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Bzprpg - Onu-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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Savulg's head shot out of the mound from Walker's pull. The Vortixx coughs violently, trying to spit out the earth in his mouth. He also blows through his nose; trying to clear the earth from there as well."Thanks," the Vortixx says before standing up and grabbing his rifle. "Let's go," he says simply; glaring in the direction of the Toa. They made him mad and they hurt him and his friends. It was time to end this.-Mef Man

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IC: Kiron and SulkuaSulkua and Erken walked over and sat down. Out of the corner of Sulkua's eye, he saw a shadow. Looking up, he saw that it was a fleeing figure. He felt suspicious immediately. He got up and went after it. Erken, bewildered, followed.They rounded the corner to...Kiron."Kiron? What were you doing?" Sulkua asked."I was chasing this guy. He was,like , pure shadow. Did you see him?"Sulkua looked around and caught sight of the being. He seemed to be smiling at them.Sulkua blinked... and a dagger was flying to his face. He summoned an ice shield immediately. The dagger evaporated into mist.Kiron had caught sight of the assailant and was chasing it. He summoned a wall of fire."Hey! Stop!"OOC: Know where Jagorik went?

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IC:Nightning"Thankfully, Chronn should already be at the doctor's." said Nightning. "And no, the Turaga and the Vortixx claim to be writing a story, and were talking to Chronn about the story when the two Toa came in and tried to kill Chron; and the two toa claim to have been protecting Chronn from the Turaga and Vortixx." He shook his head. "I tried to interogate them, but without official athourity, I couldn't get a streight answer out of either of them. So, I came here to get you."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

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The Vortixx looks back to Garme and nods his head."Okay; if you say so," he replies. The sound of the two Toa retreating echoed throughout the cave, bringing a smile to Savulg's face. "We won," he says simply while reaching for a handkerchief. Savulg was about to wipe his own face when he noticed Garme's bleeding wound beneath her eye. Bending down, he begins to gently wipe away the blood. "How is that wound feeling?" he asks concerned.-Mef Man

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IC: Wrehn had his arms folded, a look of concern on his face. He began to walk; he knew Walker would agree. They passed the unconscious Toa and Matoran as they left, and Wrehn realised how different their (mis)adventures in other Wahis would be from how they were in Po. Half of Wrehn was pleased that it was a change of status quo, but the other half was afraid for the same reason.

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IC: Garme"Well, there was this guy, Ichabus Chane, and he lived in some place called Tired Valley, or something."She started up her story."He was superstitious to the extreme, along with rather pathetic. But then came the problem, he was in love with Katarna Vantass, a wealthy farm owner's daughter..."

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IC: Garme"Actually, the Skakdi's name was Abarah Vabrunn."She corrected Savulg, atleast, that was the name she had heard."So Chane goes to this party at the girl's, where he gets in a fight with the much larger Skakdi. He loses and gets his backside kicked really quickly. But, he spat in the Skakdi's face and called his teeth ugly."She chuckled slightly."Skakdi don't like that."

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IC: Garme"So Chane, all drunk and beaten up, decides to leave the party, all miserable because he lost."She grined rather sinisterly."This is where it gets good. Out of nowhere comes some guy wearing black and riding on a black Kikanalo. Supposedly he was the ghost of some dead guy A Toa who had once guarded the village, or attacked it. And... he didn't have a head."

Edited by The Dark Chronicler

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IC: Garme"Well, the headless Kikanalo rider chased him quickly, and Chane had to run as fast as he could. Some say he was on Kikanaloback too, but I don't think he was. Unfortunantly for Chane, the rider was catching him quickly. Then the rider chucked something at him, striking him in the back. It was the rider's own unliving head. Chane was terrified. And then, the rider wanted Chane's head for his own and..."She went into horrific detail of the stealing of Chane's head, and the mess left behind.

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"Uh, yeah," he replies confused.Love story?"Anyway, I think we're almost to Onu-Koro," he says while they walk. "Then we can start our mischief and mayhem!" Savulg exclaims before chuckling evily. Sadly it turned out as a high pitched squeal before he cleared his throat and did it more successfully.-Mef Man

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IC: Garme"Great, let's go get ourselves something to eat. I'm starving. And maybe somewhere to rest... then we start the mayhem."She suggested. Feeling like a good sleep would be good after crossing the desert and fighting.But first, she had to speak to Savulg...

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