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Well, since this topic apparently didn't exist, I guess I should be that one brave troll soul who should show some love for this much satirized, misunderstood, and unloved genre. Please. Please. Keep things civil, people. If you don't like the genre, don't post.To start things off, finally listening to Man on the Moon by Kid Cudi again. Forgot how much I loved that album.-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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I listen to a lot of MF Doom, Handsome Boy Modeling School and Del tha Funky Homosapien.

I could just end my suffering. But it would be too cowardly. They'll just come and laugh on my grave. I've got to survive. To see their undoing and to win this chess game with heaven.

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i am legit surprised to see rap topic here with no people running in and saying "OMG RAP IS ALL ABOUT MONEYZ AND WOMYNZ IT SUX"good job bzp

NO MANYOU JYNXED IT>.><.<Heath McNease has a new (free!) album dropping tonight. so excite :3
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I don't listen to much rap music because of its language. That said, though, I do think there are some awesome songs in the genre -- "Heard 'Em Say" by Kanye West, "Handlebars" by Flobots, and "Kick Push" by Lupe Fiasco are a few of my favorites. Linkin Park mixes rap into some of their songs nicely ("Nobody's Listening", "In the End"). I also love the E.S. Posthumus remix of "Run This Town" by Jay-Z feat. Rihanna; orchestral rap should be a genre of its own. :P

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I don't listen to much rap music because of its language. That said, though, I do think there are some awesome songs in the genre -- "Heard 'Em Say" by Kanye West, "Handlebars" by Flobots, and "Kick Push" by Lupe Fiasco are a few of my favorites. Linkin Park mixes rap into some of their songs nicely ("Nobody's Listening", "In the End"). I also love the E.S. Posthumus remix of "Run This Town" by Jay-Z feat. Rihanna; orchestral rap should be a genre of its own. :P

I don't think you understand the difference between hip hop and rap.
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I don't listen to much rap music because of its language. That said, though, I do think there are some awesome songs in the genre -- "Heard 'Em Say" by Kanye West, "Handlebars" by Flobots, and "Kick Push" by Lupe Fiasco are a few of my favorites. Linkin Park mixes rap into some of their songs nicely ("Nobody's Listening", "In the End"). I also love the E.S. Posthumus remix of "Run This Town" by Jay-Z feat. Rihanna; orchestral rap should be a genre of its own. :P

I don't think you understand the difference between hip hop and rap.
What about his post confuses hip hop and rap? If anything, he's confusing nu metal/rap rock with rap.The difference between the two (at least, that I have picked up on) is that hip hop focuses more on the beat and the DJ, while rap focuses more on the emcee and the rhymes. My main proof for that is that there are plenty of instrumental hip hop artists (Shlohmo, Baths, Nosaj Thing, Jonwayne, etc) but never any instrumental rap, because the rapping is the rhyming. Aaaand he doesn't really confuse that at all. You could maybe call the kanye and lupe songs hip hop but they really are still pretty focused on the rapper. "Heard Em Say" had a pretty beat though.Kanye's always used really good, interesting beats on his tracks that I know, like "Gold Digger" and such. Listened to "Otis" off of watch the throne and... dayng. Otis Redding samples ftw. It was so smooth. At least, till Kanye started to screech >.> And "Thunder" is pretty dang beast too. "Murder to Excellence" is sweet too (choir samples are the best samples)Also, the bass on "No Church In The Wild" is so smoooth :3
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Too lazy to use quotes.I like Kanye West's music, but his personal attitude and demeanor make it nigh on impossible for me to like his work. I appreciate his talent and skill, but that's as far as it goes.

I could just end my suffering. But it would be too cowardly. They'll just come and laugh on my grave. I've got to survive. To see their undoing and to win this chess game with heaven.

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"Unloved genre".Where do you live?

He lives on the moonBut really, I think he means the fact that half of the population of the world hates rap and is very very vocal about that fact. The other half generally likes it and just ignore them :P
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I don't particularly like rap, but I also dislike people who demean it as "not real music". And even worse are the people who go on about not listening to rap like that makes them some oppressed minority.That said, hearing my fourteen-year-old brother spouting profane lyrics largely for the shock value still makes me cringe.

Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother

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Nah, we're just good at making us look like half of the world. In fact, we're a minority. An aggressive one.

