the nights spent in the lab till she finally crashed on her work stool at five in the morning. That wasn’t even speaking of all the things she could have been doing with her time instead.But no, despite her negative conclusions and strong recommendations to hold off on the human testing until a chemical component could be developed to counteract or alter the dendrites of the nerve cells, making them compatible with treatment, the government pushed forward.Renee wasn’t the type of person to be bitter, especially since she was a government consultant and not the project manager. It wasn’t her shot to call. And so if the test had been successful, she would have swallowed her pride and accepted the good news with as much grace as she could muster.However it wasn’t a success, no matter what the report labeled it. Permanent amnesia in even one of the test subjects was not even a ‘major side effect’; it was a disaster! Normally, she would have rested assured that the government would shelf the research for now. But their labeling of the test outcome as a ‘partial’ success ominously hinted that they may not yet be finished.“Doctor Dean?”Swiveling in her chair, Renee fixed a polite expression on her face and looked at Katrina expectantly. “Yes?”“I have a call for you on line two,” the office assistant informed her, tugging at her too-tight sweater.“Thank you,” she responded, reaching for the screen controls. “And can you shut the door?” But the woman had already left.Renee heaved a sigh. This was the third office assistant the Baltimore branch of Zenith Consulting Services had hired in the past six months and they’d yet to find anyone qualified. She switched on the screen mounted on the opposite wall and accepted the call.“Good evening, doctor.”Renee shook her head hopelessly at the white-blond figure before her. No matter the occasion, he always greeted her as ‘doctor’. And every time, that same greeting sent her stomach fluttering. “Good evening, Erik.”“How are things in the city?” Erik asked, as usual, as he unbuttoned his lab coat and laid it gently on what looked like a black table.As much as she wanted to unload all of her frustrations, and, and downright concerns onto him, she refrained herself. The man looked even more tired than he usually did, his crystal blue eyes rimmed in circles of gray.“You know, the usual,” Renee said with a shrug. “Just a lot of work. Endless stacks of reports to review.” “Usual?” He asked bemusedly.Though she knew he didn’t believe her façade, she attempted once more to distract him from a subject she didn’t think she could speak of without screaming. “Your usual is a lot more exciting than my usual.Erik raised an eyebrow but didn’t push the issue and question her further. “Not always. After nine hours of staring into a microscope, it all begins to look the same.”Renee gave him a pointed look. “Don’t give me that. I don’t think all the chemical research you’ve been conducting and the medicines you’ve been developing can be classified as boring.”“Can, can we not talk about work?” Rubbing his forehead with his hand, he took a deep breath. “Have you seen Taylor lately?”Erik wasn’t just tired. When he was sleep-deprived, he became quiet and only slightly moody. But now… he was somewhat irritable. Something was wrong. And besides, why would he ask about Taylor? He didn’t like her sister. Though he didn’t ever say anything like that, she noticed his cool withdrawal from the conversation whenever Taylor arrived.She realized she still hadn’t responded. “No, not really. She’s been working a lot, started her position as a manager.”“Who?”Renee cocked her head at him in bewilderment. “Taylor. My sister. You just asked about her.”“I’m sorry, Renee, I just have a lot-” He stopped as someone in the room handed him a sheet of paper. After a moment, his mouth opened slightly and his face whitened. “Can I call you later? I’m so sorry.”There was a click and then the screen became blank. She could only stare dumbfounded at the blackness, a mixture of annoyance and concern filling her. But the more she thought about his behavior, any irritation was swallowed up by worry. Erik didn’t act like this without reason.****“Dr. Dean, did you want me to finish the report?”Renee didn’t even glance up from the microscope. “Yes.” Maneuvering the control stick, she changed her focus to a new quadrant. Either she counted incorrectly or there wasn’t a single mitochondria in any of these cells. It was bizarre, and, and disturbing.“And Dr. Dean?”She sighed as the interruption made her lose her count for what felt the tenth time today. “What?” She snapped as she removed her eye goggles and set them down on the lab table.