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Quick Question About the Ultimate Dume Mask


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I've been thinking about getting the Ultimate Dume mask from Bricklink for a project I'm working on, but I realized I didn't know what kind of connection it uses--I figured it should probably have an axle connection, like all the other post-2004 Kanohi, but on the actual set it seems to attach to a Mata-style head.

Admittedly not a terrible dilemma, but it will influence what other pieces I order (mostly so I'll have the eye color I want in the style of head I'll need), so If someone could help answer this question I'd appreciate it.


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that mask has a really weird design; there are two axle holes on the underside that attach to the top of the combiner model's head like so. it's a pain to try to put it on MOCs; i suggest using a movie edition Kraahkan instead. if you're really adamant about using it, though, i have no suggestions. good luck.

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