"aggressive" being the key word :P

I don't particularly like rap, but I also dislike people who demean it as "not real music". And even worse are the people who go on about not listening to rap like that makes them some oppressed minority.That said, hearing my fourteen-year-old brother spouting profane lyrics largely for the shock value still makes me cringe.

I dislike any legitimate genre of music being called "not real music", mostly because it makes the one who says it sound elitist. Who are you to define what "real" music is and isn't? That's why I get annoyed at people who call electronic music and dubstep and hip hop and even pop music "not real". But every genre has it's flaws, and the rampant profaneness (and not just speaking of swearing) of current rap music is really it's down point. And the thing is, it is just for shock value, even if it's not nearly as shocking anymore. The more shocking the world is, the less shocking the shocking stuff becomes, and the people who want to make their names known have go to greater and greater extremes of shock. My exhibit A is Lady Gaga, while not a rapper, she would never be as huge as she is if she wasn't as controversial as she is. That's why I love the underground scene. Not only are the beats usually better and more interesting, the emcees don't feel the need to shock us into paying attention. They know they're going for a niche and they aren't trying to do anything but please their niche and make good music. Guys like Milo, Heath McNease, Playdough, Listener, etc are some of my favorite rappers because they know their place and stick to it.Also, if you want to hear some REALLY awesome avant-garde rap, check out "Ozark Empire, or a snake oil salesman comes to your town" by Listener. The beat is so simple (hitting a broken washing machine with a big stick = best kick ever) but oh so effective.
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Anyone who is into poetic, socially conscious rap should check out Doom Tree Collective, and The Real Rhyme Sayers. They're both midwest hip-hop labels, and they have a bunch of amazingly talented people under them.My favorites have got to be Dessa and Brother Ali. Yes, there is swearing sometimes but it is used in good taste.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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What about his post confuses hip hop and rap? If anything, he's confusing nu metal/rap rock with rap.The difference between the two (at least, that I have picked up on) is that hip hop focuses more on the beat and the DJ, while rap focuses more on the emcee and the rhymes. My main proof for that is that there are plenty of instrumental hip hop artists (Shlohmo, Baths, Nosaj Thing, Jonwayne, etc) but never any instrumental rap, because the rapping is the rhyming.

I thought rap was supposed to be a sub-genre of hip-hop. That's what Wikipedia says on the subject, anyway, and it makes sense to me. Rap rock is just a fusion of the rap and rock genres; nu metal can incorporate elements of rap, too.I'm definitely aware Linkin Park is not a rap band, for the record, hence why I said I like how they incorporate rap into their songs.

Kanye's always used really good, interesting beats on his tracks that I know, like "Gold Digger" and such.

"Gold Digger" is another favorite of mine (well, the clean version -- I actually think the "censoring" makes the song sound better :P).Does anyone know good, clean rap artists / albums? Right now, the great majority of songs I have is based around the rock genre (alternative rock, pop rock, etc.), and I'd like to add some variety without making my library inaccessible to my younger brothers.
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Rap music and other similar cultural aspects, aside from a few exceptions, degrade urban youth and support the white supremacist power structure. Public Enemy is cool, though.

Thank you, BZPower staff. In the past, I wish I showed more appreciation for all that you do. From one Bionicle fan to another, thank you.

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So, anyone listen to Madvillain? Also while I can't think of any 'clean' hip hop albums off the top of my head, there are definitely numerous profanity-free songs. I'd recommend 'Make My' by The Roots and 'Express Yourself' by NWA.E: Zaz. Your avatar is Stinkmeaner. You win the prize.

Edited by twinArmageddons
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I thought rap was supposed to be a sub-genre of hip-hop. That's what Wikipedia says on the subject, anyway, and it makes sense to me. Rap rock is just a fusion of the rap and rock genres; nu metal can incorporate elements of rap, too.I'm definitely aware Linkin Park is not a rap band, for the record, hence why I said I like how they incorporate rap into their songs.

I wouldn't say that it's a sub genre, persay. They were both born of the same womb and all, and they do a lot of things together. A lot of underground DJs will have their beats rapped over (see the new mixtape Milo Takes Baths) , but they're still "hip hop" in my book since the beat is the focus and the rap isn't. Basically, Rap wouldn't exist without Hip Hop and Hip Hop probably wouldn't exist without rap. They're symbiotic genres, for lack of a better word. The genre Nu Metal is really the melding of rap-esque singing/rapping/screaming to metal/hardcore music. Rap/Rock is really a subgenre thereof, basically being the kinder, nicer brother of Nu Metal. Bands like Project 86, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit (sp?), Korn and Rage Against the Machine would be the examples I can think of.

