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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Yerith, Yu'rek"Spirits?" Yerith said, trying politely not to laugh. "No, we're special forces Toa from a distant place. We were tracking down an old enemy who built his fortress near Mount Ihu a few weeks ago. You probably wouldn't notice it. It was a bit secluded. The only way to get in was by jumping over the walls, so we found a ledge, made some parachutes and infiltrated the place. We gathered some intel and got back out. The bridge was tactically destroyed, but it was the only walking way out, so we jumped off, used our backup parachutes, were caught in an updraft, and landed here."Told you it was a long story. That's the short version. But we are far from Mata Nui-sent spirits."Considering how many brutal missions they had been sent on, Yu'rek let out a brief chuckle at Yerith's last statement.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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OOC: Feldnok and Renod from Le-Wahi.

IC(Daylah and Renod)

Daylah stood there, mouth open wide, while listening to the being's explanation."I think I see now," she says at last. "Well, if you need anything; let me know.""Here we are," says Renod to his guard. His luxury class vessel was sailing into Naho Bay toward Ga-Koro and making good time while the sun set behind them. A storm was raging to the right of them, but if they hurred they wouldn't be caught in it. -Mef Man

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IC: Yerith, Yu'rek"Well, we don't need much," Yerith said. "But I would like to know your name. I'm Captain Yerith, I often go by my codename: Price. My quiet friend over here is Yu'rek."Yu'rek gave a small wave."Other than that, you know any really good inns in town?" Yerith asked.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC: FeldnokSomewhat disappointed to be back in Ga-Wahi, Feldnok couldn't help but feel at home, even if he had only been gone for a day or two. Sailing through the bay seemed effortless and evading the storm child's play but unfortunately, the storm was headed towards them very oddly."That doesn't look good." he declared, pointing out to the could-be disaster which would possibly become problematic.

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IC(Matu):Matu woke up.He had memories of the day he arrived in Ga-Wahi,and the adventure only began....He stood up from bed,brushed his breathing hole(a method used by Ga-Matoran so that their breathing holes wouldn't get clogged up by dirt).He went outside and put on a special breathing suit.He got into a boat,and went 1/2 a mile from Ga-Koro.Then,he jumped into the water.What he found was an amazing underwater reef with thousands of underwater Rahi swimming around and lots of coral.There was also remains of what looked like the remains of a city-now in ruins and covered by coral,seaweed,and various Rahi.He then decided to go back to the surface and write of this in his guide.After he wrote all that he encountered,he decided to go to the shoreline to look at the marble statues.When he got there,he saw that the statues were made of the finest and purest marble and that they were statues of Ga-toa.There were(in order of standing):Irghan,Logha,Laznab,Egrog,Turapak,GALI,Garbarak,Kelgirok,Agula,Fregnus,Ferogoth.And in front of them stood a statue of Turaga Nokama.He was so amazed that he drew and described them all in his guide.That's when he heard a quick and loud noise from one of the warning bells.Soon,other guard towers started ringing their bells until all of Ga-Wahi knew that something terrible was about to happen.That's when two lazers blew through the wall."Rahksii! The Rahksii are coming! Take cover!".And so,Matu saw that thousands of Rahksii were breaking through the wall that protected Ga-Wahi was being destroyed.He quickly ran to his hut and got his Kanohi disk launcher,sword,and spear,and went to destroy the bridge.All that were on the shore swam back to Ga-Wahi,and then Matu cut the bridge.The Rahksii looked at Matu,and they all jumped into the water,and started swimming towards Ga-Koro...OOC:Please,someone,help Matu fight against the Rahkshii and protect Ga-Koro by grabbing your weapons and fighting the Rahksii so that Ga-Koro thrives once more!Also,all of the Toa that statues were made of were Toa that died in combat.Matu open for interaction-but only if you are helping him defend Ga-Koro!Help the chronicler save this Matoran village from destruction!-CDP

Coming June 22nd: Your chance to become an ECC critic! Power of the pen in your hands!

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OOC: Sorry, cool, don't have any fighting characters availible.