“There’s a meeting in the conference room,” Katrina said casually. “Immediately.”Strange. The only meetings they ever had were ones she knew about several weeks in advance. But they were never anything so impromptu. She wryly wondered whether the government was suing Zenith Consulting Services because she somehow didn’t adequately explain to them the dangers of their testing.However, the moment she stepped through the glass double doors and then sat down, her stomach began churning. There was a packet in front of every doctor, each stamped with a bright red “Classified. Program Eyes Only.”Dr. Rosen barely waited for everyone to get settle before he stood up. “H9B2. If you’ll open your packets, you can read it for yourself. But right now the government is pressing for immediacy.”The government was pressing for immediacy? Renee felt her mouth go dry. It couldn’t be about the testing; that wasn’t possible. After all they began testing only four days ago.”“-an extremely lethal and air-born virus. The virus remains dormant for up to a week, after which the victim begins to show symptoms. It was brought onto Earth a year ago by the U.S.S. Bentley, where one of the crew contracted it on one of the inner rim planets. Somehow it penetrated the vac-suit. But they managed to contain the virus; the only ones affected were those onboard.”“If they contained it, why are we worrying about it now?” Dr. Valdez interjected.Dr. Rosen pushed his glasses farther up his nose. “They never knew which planet it came from, and there were still two exploratory vessels in the region that would eventually make their way to Earth.”“But the United States screens all inbound ships from our off-planet docking station before they’re allowed to land,” Dr. Tripp commented. “It shouldn’t be an issue.”“Not all nations adhere to the same strict standards as the United States. But regardless, in its dormant stage, the virus is nearly impossible to detect. Within seven days, the victim could have traveled to a hundred stores and infected a thousand people.”“What are you saying?” Renee finally couldn’t help but ask.Dr. Rosen touched his glasses again, even though they hadn’t slid down his nose. “I’m saying it’s here. The H9B2 is on Earth.”Renee caught her breath. She had expected something bad but nothing like this.“The government has been researching for the past year, trying to find a cure or treatment that might destroy it. But they’ve found nothing,” Dr. Rosen took a deep breath. “The only option is to run.”What was the man saying? Run a triathlon? Run to the store?“The government is prepared to commence a strategic evacuation of the entire nation to the one inner rim planet they know isn’t contaminated with the virus.”Dr. Tripp shook her head, her silky dark hair falling into her face. “That isn’t possible. We have yet to discover a planet that can support human life.”“Human life,” Dr. Rosen corrected. “The government has developed a high risk procedure…treatment that essentially infuses chemically altered metals into the bloodstream. These metals are compatible with biological cells and fuse together. And Zenith Consulting Services happens to be one of only a dozen labs equipped with the staff and facilities to administer this treatment.”Renee’s heart stopped. She couldn’t think. High risk procedure…. Fusion of metals and biological cells...She had spent the last year of her life researching the adverse neural effects of a treatment. A treatment that was the only hope of the human race.****Renee blinked. One week ago, she could never have imagined that she would have injected over three hundred people with a metallurgical-chemical treatment and then sent them to be shut into vac-tubes to be transported to a different planet. One week ago, she wouldn’t have imagined that she would have to be injected with the same treatment and then shipped off to some planet labeled ‘B’ in a vessel that once transported power to millions of homes.The days and nights had run together into one long blur. She hadn’t seen the sun in at least four days and she didn’t even know if she had the energy to lift her arm and administer the treatment even once more. It was all too impossible to fathom, and even if she could’ve fathomed it, she hadn’t been given a moment alone to think.And Erik… she hadn’t been allowed to call him. She hadn’t been able to see his beautiful blue eyes and hear his voice-“Dr. Dean, please lie down.”Her heart thumping wildly, she slowly lowered herself onto one of the tables.“Doctor, I have an incoming call, a Doctor Erik Kopaka, for Renee Dean. Can she take it?”Renee sat up in a flash. “Dr. Valdez, a moment?”Dr. Valdez hesitated as his fingers worked to attach a foot-long needle to an IV.“Please, Antonio?” Renee would have begged. She would have done anything to be able to speak with Erik.