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Forever Legacy

Sir Ptolemic Of Zyglak

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I'm skipping ahead to season 2 for the moment, dont worry though, i plan on reviving the old conflict, just using chimoru, and gimp :Pthat said,LinksyI'd prefer if any future comments remain season 2 based, thank you.And if any kind moderaters/admins/peoplewiththeabilitytochangemytitle, wouldnt mind, I'd like my topic title changed to "Forever Legacy"~Ptoly(i still need a signature :P)

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New comic!LinksyWell, I get up at about 4:40, 4:50 on schooldays...so I'm trying to get one out everymorning now....hmm....anyone want to do a coed comic strip? Just get some authors, and each make a comic that follows the one before it, sorta like the Christmas Advent calender, but with inter-connected studios, characters, etc.~Ptoly

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Sweet, Im pretty smart too, but I never ever felt like trying it, I just don't care. But yeah, first year in highscyool, and I get up at 4:30 for seminary...then school.....ugh. At least I get to leave early. I might make the comic after finals, and show you and me walking back inside the studio...half dead XDBut yeah, I stopped caring/trying XP I'm still pretty smart, except I have few issues with math :P my Lang/lit teacher (the two courses are combined now in the Land o' Lincoln) let's me read in class cus I do well enoughHoly nui-Rama.....did I really just say all that stuff bout school?(and why the herk did iPad capitalize Rama?..again?)~PtolyEdit: Let's not get too far off from discussing the comics!-Wind-

Edited by -Windrider-
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finally made a Christmas comic. for some reason some of the glow is erased, im not sure why though, anyway, have a merry Christmas everyone! No snow in the comic since, well, they'res no snow here...which is odd...it usually snows by now.(I'll make co-authoring available when i have more PGS's, for characters just isnt enough yet for this thing to go big...i think :P)~Ptoly

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This is the first time I've posted in these comics.It was funny when Joe blew up Vataki's house. :lol:Great Comics! I hope to see more! http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png


If you've come across any of my topics such, as my comic series which are now lost, I just want to say is I have since DISOWNED them as of 2020. Looking back at them I'm no longer proud of what I've made here on BZPower.

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Nope, but if people ask I'm making a comic. I'll actually have one put tonight hopefully. Bros friend is coming over (the kids dad is letting me borrow skyrim :D) so when they're using xbox and I'm not playing sky rim I'll be making a comic. Hrmm, anyone willing to make backgrounds for x2 chimoru sprites?~Ptoly

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Finally on the computer and not ipad (hence the black font in previous posts), I'll open up co-author spots new years, or around that time, so if anyone wants to co-author, you have to be a PGS/GS (preferablly..) and PM me that way i can send you the kits. Also, Since its the new year, I'll be officially opening this series as Season 2..or something more creative..who knows. I'll be adding characters that arent PGS's. get some more action that way, and I'll be making some new backgrounds and such. Going to change the main post or whatever its called to match the season better. More space for text, probablly bigger panels, maybe do one panels like Utah does. If anyone has any more ideas, I'm more then willing to listen.~PtolyP.S.If any moderators/admins see this, could you please change the title to Forever Legacy?Thanks

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