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The Island Of Pain

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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OOC: Well considering they won't be seen for another couple hundred years and were never seen anywhere save Karda-Nui - over 100,000 years ago, that is - it seems fairly unlikely. :PMaybe if you heard a prophecy or something, or learned something from a Makuta. Something like that.IC: Levacius / WoL Base"Don't believe you." Levacius replied. "I think you're making that up."IC: Elynirus / WoL Base"Yeah. Seems like some kind of fairy tale. Like there only being one Makuta or something... wait, how many Makuta are there?"IC: Levacius / WoL Base"No idea. Like, three or four dozen I think. Gonna be one less before we're done."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Kopraga / Parched WastesAt her speeds, Aeoru was moving too fast to avoid the sudden sphere of shadow. However, it had no effect on her as she went through. When she got the Kopraga, however, its purpose was revealed. Shadows wrapped around him and he vanished, appearing the sphere, which he absorbed and then fired out as a beam.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Actually, Kono was in cahoots with some Makuta here and there, so it's entirely possible he knows about them. IC Kono - WoL Base - Talking: Kono shook his head, "Apparently nobody else knows about them, or at least not many that are still alive. I don't know where they are now, but they do exist," he said. OOC: Can someone explain to me what Kono is doing with the sand? -Kono

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IC: Kopraga / Parched WastesThe sonic energy was stopped by a wall of shadow, though both were destroyed. The view kept Aeoru from seeing Kopraga, who before was far from the wall, was now up close - and releasing another cone of shadow/OOC: @ Kazi; Eating it. Not really though; he's trying to destroy it. Tossing it away.IC: Levacius / WoL Base"Must have been lazy on Naming Day." he replied with a shrug.He removed his focus on the sand in a number of areas he was controlling, and gravity did its work - he send fell down, not hurting anybody. He shrugged. "What will we do if somebody attacks us with a wave of water? Freeze it and then chip away at it?"It also allowed him some relief from the focus on the masses of clumped up sand.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Kopraga / Parched WastesKopraga did not drop his cone. Instead he turned it to counter the screams destructive effects, though the sound was still great. The cone continued on its path of destruction towards Aeoru.IC: Levacius / WoL Base"Myr, if I was on a deserted island that was actually deserted, and had to take you, the crazy shadow monster who is still stinking up our meeting hall, or a brakas, I would take the brakas for the simple fact I could eat the brakas." he said jokingly."It's the worst idea ever! I mean, you could use telekinesis to knock it back or something. Or melt it top first. Or anything beside chipping at it!"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: @Parugi and Magnus Greel: Mind if my characters interact? They're new on the island, and in the same general area.IC: Parched Wastes, Turano and PukenaTurano walked over the desert towards the two beings he had spotted previously. with the aid of his faxon and the night vision of a crystal climber, he could make out the two toa. One was reddish in colour, while the other looked green-brown.He continued to walk towards them at a steady pace, neither quickly nor too slow. As his long legs carried him over the ground, he placed his hands avove his head in a sign that he was not about to attack them.

Edited by Mt Ihu


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IC: Kopraga / Parched WastesA massive wave of shadow covered the entire area, filling it with darkness - not solid darkness, but simply darkness, so that it could not be sonically disrupted. Kopraga flew around the outside after teleporting himself away, firing volleys of shadow within in random directions, three at a time, extremely fast.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Shadow blasts don't make a sound.IC: Kopraga / Parched WastesFeeling her moving through the shadow, Kopraga created a barrier right in front of Aeoru, blocking her initial attempt to break out of the cloud. The wall then exploded into a burst of energy as more and more shadow bolts shot in.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Kopraga / Parched WastesThe shadows around Aeoru suddenly became restricting as the shadow became solid, trapping her within a sphere of solid darkness that was trying to crush her. Before she could do something remove it, or perish in its embrace, it vanished into wisps that flew back into its creator."Enough." Kopraga said, nodding. "You will do."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-"Or, you know, just shattering it on the spot." Kairan said, as he recalled a trick one of the Toa of Ice that was on his old island used to use."That would save any trouble of using any effort, as the fragments of ice wouldn't really be able to hurt us then."

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IC: Parched Wastes"Normally, I wouldn't hesitate to catch him, especially with his weakened powers after attacks like that. But we could also use some time to regenerate. And if you want to head out for other Patronage, then we have more to discuss -- "Hexxon was cut off when he felt the mind of another appear -- two, actually. Turning in the direction he sensed them, the Psionics Toa spotted a tall, gold and dark red being nearby, but he didn't see the other. Hiding, maybe?"We have company," he whispered to Okena, looking over at Turano. He didn't look agressive, with no weapons drawn and his hands in the air. Hexxon was still cautious and alert, though, after the recent ambush. IC: Parched WastesHolding back the sand wall only got easier when Greel noticed Amalia was helping to stop with her own telekinesis. This was taking up too much time to stop; they needed to end it now. "Amalia!" he called. "We need to push it back! Focus as hard as you can!"Thanks to Elynirus' help, enough sand seemed to be gone for two Psionic-wielders to shove the wave back.

