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Bionicle_Fanatic;Welcome to LEGO MB grammer freak! -Cheers and the theme song plays; a tacky midi tune with the autotune kicking in at points-[ ] B_F; Thank you very much for tuning in, I am you host B_F1, and I hope you enjoy the episode. We pick a few users every month who use good punctulation and speellign to appear on the show.[] For this week, please welcome Gracelw1, IndianaBonesSulfrix9, and TannerJ2598! -More cheers- B_F; So, gracelw1, what do you think about the current spelling situation in LMB's? Grace; Hmm? B_F; (whispering audibly) You're on air, grace. Grace; Oh. Well, I do think that there are lots of good spellers on here, but on the other hand (looks pointedly at B_F) B_F; (Goes red) Grace, this is my talk show! please don't embarrass me! Grace; How come you run this show when you can't even spell embarrass? You're hopeless! B_F; (leaves in shame) Grace; Great, now we have the show to ourselves! Bonsey, what do you think? Tanner; I don't![] Bonsey; Pickles, anyone? Grace; Pass! Bonsey; Sure! -Drops them in the bin- Grace; O.O D: Why did you do that? B_F; -comes back- Bonsey; You did say pass. B_F; seeing as this is technically my show, I can come and go if I want, eh? Grace; Well... Tanner; (Stage whisper) Shall we give grace a pickle? B_F; No. I really wouldn't. Grace; Pickle? -Lightbulb appears over head- Bonsey; Catch! [] [] Grace; Yum! Tanner; Grace, go gett B_F! Grace; [] YOU MADE A TYPO! -Faints- Tanner; I really don't mind. It's not my prob. [] Bonsey: Stop shortening things! -Starts playing super mario bros.- Audiance with Cr9 and Dude sitting in it; Boooo! B_F; We started the show with an orderly group of guest stars, a confident presenter and an eager audience. We end the show with a word-shortening bearded master of epicness, a mario playing skeleton, a pickle addict, An uncomfortable presenter and an angry audience. Goodnight!
People's Inabilities To Use Proper Spelling And Grammar
Trijhak posted a blog entry in Unspoken Words
I know I'm not the best at grammar or spelling... I hope I'm not the only one who goes into an almost never-ending rage when someone misspells words and disregards grammar. You look like you're five years old, and I'm fairly sure that almost nobody on BZP is only five years old. It also enrages me when people mix up their, there and they're. Same with you're and your. Lastly, it annoys me greatly when someone uses 'alot', which is not a word. The words you are looking for would be 'a lot', with a space between the a and the lot. ' Because I feel the need to ask questions 75% while blogging, here are some questions that you may or may not feel like answering: 1. What do you feel when you see someone disregarding grammar and spelling? 2. Are you annoyed by a particular thing when someone disregards grammar and spelling? (example: mixing up your and you're) 3. Have you ever disregarded spelling and grammar?- 12 comments