"Gold Digger" is another favorite of mine (well, the clean version -- I actually think the "censoring" makes the song sound better :P).Does anyone know good, clean rap artists / albums? Right now, the great majority of songs I have is based around the rock genre (alternative rock, pop rock, etc.), and I'd like to add some variety without making my library inaccessible to my younger brothers.

I need to find the clean version of "Gold Digger". "Stronger" is also pretty sick (Daft Punk samples? yus please)As far as clean albums/artists, I can think of a few, depending on what you want. I've mentioned them a lot already, but Heath McNease and Playdough both have some really beastly beats on their tracks, and they both have a lot of content for FREEEEE :3 McNease just dropped a free album, Thrift Store Jesus, which, if the first song off it that I've heard is any example, is a lot of lo-fi grimy down-south like beats. Go look up "Natural Disaster Baptism". It's sick. McNease also has Wed White and Wu and the ABSOLUTELY AMAZING Straight Outta Console mixtapes for free. Playdough, meanwhile, has Writer's Dye and The Bible Bus Mixtape for free. I've been sooo addicted to those albums recently. If you want something really avant-garde, Listener's Wooden Heart and Return to Struggleville are both excellent. Very poetic, very abstract. If you want something more current-sounding and Christian, Manafest is pretty good. If you want something old-skool and really cheesy, KJ-52 is... really cheesy :P But he's got some good tracks, like "Picture".I also like John Reuben and B Reith. Both are less weird than Heath McNease and Playdough, but more creative than a Manafest or a KJ-52. Reuben's album Word of Mouth and the songs "Trying Too Hard" and "Word of Mouth" are pretty sick, while B Reith's Now Is Not Forever is kinda pop sounding, but really a fun listen, especially songs like "Old School" and "The Comeback Kid".geez im talking a lot here
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I don't listen to much rap music because of its language. That said, though, I do think there are some awesome songs in the genre -- "Heard 'Em Say" by Kanye West, "Handlebars" by Flobots, and "Kick Push" by Lupe Fiasco are a few of my favorites. Linkin Park mixes rap into some of their songs nicely ("Nobody's Listening", "In the End"). I also love the E.S. Posthumus remix of "Run This Town" by Jay-Z feat. Rihanna; orchestral rap should be a genre of its own. :P

I don't think you understand the difference between hip hop and rap.
What about his post confuses hip hop and rap? If anything, he's confusing nu metal/rap rock with rap.The difference between the two (at least, that I have picked up on) is that hip hop focuses more on the beat and the DJ, while rap focuses more on the emcee and the rhymes. My main proof for that is that there are plenty of instrumental hip hop artists (Shlohmo, Baths, Nosaj Thing, Jonwayne, etc) but never any instrumental rap, because the rapping is the rhyming.Aaaand he doesn't really confuse that at all. You could maybe call the kanye and lupe songs hip hop but they really are still pretty focused on the rapper. "Heard Em Say" had a pretty beat though.Kanye's always used really good, interesting beats on his tracks that I know, like "Gold Digger" and such. Listened to "Otis" off of watch the throne and... dayng. Otis Redding samples ftw. It was so smooth. At least, till Kanye started to screech >.> And "Thunder" is pretty dang beast too. "Murder to Excellence" is sweet too (choir samples are the best samples)Also, the bass on "No Church In The Wild" is so smoooth :3
NO CHURCH IN THE WYYYYYYYYYYYYYYLDFrank Ocean makes that song for me.And I love the beat on Murder to Excellence, especially the latter half. Jay's best verse on WTT, in my opinion.-Teezy



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If you want something really avant-garde, Listener's Wooden Heart and Return to Struggleville are both excellent. Very poetic, very abstract.

listener is the last thing i would expect to see on bzp. dan smith is a total bro though, wooden heart was great. wouldn't really consider them rap though :/
It would all depend on your definition of rap. He calls himself a talk music artist on his bandcamp, but I've always thought of it as rap, since it does have hiphop style beats. I call him rap, but I totally get it if other people don't :P
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Personally, I've never really gotten into the more mainstream bands/artists, but I am a huge fan of some of the underground stuff. No rap/hip-hop topic would be complete without a mention to El-P, Aesop Rock, and Saul Williams.My latest discovery has been Shabazz Palaces, and it's really different than anything I've heard before in the genre. Anyone know anything similar?

