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OOC: Aaaaaand 256 comes roarin' outta the gate, leaving everybody in the dust!


IC: Dodge-256

256 was hold up in the library again. Xhe was currently reading a fighting manual on the usage of heavy weapons such as maces, hammers, and clubs. All the instructors had said that xhe had an affinity for the spear, but something about the hammer had piqued their interest. Well, whatever had prompted them to learn such a different weapon, they had learned early on that it was a completely different animal.


"So the center of balance lies more towards the weighted end of the weapon-yes, I know that already," 256 hissed in the tongue of Rahkshi. "It is very difficult to stop and restart the motion, so it is recommended that momentum is maintained, with frenzied, sweeping, circulsr strikes in quick succession on horizontal and diagonal angles recommended... Don't rely too much on the arms; make use of leg and hip movements... Haft blocking is the only efficient defense; don't try to parry like you would with a sword..."


256 still had some trouble understanding it; maybe xhe just wasn't cut out for it? Xhe really wanted to learn though... Come to think of it, this was the first time in their life they really passionately wanted to do something. Odd. But no time to think of that. Time to practice, and hopefully not crush their face in like last time. Putting the book back, xhe picked up the cylindrical bludgeon lying on the ground, and headed for the gymnasium. Maybe xhe could get some dodging practice in too.

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As it turned out, Skia was already practicing in the gymnasium, taking full advantage of his modified staff. Not only were the average melee-combat targets out for his use, but there were also targets at range. While this might have been confusing at first, it wasn't so after Skia, twirling his staff, picked up a rock in each claw-end of it and threw them down range, knocking over the targets over there - before promptly tearing apart one woodman trainer next to him. He pulled back into a defensive stance, and only then noticed the other Rahkshi to walk into the gymnasium.


"Hello, 256," he said cordially to the other Rahkshi. "How are you today?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



IC: Dodge-256

"The same, as usual," 256 replied, giving the answer xhe always gave. "Ambivalent." Xhe walked down to the gymnasium floor, looking at the targets that Skis had already laid out. "Melee and ranged practice, huh." 256 checked their armaments; unless xhe went back to the armory, xhe couldn't practice spear today. It woukd just be hammer and sword then. "How is it going?"




"Pretty good, all things considered," Skia replied. "The slop they normally serve here was replaced with the slightly sweetened slop, and one of the people along my residence block managed to sneak in some vuata maca fruit, so my stomach is having a good day at least."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



IC: Squid


Squid was in the library, reading a good book. It was about the Great Spirit Mata Nui and how he watched over all of the species of the Matoran Universe. He was most interested in the Matoran. They were small, but very hard working and always did their duty. Squid wanted to meet one of them one day.



~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015




"Well, it was noticeably sweeter than usual, at least to me; that might just be because I was in a good mood when I woke up, though." Skia shrugged, grabbing another stone and throwing at one of the last targets, this time with his hand; just as before, the metallic target went down with a loud clang. "Want to spar a little?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



IC: Dodge-256

"Yes," 256 nodded curtly. "Be warned: I'm not used to this weapon so please forgive me if i break something."


That could have been a joke had it been said by anybody else, but 256 remained deadpan as ever.


IC: Eyes stared down into the central courtyard of Corpus Rahkshi. Eyes that blazed with red light yet somehow remained cold as ice. Makuta Tridax was watching. He gazed upon a few of the students milling around, face crinkling with distaste when he noticed a pair holding each others hand.

Well. That wasn't supposed to be happening...

The thought of Rahkshi romance was a distasteful one to his mind, sitting like a lump of mouldering cheese in the otherwise pristine feast of information the school had provided. If only he knew how it was caused, then he might be able to curb and temper it. Otherwise every other measure he could take risked exacerbating the whole affair. Bah, these new breed were too devilish complicated for their own good at times.

Away from the window, on the other side of the office, Suvok was droning away about matters Tridax couldn't muster the slightest crumb of care for.


"You were saying you had an idea for something to keep them occupied?" he asked, interrupting the cyborg mid drone.


"Er yes, tasks." The half-faced Skakdi was thrown off by being cut off. Too used to giving orders rather than taking them, that was his problem, Tridax mused as the drone started up again. "Got some ideas. Things for teamwork and such. Some for individuals."


Tridax waved a hand dismissively, bored already, "Do what you think best Suvok, I leave it entirely in your hands for the time being. I have other matters to ponder for now." And with only a pop of displaced air and a lightening of the room as his bulk cleared the window, Tridax teleported away. Suvok stare for a moment, one remaining eye blinking. 


