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Hero Factory planet!

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So something has bin in my head for a while and I thought I'd discus it with you guys. Well we all know that when Spherus Magna did what ever it did and another planet shot out from each of the sides of Spherus Magna. Which were later named Aqua Magna ( home to Vakama, Takua, Makuta etc) but what is on the other one: Bota Magna? I'm just gonna put it out there, I think Hero factory live on Bota Magna! In which case that would mean that somehow Bionicles are related to hero factory!

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Aqua Magna is a water planet which naturally has no landmasses, and is only home to the Matoran and such due to the GSR crashing there.

Bota Magna is a jungle planet inhabited by Agori, Vorox, and presumably other Spherus Magnan creatures and beings.

As NuvaTube said, Hero Factory has been confirmed to not exist in the same universe as Bionicle. It's a very interesting concept to think about, and you're fully able to write fanfiction about that. But in Bionicle canon, no, HF does not exist on Bota Magna. (Or anywhere, for that matter.)

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