R.I.P. Hundreds of Rahkshi, Karzahni (plant), Mavrah, Kodan, Lhikan, Nidhiki, Krekka, Nivawk, Tuyet, Naho, the other seven Toa Mangai, Sidorak, a Toa of Gravity, a Toa of Plasma, a Toa of 'Silence', Reysa, Carapar, Botar, Ihu, Nikila, Jovan, Hydraxon, Morbuzakh, Antroz, Bitil, Krika, Icarax, Mutran, Vamprah, Spiriah, Gorast, Chirox, many Matoran on a southern island, Matoro, Kojol, many Toa of Iron and Magnetism, all of the Toa in a Toa Tower, a winged Dark Hunter, everyone who attacked Artahka, several OOMN members, a Skakdi in the Pit, many Matoran who became statues, Tridax, Jovan's team, Lesovikk's team, Tyrant, a group of Turaga, the Vahki, Certavus, Lein, many Vorox, many Skrall, Guardian, Nocturn, countless Rahi, the Iron tribe, Teridax, Karzahni (person), The Makuta of Stelt, Telluris, Tren Krom ... and good riddance.

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Lupe Fiasco, Kanye, Tinie Tempah, and some very limited Jay-Z and Dr. Dre are about the extent of the Rap music i listen to. In general i find rap to be annoying at best, but that's just my personal taste. Lupe Fiasco was really the first rapper i truely liked and remains so to this day, considering that, unlike Kanye with an entire album dedicated to to pretty much everything bad you can do, He's got three albums that are more or less dedicated to saying things the way they are and making fun of some politics along the way.That being said, i have nothing against anyone who likes rap, it's just not the type of music i could listen to all day unless it's backed up by some really nice music. But that also depends on the tempt of the rap too, I guess. If you're speaking so fast you can't be understood than it's a little overkill.

I've been searchin' for the daughter of the Devil Himself,

​I've been searchin' for an Angel in White,

​I've been lookin for a woman who's a little of both,

​and I can sense her but she's nowhere in sight,
Cause I can't find a banner ;_;



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NWA, Biggie, Beastie Boys, Wu-Tang, Eminem, Mos Def, Saul Williams, Childish Gambinooh man, I'm a bigger fan of rap than I thought

Also while I can't think of any 'clean' hip hop albums off the top of my head, there are definitely numerous profanity-free songs. I'd recommend 'Make My' by The Roots and 'Express Yourself' by NWA

>profanity free>NWAwatEDIT: OH. I almost forgot. The Detroit Experiment by...The Detroit Experiment has some great stuff on it, though it's mostly instrumental. Edited by G.I.R

only in dreams.

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Also while I can't think of any 'clean' hip hop albums off the top of my head, there are definitely numerous profanity-free songs. I'd recommend 'Make My' by The Roots and 'Express Yourself' by NWA

>profanity free>NWAwat
Yep. No profanity, or violence. It's like they're a different group entirely.So anyway, what are everyone's thoughts on the upcoming Kanye/Frank Ocean/Tyler the Creator collab?
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Tyler is one of the most interesting guys on the scene imo. (he's also probably the only guy on Odd Future that I know/give a flip about)But he's also one of the filthiest.I listened to a few of his songs off of Goblin, like Yonkers, and I actually didn't feel well afterwards :PListened to them again sans repercussionsIdunnololAs far as the collab... I don't know how Tyler and Kanye's styles will meld. They're opposite spectrums of rap, really.

Edited by Zerothemaster
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I myself can't stand Tyler. Frank Ocean is really the only member of Odd Future I can enjoy, but at the same time, he really doesn't fit in with that group at all...But I loved Ocean's work on Watch the Throne, so anything the two release together, even with Tyler's...unique...style, will probably end up being gold.-Teezy



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I dislike Tyler because his entire shtick is just so dumb. He's vulgar and bigoted for the sake of causing controversy and getting attention. He's like a leech.Also he's really homophobic.That said, I like Yonkers, Sandwiches, and She.Frank Ocean is excellent and is one of the only two parts of OFWGKTA I really care about (the other being MellowHype). The collab'll probably be at least on par with No Church In The Wild.

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I dislike Tyler because his entire shtick is just so dumb. He's vulgar and bigoted for the sake of causing controversy and getting attention. He's like a leech.Also he's really homophobic.That said, I like Yonkers, Sandwiches, and She.

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