Friar Tuck Posted July 27, 2011 Posted July 27, 2011 Ga-Wahi:Ga-Wahi is a large and mostly submerged region located on the eastern side of the island of Mata Nui. It is dominated by Naho Bay, taking up the vast majority of the region, which is surrounded by towering white cliffs. Ga-Wahi's landscape is very diverse; the regions around the coastline are long, sandy beaches surrounded by very tall and steep cliffs of white rock. The rest of the area is split between plains with plentiful vegetation and thick jungle, though it is not as thick and the trees are not as large as Le-Wahi. The entire region has very high humidity. Ga-Koro is located in this Wahi, along with other famous landmarks, such as the Naho Falls and the Hura-Mafa River. The Toa Metru first set foot on Mata Nui here, and it was where all of the Matoran were awoken from their slumber. Local landmarks include:-Naho Bay: Home to Ga-Koro, Ga-Kini, and Ga-Suva, as well as several underwater caves. One such cave was connected to the passage to Metru Nui used by the Toa Metru in their first journey to Mata Nui, although the passage back was collapsed by Toa Onewa to prevent the corrupted robotic Vahki from following them to the island. Also, a large waterfall pours into Naho Bay, and the rock face of the falls is sculpted into the likeness of Toa Gali.-Hura-Mafa River: The river runs northward from Mount Ihu to Naho Bay, emptying into the bay by means of the Naho Falls, one of the largest rivers and falls on the island.-Old Fusa Path: This pathway was created by the Matoran to serve as an inland access point to the beaches of Naho Bay, and ultimately to the village of Ga-Koro. Harakeke and Bamboo plants proliferated along the path. Ga-Koro:"Turaga Nokama lives in the floating village of Ga-Koro. It's built out of strong, elastic seaweed, drifting in the water below the impressive white cliffs. Located in Gali's bay in the northeast region of the island, Ga-Koro is surrounded by swirling whirlpools and strong currents, which pull the unwary to the bottom of the ocean. The village floats above an underwater world of which little is known."Ga-Koro is situated just off the shore of Naho Bay in northeastern Mata Nui, surrounded by whirlpools and strong currents that made sea travel treacherous. The village is mainly built on top of huge floating pads, the huts made out of a thick seaweed-like material, and the various pads are connected by walkways made from similar material, with one leading to a gate on the beach. At least one hut in the village required a pump to keep it floating; if the pump stopped working, then the hut sank. The Ga-Matoran are the inhabitants of Ga-Koro; here, they construct different artifacts such as Rope and Air Bladders using different materials. Some Ga-Matoran also become sailors. Places of interest include Ga-Kini, a small temple in Ga-Wahi dedicated to Toa Gali; Gali’s Suva; and The Temple of Purity (also known as the Lost Reef; an underwater temple under Naho Bay so-named because it contained the Crystal of Purity) Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.
The Dark Chronicler Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC: Vrana A black shadow glided over the water village of Ga-Koro. The cold eyes of a predator gazing down upon the villagers below. Vrana was on the wing, gliding over the village. To some, we was a protector, to other, a threat to the village himself. But he was not doing anything dangerous, merely taking a glide over the village near his home. His black feather rustling in the light breeze. He was enjoying life, feeling the air flow around him as he flew. It was a good day. This is my signature It has words in it They don't say much BZPRPG profiles
Mad Scientist BioBeast Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC:Odhrán Feliciano Weald Odhran grimaced as he swam about one hundred feet away from the shore. The oh so helpful Matoran from Le-Wahi who had given him directions to Ta-Koro must have been incorrect. They told him if he followed the coast due east for a bit, then due North he would find Ta-Koro. So far all he had managed to find was an Ko-Koro, a land which he guessed was Onu-Wahi, rocky Po-Koro, then Le-Koro(he had no idea how he ended up back where he started,) the Volcano, and now he couldn't seem to find Ga or Ta-Koro! "I hate Le-Matoran." he mumbled as he continued swimming, heading further out to sea. OOC:Would someone help this directionally challenged person to Ga-Koro? "I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!Fooling the world is nothing to me!"
