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Highest Rank You Ever Saw?


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Ranks. They're the reason why we feverishly increase our post count. Some of us have higher ranks than others and some members have ranks so high they would blow most members minds! What I'm asking is what is the highest rank you ever saw here on Bzpower? I think the highest rank I ever saw was on the old forums and I believe it showed a picture of Karda Nui from the 08 storyline. The member in question was a staff member I think and had racked up over 18,000 posts.

A Toa eh? What kind of Toa am I?


Ever wanted to read a manga styled retelling of the early years of Bionicle? Here ya go!


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It was a member with Hydraxon in the pit. That person had about 15,000 posts. :wired:


Why are orange and black such a good color Combination ? Purple is pretty, and so is blue. Pink hurts your eyes, green is quite mellowing, black is very threatning, red is cool, orange is SO awesome, yellow's hard to read... But you can't see white at all! Oh, wait. I forgot brown.


Here's my thoughts: If a person tells the truth and says, " I always lie," Is he lying? Or is he telling the truth? And what has a mouth, but no head, and a body, but no torso? Do caterpillars like to tend to supporting colum of stone's every need? Or is that name misleading by nature? Speaking of nature, why are the children of animals called offspring? don't many young beasts come alive in spring, and thus, should be called onspring? Heeeeeeyy..... I got the first post on a page for the first time. Who knows; it may happen again. What the... It did happen again... and again...



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