IC(Daylah and Renod)

"Good; just follow me," she says to the beings before leading them down the sidewalks toward her hut. Soon, the three of them were arrivinig at her leafy hut."Don't worry; we'll be out of it soon," replies the Vortixx as the boat slowly gains some distance from the storm, but the being couldn't shake the obvious fact that the storm was following them. Being from the Kumu Islets, it didn't phase him much, but it was still odd.-Mef Man

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IC: Yerith, Yu'rek"Well, it's a lovely home," Yerith stated, looking at the hut. He remembered his old lovely hut back out in the southern islands of the Matoran Universe. Back with his family... But now was time to focus on the mission.Yu'rek saw his captain's pause. Probably just reminiscing. He did that a lot when one of his teammates died. Considering the circumstances, (Yu'rek only being alive to prove his loyalty) he hoped that if he was to die in battle Yerith would reminisce about him.For now, he nodded in agreement to Yerith's statement. It was a lovely home.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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"Thank you," she replies, smiling. "It's a nice place to stay," she admits before walking toward a back room and leading them inside. "Here's your room; if you need anything just ask and if you're hungry feel free to 'place your order.' I can fix something for you two in no time."-Mef Man

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IC: Yerith, Yu'rek'"Well, we're fine for now," Yerith said, sitting down on his bed. "Right now all I could use is a nap."He lay back on his bed.Yu'rek snorted a laugh."Old men and their naps," he murmured, smiling.Yerith grinned. It was good to be called an old man again. Even if it wasn't by Pordal.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC: Feldnok"Hate to burst your bubble but my best bet is that we're going to get caught in it." said Feldnok, slightly worried about a vicious storm tearing them apart. It would be very detrimental to their health, that much was sure but the Skakdi of Water really didn't want to have a dejas-vous of his first experience on Mata-Nui.

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IC(Daylah and Renod)

Daylah smiles at the beings before leaving the room. She closes the door behind her and walks back to her room to write another tablet for Sulov and to get some sleep."Well then, what do you suppose we should do?" asks the Vortixx, a hint of concern in his voice. He didn't want the storm to tear apart his beloved vessel, but they couldn't fight a storm.-Mef Man

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"Pray? Oh, come now," replies the Vortixx. He had never believed in anyone except himself. The last thing he was going to do is pray to someone or something. Turning toward his Le-Matoran, Renod says,"Hoist the remaining sails!" The Le-Matoran do as they are told and climb the last mast before raising the sail. Soon, the ship was travelling faster and faster; desperately trying to evade the storm.-Mef Man

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"Stay alive," he replies simply while watching the Le-Matoran scramble to their posts. The wind was beginning to how louder and louder; making hearing almost impossible. But, the group could still see what they were doing for now. Renod watches as his crew place larger masts over the old ones before taking down the smaller ones. It would make their travelling go a lot more faster. Maybe.-Mef Man

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OOC: I am NOT losing my ship! :P


Renod's curses couldn't be heard over the sound of the wind as he stood up and began to help the Matoran. It wasn't like him, but he was desperate to save his ship. He could see the ship slowly gaining speed away from the storm, but it would be a close call.-Mef Man

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IC - Off the Coast: The growing of the tide went relatively unnoticed as it began to stir, a respectable way away from the shores of Ga-Wahi and Ga-Koro. As a matter of fact, it seemed so insignifcant that it seemed unnecessary for anyone to pay it any mind -- no doubt it was some Rahi or an odd water current that was upturning the waters just a bit harder than usual. But no. It was beginning to grow, and grow, and grow -- and it wasn't long before a vast, isolated whirlpool had formed, about twelve feet in diameter, picking up speed and turning, swirling violently.It wasn't near Ga-Koro, and as such it wasn't a danger to the Village of Water. Nevertheless, were one foolish enough to go near, they might have seen the being within its center, presumably the cause of the disturbance. The movements of its arms would make it seem as if it were causing the whirlpool to occur for no purpose other than simply to do so. On closer inspection, however, it would become obvious -- very rapidly obvious -- that those were the movements of a being stuck underwater.