Wyrd Bid Ful Araed Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC: A v-shaped ripple sped through the waters of Ga-Wahi, heading at frightening speeds towards Odhran. Before the Toa knew what was happening something had moved under him so fast the currents of water stopped him in his tracks. This had clearly been the intention, so he didn't bump into the head that emerged from the water in front of him. "Weary, traveller?" Knidia, owner of the aformentioned head, asked
Mad Scientist BioBeast Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC:Odhran "THAT WAS SO COOL!" Odhran shouted a bit awed at Knidia's show of speed. "I want you to join my- wait, did you say something?" Odhran asked, thinking for a bit. "Oh! Weary, traveler? Well yes, I guess you would be weary after moving that fast." he said his face beaming. "I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!Fooling the world is nothing to me!"
Wyrd Bid Ful Araed Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC: Knidia tapped her Kanohi, "Mask of Speed works just as well in water, traveller. What is your heading?"
The Dark Chronicler Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC: Moylan Her blades spun and twirled in the air, dancing and swirling, whirling and gleaming. Her hands moved swiftly, juggling the swords with masterful skill. Her name was Moylan, she was a master performer, doing daily shows in the village to make up money for herself. There weren't many jobs open for a Toa of magnetism, none that everyone thought a Toa of Iron couldn't do better at, that is. So she juggled her swords, leaping around on the stage, tossing blade and catching them. Sometimes she even did it blindfolded. This was her skill and trade, and she loved it. This is my signature It has words in it They don't say much BZPRPG profiles
Mad Scientist BioBeast Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC:Odhran "Ta-Koro actually, but I can most likely make it there if I get to Ga-Koro." Odhran said, his arms tiring from treading water all around the island. He then stopped and started thinking about Knidia's showy use of her mask. "OH YEAH! I WANT YOU TO JOIN MY PIRATE CREW! DO YOU ACCEPT?" he yelled, excited again. OOC:Odhran is not the best person to show off in-front of. Just for your information. He likes recruiting "Awesome" people into his crew. "I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!Fooling the world is nothing to me!"
Ghosthands Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC On the outskirts of Ga-Koro there was an inn with a rather more shady reputation than the others in the village. It was called The Black Spot, and was frequented by beings of a somewhat unsavoury nature. In this inn, nailed to the wall, was the following message: Crew WantedPrevious sailing experience helpful but not essentialFighting, stealing, drinking involvedWater/Air elemental powers particularly welcomeApply in The Black Spot Inn, Ga-Koro
Wyrd Bid Ful Araed Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC: Knidia raised an eyebrow at the offer of piracy. "I serve Ga-Koro," she replied, somewhat curtly, "I am no pirate."
Mad Scientist BioBeast Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC:Odhran "Okay." Odhran said with a grin. "Doesn't matter either way, I'm gonna get the best pirate crew ever, then become the best pirate ever!" as he said this his stomach growled. "After I get to Ga-Koro that is." "I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!Fooling the world is nothing to me!"
Wyrd Bid Ful Araed Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC: Knidia considered just swimming away and letting the 'pirate' go sink. But she couldn't bring herself to just leave someone to die. "Ga-Koro is this way. Follow me, I'll show you the way."
Mad Scientist BioBeast Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) IC:Odhran Odhran followed Knidia as she swam towards Ga-Koro. "Thanks, and just because you have been so nice, I'll try not to make trouble in Ga-Koro." Edited October 14, 2011 by Noble Knight BioBeast "I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!Fooling the world is nothing to me!"
Wyrd Bid Ful Araed Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC: "Good," Knidia answered as she sculled through the water, "We're not fond of trouble-makers."
AnubisPulse Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC:PrimusPrimus walked into the Black Spot Inn, where the flier had said he would need to be. He didn't have any previous experience, and he was only a matoran, but he was a Le-matoran, and the flier had said Air powers were welcome, although he had none. He took a quick cursory glance of the bottom floor of the inn,which more resembled a bar, and then asked "Does anyone know where I might join this sailing crew I read about on the flier?" BZPRPG Profiles
Mad Scientist BioBeast Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC:Odhran Odhran just followed behind Knidia as she sculled. "Are we there yet?" he asked her after a while. "I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!Fooling the world is nothing to me!"
Ghosthands Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC The Skakdi bartender looked up from cleaning a glass. "You looking for the Captain?" he said gruffly. "He's in the back." He jerked his head towards a door leading to the back of the inn.