"Right. Carry on. Yes, right, Tasks..." He started off towards the med bay. Always needed something to calm his nerves a bit after one of the headmaster's visits, the Makuta terrified him so. Besides, with the assignment he had in mind to start with, Palma would appreciate a bit of advanced warning that her patients might get a sudden increase...

  • Upvote 3





Skia nodded, stepping back slightly and raising his staff into a semi-neutral staff. The clawed end facing 256 clicked a little, almost as though it was anticipating that it could be used to grab and trip 256, although that was really just Skia wanting to do so. Staffs are inanimate objects (most of the time).


"Shall you begin the pass or shall I?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


Posted (edited)

IC: Exxan.


The striped vacuum Rahkshi sat in the darkest, most isolated corner of the library, reading through a pile of tomes on the subject of Rahkshi.


What had started out as a hobby had swiftly become an obsession. There had to be an explanation as to how he and the other Rahkshi had come to be so intelligent, so different.


He just hadn't found it yet.


IC: Xara.


The silver chain lightning Rahkshi stalked into tbe gym, noting two of her fellow students getting ready to spar. She decided to stand by and watch.


It was always a good idea to observe a potential foe. Should she ever have to face one of these other Rahkshi in battle, even this brief observation could prove to be the difference between victory and defeat.


And Xara always fought to win.


OOC: Exxan and Xara open for interaction.

Edited by Roman Torchwick

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar




Skia nodded, stepping forwards to close the distance between himself and 256. As he did so he flourished his staff, moving it quickly enough that the metallic ends of the staff blurred slightly in the sight of his fellow Rahkshi - before he lashed out with it as though it were a spear, trying to club 256 in the chest.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


Posted (edited)

IC: Dodge-256

"Okay, the book said..." But Skia moved to fast for them to remember the book in its entirety.


Acting more on instinct than anything, 256 sidestepped left and used the section of the haft between their hands to redirect the thrust right, like xhe would with a spear. Xhe immediately followed up with an attempt at a horizontal strike to Skia's left shoulder. "So this is what they really meant by the weapon being weighted at the tip," xhe thought.

Edited by namcurtsnoC


"It is but a mimicry of Ba Ji Quan, but I see it is still enough to defeat a dying man!"


His opponent strikes, again and again. Countless blows, each enough to take his head off. His body is crippled, armor bent and curved into his body, reinforcing him like a bloody exoskeleton.


He remembers, he is fighting to protect them! To repay all the times they cried when no one could see, all the hurt they suffered in his place, he had to defeat this man!


"ISSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!" He roared as he charged headlong at his foe, he had to put his life on the line to win!




"Wow...." The desert-colored Rahkshi put down the book, it is a fiction. A story of loss and tragedy. He has read it at least a dozen times. Right now the protagonist is facing off against his mortal enemy, both their bodies breaking down by the minute. How thrilling!


His greatest dream is to become a master of the martial arts like he reads about, he spends his time in the library. Reading page after page, book after book and row upon row of texts. Some fictional like this, others devoted to the technical mastery of martial arts, it's various forms and families. Training of the body, training of the mind. Even books of recipes for fighters looking to fuel their body and wrestlers looking to size up!


Though being a slug controlling a suit of armor. He did not eat.


Reshelving the book, he leaves the library. It is a free period and he needs to practice his forms. His last several sessions had been rather unproductive, the gym full of noises and distractions. He hoped it would be a quiet day today.

...but close to it


IC: Xara


She looked away from the fight, noticing another student approaching her. She didn't remember the names of a lot of the other Rahkshi, but Glass she could recall. There weren't many other Rahkshi of chain lightning around, and she'd made it her business to be aware of them all.


"Difficult to say at this point." she said in answer to his question. She looked back to the combatants. "The fight has only just begun."

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

Posted (edited)

IC Vir:

With their usual caution, Vir padded down the corridors of Corpus Rahkshi, not going anywhere as much as they were simply staying out of trouble. They'd already passed this particular hall several times since waking up, so they decided to take a different turn and go through a small, dusty courtyard to-- well, Vir hadn't been sure where it would lead. But the path turned out to deposit them just by the library.


Vir stood outside its doors, deliberating on whether to enter. In their experience, most books weren't very interesting. But it was usually quiet, and rarely did anyone cause trouble inside. After a moment, Vir decided to try and find something to read. Many Rahkshi went on about how fascinating and enlightening books could be, and perhaps if Vir read some those Rahkshi would think more highly of them.


