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So What's Splitface's Deal?


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'beware his split personality'What does that mean? Is it supposed to be dangerous? Apart from his split personality, he's just a regular figure. Agree?also, was anyone else disappointed by how his torso-armour was mostly gunmetal?also, to anyone who's seen The Hills Have Eyes 2, doesn't he look like the camoflauging mutant from that movie?

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'beware his split personality'What does that mean? Is it supposed to be dangerous? Apart from his split personality, he's just a regular figure. Agree?also, was anyone else disappointed by how his torso-armour was mostly gunmetal?also, to anyone who's seen The Hills Have Eyes 2, doesn't he look like the camoflauging mutant from that movie?

He's still a heavily-armed villain whether he has a split personality or not. His split personality just makes him more unpredictable than the typical villain. His weapons include a shredder claw and a plasma gun that shoots a dangerous chemical called Infecticide, so there's plenty of reason why he's a threat.His torso doesn't bother me too much just because it's mostly titanium metallic (gunmetal). It's not like there's any other way they could have done that. And they somewhat balance it out by having his back armor (a Hero foot) in red.Also, all of these questions probably would have fit just fine in the official 2012 set discussion topic. But I'm not a staff member, that's just my opinion.
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Given this is a kids toy line, a case of multiple personality disorder means two villains in one body with two different agendas. That makes Splitface completely unpredictable, so far more dangerous to fight.As for the torso armour, yes I was, as well as the red upper arm skeleton limbs on both arms.


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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Schizophrenia. That would make him pretty unpredictable and unstable. So basically you've got a somewhat deranged guy with a big gun running around. Sounds dangerous to me.Also, I wish the torso was two pieces (preferably interchangeable, but I'm not sure how that would work), as well as the foot piece on his back.

Thank you, BZPower staff. In the past, I wish I showed more appreciation for all that you do. From one Bionicle fan to another, thank you.

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