AnubisPulse Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC:Primus"Thank you, sir." Primus said. He strode into the backroom. BZPRPG Profiles
Wyrd Bid Ful Araed Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC: "Nearly", said Knidia, rolling onto her back so she could see her 'passenger', "You'll know when we're there because of all the lily-pad huts."
Mad Scientist BioBeast Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC:Odhran Odhran tried rolling onto his back to see if he could do what Knidia could. He promptly started sinking. He burst back to the surface with a grin and continued following Knidia. "I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!Fooling the world is nothing to me!"
Ghosthands Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) IC (Lohkar) The backroom was lit dimly by a single lightstone, throwing more shadows than it illuminated. There was a table in the middle of the small room, and a pair of armoured blue feet rested on it, crossed. The rest of the being's wiry body leant lazily backwards in a chair, with the upper torso and face in shadow. "Now what can I do for you?" he asked the Le-Matoran. His voice was a little rough-sounding, but had a certain suaveness to it. It sounded both relaxed and quietly dangerous at the same time. Edited October 14, 2011 by Ghosthands
Franco Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 OOC: For some music to this scene, think 'The Medallion Calls' from Pirates of The Caribbean (yeah, that's both a ref to Lohkar, and to CJS). For a pic of The Captain's pose, see this. IC: The illustrious Captain Aki Rua Doomslayer The First bravely stood at the prow of his boat as it powered towards the island, cutting through the waves in its way. He made quite a sight to see, bedecked in his many weapons and cap firmly upon his head as his eyes gazed bravely towards the uncharted territory before him--And then the dinghy stopped and he fell right onto a sandy beach in a quite undignified manner (OOC: Record scratch =P).Getting up and dusting himself off, the good captain muttered a curse under his breath and looked out at the barren sand. He swore again, just to feel the murmured 'bloody karz' roll off his tongue, and then started trudging in the rough direction of the village he saw in the distance. [Profiles] Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness.
Wyrd Bid Ful Araed Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) IC: The two eventually reached the floral village of Ga-Koro, where Knidia heaved herself up onto one of the pads, coiling her tail around her. "Here we are. May your visit be a peaceful one." She was reminding him of what he'd said, not just wishing him well Edited October 14, 2011 by The Power that Is
AnubisPulse Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC:Primus"Well, the skakdi outside told me you were the captain. I am willing to be part of the crew, if you see fit, that is. I have no experience, but it sounds like a good diversion to the daily routine." BZPRPG Profiles
Mad Scientist BioBeast Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC:Odhran"It must not." Odhran corrected. "It must try to be a peaceful one." Odhran finished. He started walking in the wrong direction, away from Ta-Koro. "I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!Fooling the world is nothing to me!"
Ghosthands Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC (Lohkar) "That would be me, yes," he replied. "So, no experience; d'you have any special skills?"
AnubisPulse Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC:PrimusHe had no special skills, but the captain didn't have to know that."Do you think I would be in possession of such a weapon without special skills?" He pulled out his sword as he said this. While not fancy, the sword was extremely well made, and made to be a custom fit for Primus. He was sure it would at least make the Captain curious of him. BZPRPG Profiles
Xaeraz Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC: Father Navayak perched on the bow of the wrecked ship he had made his home, looking down the coast at Ga-Koro as he tended to do these days. He could hear the murmur of his flock in the galley below him, the various matoran chattering away. Soon, they'd all file into his chapel for the daily services. Navayak smiled warmly at the thought of the sermon for the day, knowing that all in attendance would adore it. He waited another half an hour until he could no longer hear the clamor belowdecks, then dismounted the bow and walked toward the starboard side. Navayak unfolded a rope ladder and let it flop down the side of the ship. He scurried down it and wanders a half dozen feet to the open rows of benches that served as his chapel. He smiled at the corpses of matoran on the benches, offering the rotting "flock" a few words of advice here and there as he made his way to the altar at the front, blissfully unaware of the unmoving forms of his followers. He mounted the steps before the altar, pivoted to face the rows of the dead, raised his hands to the sky, and began his prayer. All are not the same But three shall be as one Freedom in the flame The end has just begun
The Dark Chronicler Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC: Vrana The black bird of Ga-Koro swooped down over the village, coming in closer than before. He heard words of surprise and amazement, a few shouts at him to leave the village, and some cheering him. He liked what he did. He would fend off the occasion airborne Rahi attack, and the people treated him like a hero. yes, it was a very good day. This is my signature It has words in it They don't say much BZPRPG profiles
Ghosthands Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 OOC: I like what you've done with Vrana, TDC. IC (Lohkar) Lohkar rolled his eyes. "Well, you're armed, so that's somethin'," he said. "What I meant was, what can you do? What's your speciality, so ta speak?"
