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Selja, The Forlorn

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"Oh.  My god.  I'm working with actual children."






Happy Crimmas, everybody.  To celebrate this most glorious of winter holidays, I have decided to share a MOC that would go great with the cold weather.  This is Selja, a female Toa of Ice and former Rahi hunter who acts as my Toa team's team mom.  She's very serious, and is great with a battleaxe, but is secretly afraid of muaka.  This hasn't stopped her from continuing to hunt them in order to conquer her fear.

In keeping with real-world inspirations for my characters, Selja is partly inspired by the Vikings, mainly in her name and her axe.  The gear pieces on her wrists and ankles are also meant to evoke fur.


This MOC, and this post, is dedicated to Toa TimeLord Requiem, my best friend here on the site.  Happy Crimmas, lad.

More photos on my Flickr.

As always, comments and criticisms are welcome.

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