“One minute.”A surge of adrenaline course through her body and she snatched the portable call-screen away and flipped it on. “Erik?”Erik appeared, his white-blond hair disheveled and his eyes mirroring the exhaustion she felt. “Hello, doctor.”Still, the same greeting. Renee wanted to cry. But she managed a smile. “Hello, sir. I, I assume they’ve been using your lab for the administrations as well.”“Renee…” Erik had never looked so distressed.“What?”He squeezed his hands together. “I did it. I developed the treatment.”Renee heard the words, but they didn’t yet click in her mind. That couldn’t be right. Erik would have told her about the virus. He wouldn’t have kept it from her.“I couldn’t tell a soul. Our, our conversations are always monitored. They wanted to avoid a panic.” Cool, calm Erik was falling in pieces. “I’m sorry, Renee. I’m sorry.”Her stomach twisted into horrible knots as she watched a tear slide down his cheek. No, she couldn’t lose him. She couldn’t. “It’s not your fault.”“I’m sorry,” he repeated.“Stop it!” She couldn’t stop her own tears from coming. Though she heard Dr. Valdez re-enter the room she didn’t care. “I, I love you.”Erik wiped the single tear aside, but the heartache in his eyes didn’t leave. “I love you, too, doctor.”****Transport 127Name: U.S.S. Baltimore Zone Power (B.Z. Power)Origin: EarthDestination: BionicleVac-tubes: 4,032 END -JG
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One of the purposes of writing this is to explain the past of the Skakdi with three in particular; Dronik; intelligent and scheming, but insane with a delight in seeing others in pain. Zaktan; the ruthless future self-appointed leader of the Piraka. Lupike; the "muscle" of the group and the most skilled in combat of the three. The story begins in the time before Makuta Spiriah's experiments on the Skakdi began. Together they are hired to steal important research from the Brotherhood regarding the Skakdi species. With the research information, the Skakdi species can be altered to become a powerful fighting force. While the research exists, the job itself is a set-up by the Dark Hunters to capture the three Skakdi for the reward placed on them by the Brotherhood. Should they succeed, the Dark Hunters gain important information and the reward for the Skakdi's capture. Should they fail; the Dark Hunters merely gain the reward. However, the three succeed in stealing the research, but Dronik, not wanting to split the profits, betrays Zaktan and Lupike. Lupike is believed to be dead and Dronik and Zaktan are captured, but before his capture, Dronik destroys the research. The Dark Hunters receive the reward placed on the Skakdi. Dronik is sent to Makuta Sinosis for the extraction of any information the Skakdi might remember from the research. Finding nothing and intruiged by the Skakdi's love for inflicting pain on others, Makuta Sinosis teaches Dronik the ways of torture and interrogation then sells him to the Dark Hunters. Without the fundamental research, Spiriah's experiments on the Skakdi species fail and he is exiled. Zaktan is sent to work in a proto mine until he is later found and recruited by the Shadowed One. Lupike wakes to find himself on the shores of Kamas Nui with a badly fragmented memory and no recollection of how he got there. The Skakdi is found by the local Matoran and amazingly enough, becomes a leading figure on the island, forming an impressive Matoran military. Just after the Great Cataclysm and the start of the Brotherhood/ Dark Hunter, reports of the death of Makuta Sinosis reach the Dark Hunters and a team of Dark Hunters is sent to investigate. Dronik, having been trained by the Makuta, is made a part of the team. After several confrontations with the island's new Toa team, Dronik is captured and he and Lupike meet. The encounter restores Lupike's memories and Dronik reveals the knowledge that he, Lupike, and Zaktan were actually the first and only Skakdi to be altered through the process described by the research they had stolen so many years ago. He continues to relate how they had killed the Makuta who mutated them and escaped, leaving only the research information as any clue to the Makuta's experiments. The Brotherhood placed a bounty on the three Skakdi for killing a Makuta without realizing their value. Matuka Sinosis having faked his death and infiltrated the Matoran society, overhears Dronik's story and reveals himself to capture the two Skakdi and reverse-engineer the mutation process. However, through the combined forces of the Toa Kamas and the Dark Hunter team, the Makuta is stopped and killed. I'd appreciate any thoughts on this, especially towards any possible conflicts with the canon story. Thanks!