AnubisPulse Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC:Primus"Well, in all honesty, I have none. Specialties are not my specialty. I can promise you that I would find a way to be valuable to your crew, as I'm sure there is something I could do." BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosthands Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC (Lohkar) "I see," he said. Taking his feet off the table, he leaned forward, putting his face into the light. "Tell me, d'you know what sort of crew you're applyin' for?" he asked.
Mad Scientist BioBeast Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC:Odhran Odhran walked away from Knidia and headed towards the nearest Inn, which happened to be the Black Spot Inn. He walked in and ordered some food. After eating like there was no tomorrow he started to leave. But as he was leaving... Crew WantedPrevious sailing experience helpful but not essentialFighting, stealing, drinking involvedWater/Air elemental powers particularly welcomeApply in The Black Spot Inn, Ga-KoroHe saw the poster and calmly grabbed it from the wall. "Hey you! Old man!" he called to the bartender. "Where might I find the person I'm supposed to talk to if I want to join this crew?" "I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!Fooling the world is nothing to me!"
AnubisPulse Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC:PrimusPrimus, too, leaned forward, his face becoming level with the Captain's."From what I've seen so far, a non-existent one."OOC: I'm leaving soon, so you can control Primus until I get back, within reason. BZPRPG Profiles
Relapse Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (Mangs, I love your originality. XD J/k, you put your own twist on it.)IC - KioxThe Black Spot Inn.You were said to be mad to enter it. Most were mad by the time they got out. Something interesting was always going on in that place, sometimes rather heroic, other times malicious. Sometimes, even, for the sake of attention. And posting flyers half-way across Mata-Nui was a sure way to make your presence known. But back to being mad. Outwardly, the figure that entered didn't seem to be insane. He kept it a secret well. Kiox had followed a Matoran clutching a flyer not unlike his own in his hand. He stepped inside the Black Spot. He was in time to see the Matoran reside to the back room, which he could see was dimly lit.With a bit of concentration, his Matatu was put into use and a spare kitchen knife drifted away from the kitchen and into his hand. He pushed the door open. He nodded from the bartender to the flyer, concealing the could-be dagger behind his gauntlet. Stepping inside, he closed the door behind him. Rolling up the flyer and tossing it up, he closed one eye and aimed the knife. Launching it, the blade caught the tip of the parchment and carried it across the room. Embedding itself uncomfortably close to Lohkar's head in the chair, it unraveled."Are you the owner of this flyer?" he inquired, his voice more of a growl.(Have I improved?) BZPRPG ProfilesIC: "It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions." So pay me more AuRon.
Ghosthands Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 OOC: Actually, I'm going to go to bed soon anyway, so we can call it a day for now. IC (Lohkar) Lohkar's eyes flicked to the side, to see the knife juddering slightly in the wood. "People are s'posed to be able to read that," he said. "I assume you're here to join?" He turned his gaze back to the Le-Matoran. "For your information, mate," he said, grinning dangerously, "I'm looking for a pirate crew."
Mad Scientist BioBeast Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC:Odhran Odhran heard Lohkar speak and stormed over to where he was. "Are you the one who put up this poster?" he demanded angrily. "I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!Fooling the world is nothing to me!"
Ghosthands Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC (Lohkar) Lohkar looked up at the newcomer. "What if I did?" he asked nonchalantly.
The Dark Chronicler Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 IC: Vrana Vrana glided down over the village one last time, this time landing in the village, with a large grin on his savage face. "Greetings Ga-Koro!" He began, still smiling happily. "I have searched the skies, And have seen no sign of Flying Rahi threats." He leaped into the air, doing a backflip. "The village is safe for now!" This is my signature It has words in it They don't say much BZPRPG profiles
Mad Scientist BioBeast Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) IC:Odhran "Answer the question!" Odhran demanded, his rage overflowing. Edited October 14, 2011 by Noble Knight BioBeast "I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!Fooling the world is nothing to me!"
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