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Bionicle_Fanatic;Welcome to LEGO MB grammer freak! -Cheers and the theme song plays; a tacky midi tune with the autotune kicking in at points-[ ] B_F; Thank you very much for tuning in, I am you host B_F1, and I hope you enjoy the episode. We pick a few users every month who use good punctulation and speellign to appear on the show.[] For this week, please welcome Gracelw1, IndianaBonesSulfrix9, and TannerJ2598! -More cheers- B_F; So, gracelw1, what do you think about the current spelling situation in LMB's? Grace; Hmm? B_F; (whispering audibly) You're on air, grace. Grace; Oh. Well, I do think that there are lots of good spellers on here, but on the other hand (looks pointedly at B_F) B_F; (Goes red) Grace, this is my talk show! please don't embarrass me! Grace; How come you run this show when you can't even spell embarrass? You're hopeless! B_F; (leaves in shame) Grace; Great, now we have the show to ourselves! Bonsey, what do you think? Tanner; I don't![] Bonsey; Pickles, anyone? Grace; Pass! Bonsey; Sure! -Drops them in the bin- Grace; O.O D: Why did you do that? B_F; -comes back- Bonsey; You did say pass. B_F; seeing as this is technically my show, I can come and go if I want, eh? Grace; Well... Tanner; (Stage whisper) Shall we give grace a pickle? B_F; No. I really wouldn't. Grace; Pickle? -Lightbulb appears over head- Bonsey; Catch! [] [] Grace; Yum! Tanner; Grace, go gett B_F! Grace; [] YOU MADE A TYPO! -Faints- Tanner; I really don't mind. It's not my prob. [] Bonsey: Stop shortening things! -Starts playing super mario bros.- Audiance with Cr9 and Dude sitting in it; Boooo! B_F; We started the show with an orderly group of guest stars, a confident presenter and an eager audience. We end the show with a word-shortening bearded master of epicness, a mario playing skeleton, a pickle addict, An uncomfortable presenter and an angry audience. Goodnight!