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IC: Levacius / WoL BaseAs the two telekinetic pushes went out, Levacius dropped the electric field so that the sand could flow back instead of resisting the push.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Parched Wastes, Turano and PukenaTurano was quite close to the toa now, and they were showing all the signs of having noticed him. Primarily, they were looking over and their movements looked more tense. The one sign they weren't displaying was drawing weapons and preparing for a fight. He took that as encouraging."Greetings" he called out. "I come in peace, no need to fight. Really, I'm not in the mood." He was careful not to appear hostile in any way. In a place like this, he figured, he had to be.


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IC - Okena - Parched Wastes: You aren't the only one... "Do you come alone?" the Toa of Jungle asked. Unlike with Kopraga, he hadn't moved for a spear... yet. He was more than ready to do so if this person -- or any hidden allies -- attacked them, however.

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: Parched WastesTurano mentally debated whether he should reveal his ally's presence. Two large beings could be intimidating to others, but if he lied and the bluff was called, violence would be inevitable. Eventually, truth won out."No" he said. "Game's up, Pukena. Come on out."As soon as he was done speaking, the sand around his feet began to swirl. It clumped together into what seened like twin pillars, and kept on building towards the sky. Soon, those pillars were revealed to be legs, and within a matter of moments, a large black and silver being had materialised. She was of Devastator's species, with piercing green eyes."Hello" she said with a smile. "How's it going?"

Edited by Mt Ihu


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-==IC: Yutana//Parched Wastes, near Ashring==-A Toa of Fire opened her eyes slowly. She stood up, and looked around.No-one's attacked. That's good. Yutana thought, as she walked out of her makeshift bunker, and looked around at all the sand, and the mountains and cliff off in the distance, along with the volcanic-like area that surrounded the area.I wonder what's over there...? Yutana thought, as she started to walk toward the area of Ashring.OOC: Slight stop before I have her meet up with the rest. =P Partially because that also will be when other things happen.-==IC: Sarkan==-Sarkan yawned, as he watched Myr work, and then smiled, as he walked up to the smith."I wish a weapon made later." Sarkan simply said, as he walked into the base with another yawn.

Edited by Fullbringer Blade
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OOC: Okay, but your missing out on an opportunity for a truly unique weapon.IC:Myr immediately began to shape the two collapsible longswords. The scabbards be able to lock onto any piece of armor, and thus could be attached almost anywhere. He had made such a design so many times in the past that he was finished within fifteen minutes. "Two collapsible longswords with scabbards equipped with universal mounts." Said Myr as he handed Sarkan his new weapons.

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OOC: Oh, trust me, this is all you'll want him to have.-==IC: Sarkan//Oasis Ruins==-Sarkan smiled, and then nodded, as he obtained the Swords, and placed them on his back."Thanks." Sarkan said, though oddly, it didn't seem totally sincere.

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-==IC: Sarkan==-"Nope; they're perfect." Sarkan said. If Myr studied him closely, he'd tell that that statement he meant. His smile, however, seemed false, as he turned away, and walked toward the sleeping area for the moment.

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OOC: Okay, which one of you killed the plot line? It's like there was an RPG and suddenly it was gone.Let's liven this place back up!IC: Kopraga / Parched WastesKopraga flew down lower, circling around before finally landing on the ground. Extending his wings, he began absorbing the shadows in the area, which twirled into him in a display of corrupt power. Contented, he folded his wings up and awaited for his companion to land."Come." he said. "We have more to discuss."IC: Levacius / WoL BaseLevacius hovered up with his jetpack as the telekinetic powers of Greel and Amalia pushed down the last of the sand. Well... since Amalia used 1/3 of her elemental pwoers, it was more of an explosion of sand flying back as a castle crushing force went into play."Come on!" he shouted. "Crisis - if you can even call it that, more of a standard drill - has been averted, back in the base."IC: Elynirus / WoL Base"Oy." muttered Elynirus as she moved down the stairs and into the base.IC: Arillan / Toothy BaneLooking out to the sea, Arillan dreamed of one day escaping the island. He didn't care when, or how - even if it meant serving the Shepherds until the end of time - he would survive, nay, thrive, in a world where others could not. He closed his eyes and rested for the first time in a very long time, finally able to rest.... and plan.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Levacius, if you have your character bring up the idea with the Makuta Shepherd, I think I can have Greel add some things onto it.IC: Parched Wastes "How can we help you?" Hexxon asked, studying the two strangers before them. By now, the Psionics Toa would have already known that answer, and wouldn't have considered them strangers. But, wanting to conserve elemental energy, he decided to just find out the normal way. IC: Parched WastesWith the amount of mental force against the sand wave, it easily fell backwards and collapsed away from the ruins. Greel lowered his arms once the resulting, nearby dust cloud settled. That had been a lot of work to hold it in place and throw away, but it was over and done with. He turned back to the broken and ruined buildings that was their base. They hadn't fully picked up after that last battle with Suicavel.

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