IC: Whatever was going on, one thing was obvious: The whirlpool was growing, as was the force of the currents it was creating.And still, that... thing... was flailing within it, hidden by the waves that it was inadvertantly creating in what seemed to be a panic, losing any chance of receiving the help that it seemed to so desperately need. For a few moments, it continued to struggle against whatever seemed to be holding it -- and then it went still, arms freezing, seeming to go limp a second later.The storm, however, continued to rage, and seemed to become more violent despite the apparent death of the creature causing it. By now it was almost at Ga-Koro's border...And that was when it stopped. There was a sudden, powerful shift in the waves as the waters seemed to redirect, shooting toward the center of the whirlpool. As a result, a massive water spout formed, shooting upward and forming a pillar; the resulting waves, pushed outward from the pillar, slammed against parts of Ga-Koro, others slamming into the shores of the island and putting a number of fish in a very uncomfortable position on the beach.With a last burst of water, a large, metallic block launched from the top of the pillar, followed closely behind by what appeared to be a dark blue and silver Toa. As soon as that happened, the pillar collasped, sending another dozen or so waves outward from the force of impact. With a loud thud, the box slammed into the sand of the beach, embedding itself in the ground; nearby, a chain around his left leg, the water Toa landed as well, bouncing from the impact, a sharp crack sounding from a few of his ribs.Shaking uncontrollably, wrapped in a torn, wet cape, the Toa fell unconscious, having used every ounce of his elemental energy to free himself -- and, as a result, inadvertantly sending a number of gradually waning waves to crash into the Village of Water.

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: FeldnokMore than relieved to be out of the storm, Feldnok's shoulders slumped as he relaxed and released a sigh. It looked like today he'd gotten lucky. Spotting the being coming out of the storm, Feldnok pointed at it, not knowing that Renod had already seen."Can you make that out?"

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IC(Matu):The overcrazed Rahkshi were trying to get to Ga-Koro,even some of them being brave/foolish enough to swim to it.Matu knew he would need the help of other Matoran to fight of the Rahkshi,and already,Matoran were fighting the Rahkshi,some of them wearing Mirrored armor,so that Rahkshi heat vision would reflect back at the Rahkshi,others were using the armor to reflect Hypnotizing Rahkshi so that the Rahkshi would confuse themselves,giving enough time for the matoran to strike them down.Matu knew that the Rahkshii carried Kraata,and that they were vulnerable to fire,so he got a torch that was hanging on one of the huts and started hitting the Rahkshi with it!Soon,the Rahkshi were burning alive-until their Kraata burned. With some of the Rahkshi gone,Matu noticed that even more Matoran were coming to help him,all armed with torches.Matu and the other Matoran rushed towards the Rahkshi,killing most of them.However,Matu noticed a strange Toa on the beach,a split Toa that was half earth and half fire.The Toa had a Skadki weapon(maybe acquired in combat from a dead Skadki),a Zamor sphere launcher,and giant claws.The Toa was killing off the Rahkshi by hundreds.Matu was so distracted when he felt a cold feeling pierce his chest.He looked at his chest.He was stabbed by a Rahkshi,and blood was gushing out.Matu felt dizzy and he threw up blood.He was losing consionceness and right before he fell uncontious,he saw the split Toa run towards him,pushing thorough Rahkshi swarms,jumping into the water,and swim towards him.He saw the Toa climb on the bamboo village and rush towards Matu.That was the last thing he saw before he fell uncontious.....OOC: C'mon,people,we really do need to defend Ga-Koro,just grab a torch and burn the Rahkshi!As for the split Toa,he was the legendary Ecanax,the split Toa,whom Matu is looking for,a master healer and strong warrior,two ancient warriors combined.If you are stabbed by a Rahkshi and don't get healed at the right time,you become a Rahk-Toran,a Matoran that became a Rahkshi.Anyways,i will make the split Toa my BZPRPG character.-CDP

Coming June 22nd: Your chance to become an ECC critic! Power of the pen in your hands!