Distracted by these thoughts on their way to the library doors, Vir didn't notice the other Rahkshi exiting the room until it was too late. The two collided and Vir fell over backwards, then quickly got back to their feet to take a look at the student they'd walked into. It was a brown and tan Rahkshi with a bristly spine, one Vir remembered little about except that their name was almost unpronounceable.


"Oh no, sorry! I'm very sorry about that," Vir pleaded, raising their arms conciliatorily.


OOC: Hope you won't consider that autohitting, Tiragath. And as an Elastic Rahkshi, I'm sure Caoutchouc could bounce right back from a little fall, so no harm done?

Edited by Akavakaku

( The bunny slippers hiss and slither into the shadows. ) -Takuaka: Toa of Time

What if the Toa you know best were not destined to be? Interchange: The epic begins

Posted (edited)

IC: Squid

Squid looked up at the Rahkshi talking to him. It looked like another Rahkshi of Chain Lightning! 

"Oh, I'm reading this book is about the Matoran and how they populate the universe. They really are amazing. They work all day in mostly boring jobs, and are very hardworking. Matoran are usually very humble. They seem simple because they are powerless but sometimes, a Matoran turns into a Toa, which can use special powers like fire and ice. Toa protect Matoran and do the more dangerous work. But when it gets too dangerous, that's when the Makuta come in. Makuta help watch over the universe making sure everyone is proper. They also make Rahkshi, like us, to assist them."

Edited by Pohatu: Master of Stone



~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015




"I'm fine."


More due to this rubber-like tendencies than any quick reaction, were he more trained he would've blocked the attack, sensed it coming and have been ready!


But he was still an amateur, so his precognition was sketchy at best. Caoutchouc accepts help up from the other Rahkshi, he seems vaguely familiar, he had probably seen him on campus someplace or another.


"...Wer, right?"

...but close to it

Posted (edited)

IC: (Stew)


The teleportation rahk, walking down the long corridor to the refectory, noticed a snake moving with lightning speed out of his way. If he could, he would have smiled: the rahi remind him of himself...
Only earlier today, another Kaulsirahk had been making fun of him for the name "Stew"...it wasn't his fault that the first thing he had read had been in the Refectory, had it?


Later, he asked one of the strange mechanoids that tended the immaculate gardens to relay the information of his new name, Snake, to one of the staff, as he couldn't find them at this moment. The creature made a whiirrring noise and rolleed off in a seemingly random direction...


IC: (Snakey)


The newly named "Snake" walked into the library, not something he usually did. He was searching for a text on the Makuta he had been created from, who was apparently a high-ranking member of the Brotherhood. Snake would have felt proud, but from his limited experience, all the Makuta were stuck-up #######s. He noticed a rahkshi of silence and a rahkshi of lightning nearby...

Edited by Silo




IC: Dodge-256

"Okay, the book said..." But Skia moved to fast for them to remember the book in its entirety.


Acting more on instinct than anything, 256 sidestepped left and used the section of the haft between their hands to redirect the thrust right, like xhe would with a spear. Xhe immediately followed up with an attempt at a horizontal strike to Skia's left shoulder. "So this is what they really meant by the weapon being weighted at the tip," xhe thought.




Skia moved his staff to the side, catching 256's blow, haft to haft; it was a narrow block, and while 256 might be proud to have come so close, Skia simply decided to yank backwards hard, putting his weight into the pull. With his staff's haft hooked to the head of 256's hammer, Skia was hoping to wrest the weapon out of 256's grip.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



IC: Dodge-256

As Skia hooked 256's hammer with his staff and tried to draw it back, 256 tensed up for a brief moment. While it was instinct for him to try and resist, that's probably what Skia wanted him to do. He had done this many times before himself. So he stepped forward to reduce Skia's pull on his weapon, and aimed a kick at Skia's torso.


IC Clockwork:

The Rahkshi sat on a chair, poring over a machinery textbook. He was researching impact-resistant armor plating. His clocks and little robots kept falling off the shelves. Fortunately, the library had many books on armor.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

Posted (edited)



"I'm fine."


More due to this rubber-like tendencies than any quick reaction, were he more trained he would've blocked the attack, sensed it coming and have been ready!


But he was still an amateur, so his precognition was sketchy at best. Caoutchouc accepts help up from the other Rahkshi, he seems vaguely familiar, he had probably seen him on campus someplace or another.


"...Wer, right?"

IC Vir:


Vir was so relieved the other Rahkshi was not upset that it took a moment for them to notice that their name had been mispronounced.


"Oh, I'm Vir, actually."


Vir looked the tan Rahkshi up and down: they had armored bands wwrapped around their arms and legs, and looked as ready for combat as any Rahkshi Vir had seen.


"Actually, I don't think I remember your name..."

Edited by Akavakaku

( The bunny slippers hiss and slither into the shadows. ) -Takuaka: Toa of Time

What if the Toa you know best were not destined to be? Interchange: The epic begins

Posted (edited)

IC: (Snakey)


Snake caught sight of an accuracy rahk sitting reading a textbook. At the moment, Snakey was bored.  And when he was bored, he was unoccupied. And when he was unoccupied, stuff happened.

After a quick trip to the Refectory, Snake came back with a pile of the greyish sludge that was generally accepted as food at the school. The Sanorahk with cog patterns on his armour was still there, reading the textbook. Snakey stealthily teleported atop the high bookshelf behind where his fellow was sitting reading. He balanced the bucket of slop right on the edge, until it was a slight push away from falling and cascading over the rahkshi he would later find was named Clockwork, covering him in revolting muck. Snakey gave it a slight push.

Edited by Silo




IC Clockwork:

Under normal circumstances, Clockwork would have noticed teh slight tipping of the bookshelf, keen as his eyes were from watching minute movements in teh innards of his clockwork creations. But at teh moment,he was engrossed in the textbook. So when the bowl of what was optimistically called food fell on him, drenching him in muck, he was understandably surprised. And angry. Most people would be when somebody they didn't even know dropped muck all over themselves and their book. So Clockwork immedietly looked up, grabbed the nearest object which happened to be another textbook, and dropping into a crouch, hurled it at teh kaulsirahk. The accuracy of this was unconciously enhanced by Clockwork's natural power.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

Posted (edited)

IC: Xara.


"It depends on how skilled he is in his powers." Xara countered. "It may save him from enemies landing blows on him, but it likely won't help him land any strikes of his own."


IC: Exxan.


Sitting at a nearby table, Exxan looked up to see a pair of his fellow students engaged in a food fight. In the library. Idiots. This new generation of Rahkshi were smart; the problem was that some clearly chose not to use that intelligence.


Then the accuracy Rahkshi picked up a book and threw it. "Cut it out!" Exxan snapped, jumping up and using his power to pull the flying book off course and into his waiting hand.


"This is a library," he reminded them calmly, putting the book down onto the table. "A place of quiet and learning."

Edited by Roman Torchwick

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


IC: The walls of Corpus Rahkshi came hidden with a few surprises, they were not always the solid rock they appeared to be. Smash the right one and you'd find the concealed circuitry that kept the living rock fed and in its proper place. Though that was not all it was used for, some of the power it carried was sent to a basic tannoy system. Just a little something to make sure the students were kept in the loop or were in convenient range of orders. In this case it was the latter.


"Announcement," came the voice of Suvok, blurred and distorted into scratchy hisses by the crude loudspeakers the school had, "All students are to gather in the Gym. Your latest class assignment is to be explained and handed out to you there."



IC: Chekquars (Dormitory)


It was in the washroom of the first floor of the dormitory that the announcement reached Chekquars' ears, and he paused from the very serious and evil business of reapplying some dye to a part of his leg. It had gotten chipped off when an annoyed accuracy Rahkshi had thrown one of the metal bowls at the Darkness Rahkshi, and in order to be the most prideful evil warlord-in-training it was important to always look your evilest, which meant no gray showing. 


"This is most good, indeed, I have been waiting and plotting for far too long in here, preening myself, it is time for action! Muahaha!"


And with that, the black and blood colored Rahkshi swept out of the Dormitories, clock billowing behind him as he strode towards the Gym.



They call me Zakaro. You should too.


IC: Fall (Dormitory)


Fall rose from her resting place. Her room was dark, though of course this was not an issue for her. Catch Pole in claw, she forcefully pushed the door open, striding with purpose. 


There had to be purpose, lest she be seen as weak. She would not allow that. 

They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.


The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you. 


Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.


Come Tenno, you must join the war.


IC: Squid.


Squid looked up from his book. He placed it back on the shelf and picked up his satchel. Inside was a sketchpad and a tool used to draw on it. Mistakes could be erased, but lots of erasing would ruin the (somewhat expensive) paper. He slung the satchel over his shoulder and flew off towards the gym. Many other Rahkshi had already gathered there, and being the smallest made him quite uncomfortable. He found a spot near some other shortish Rahkshi, sat down and began to draw to pass time until the announcements began for real.



~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015


IC Clockwork:

Inwardly fuming, Clockwork gathered up his things and went to the gymnasium.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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