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IC(Matu,Ecanax):Matu felt an air tube in his mouth.He opened his eyes.There was a chrome air tube in his mouth and 5 tubes connected to his wound.He looked up.He was in a futuristic-looking hut.He saw Turaga Nokama standing in the corner.But more importantly,a huge red and gray toa was standing beside him."I am Ecanax,the split Toa. If it weren't for me,you'd be a Rahtoran by now. Nice fighting moves,by the way".Matu was so excited to see that he had found the split Toa,and that hopefully he would accompany him on his journey."Hi,i am Matu,the chronicler."Hello,Matu,i shall accompany you on your journey"."Ah,the two of you shall join each other,you two will make a great team"."Thank you,Turaga Nokama,we will be pleased to be a team".OOC: The split Toa,Ecanax,found Matu,and will accompany him on his journey.-CDP

Coming June 22nd: Your chance to become an ECC critic! Power of the pen in your hands!

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IC: FeldnokEntering his hut his hut lit by a dim blue light emanating from a lightstone in a crystal bowl filled with water, Feldnok set his equipment down. It was a weird concept to have your boss over at your own house for a bite to eat and a place to stay."I've got lots of fish. That good for you, boss?"

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"How do you prepare it?" he asks. "Do you cook it the normal way of placing it on a hot stone for five hours; switching sides every ten minutes before placing it on one piece of lettuce and, finally, making a blend of dipping sauce out of plants only found in Le-Wahi. Or do you fry it or something odd like that?"The term "normal" meant normal for a rich and wealthy Vortixx; not your normal Matoran's wages could pay for something that extravagent.-Mef Man

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IC - ? - The Beach: To say that the world spun would be a massive understatement. The Toa of Water's vision, confined as it might have been at that moment, was a whirlpool of chaos as he began to come ever so slightly to his senses. It was a whirlwind of pain from the damaged and broken parts of his body, a storm of color before his eyes -- brown, wet sand mixed with the silver and dark blue armor he wore mixed with the small rocks sitting, embedded, before him. He forced his sore eyes closed, resting as his mind cleared.He couldn't move right now; that much was for certain. But inside, he could mentally rage -- and raging, he was. Mentally, he cursed Toa Raehn for the trouble she had caused him -- not just now, in her almost successful arrest, during which she had created the metallic box sitting a few feet from the Toa of Water that had almost caused him to drown -- but for the years and months of attacks she had dealt to him. Through the pain in his chest, the sickness of his stomach, the soreness of his body, the feeling of a cold, metal chain around his ankle, one thought kept on bubbling up.You will pay for this... You'll pay dearly... You witch....For the moment, a numbness in Decaia's jaw rendered him without a working mouth. And yet...Metaphorically... I have no mouth... and now, I must scream...

Edited by Parugi of Congratulations

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: Feldnok"Do you see hundreds of corpses laying on the floor of Ga-Koro?" It wasn't really a question, it was more of a statement to spite Renod and his rich ways while answering his questions.Leading the two to the back of his hut, a plain lily pad like those supporting Ga-Koro lay with a little bonfire set up at the center. A pile of sticks lay beside it and Feldnok pointed at them."Make a fire while I'm gone. I'll go catch us some fish."Without waiting to hear whether Renod was actually capable of building a fire, Feldnok dove majestically into the water after grabbing a harpoon, bubbles obscuring his vision for a bit as they rose to the surface. Holding his breath, he swam deeper into the depths of the water, looking for fish to skewer.

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"Wait! I don't-"But, the Skakdi was gone before Renod could explain he had no idea how to start a fire. Looking toward the sticks, he sighs to himself.Where's a Ta-Toa when you need one?The Vortixx picks up two sticks and simply strikes them against each other; causing a rattling sensation up his arms and all the way to his head. -Mef Man

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OOC: Introducing my newest character.IC: [Darre]Darre smiled as he opened up his attorney-at-law agency, smiling at the fabulous sign he had made for it. The colour schemes blended together perfectly, and the font was magnificent, a perfect contrast to the background colour. This obviously meant that he would attract many clients who would be awed at his FABULOUS sign, and decided to sit down on his chair, waiting for someone to come in.OOC: Darre, Ace Attorney is now open for fabulous interaction.

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