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Revamp of an old MOC made in 2008 for Primus's blog contest. Which is an interesting coincidence, actually, as he just became active again to post a MOC of his own.Anyway, remade Yarrohk because the original version sat near my computer for most of his existence, and I grew tired of how bad he was. Really, the old version (seen here) was rubbish. However, I think the revamp remedies that, and actually reflects the character concept I was going for.





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He has a stand because he's meant to be an agile, lithe flyer, with little need for walking. Hence no feet, and thin little arms. Also yeah, the white background makes him rather blend in for some of the shots, but ah well.


C&C welcome.



Edited by Ballom
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Oh my gosh I remember this thing. I loved that MOC when you first made it, so I was actually surprised to see that you had chosen to revamp it in particular.You've definitely improved on it. A lot. I love the new torso. It looks much better put together, as though every last piece were very deliberately placed to flow in a specific manner. That aspect makes it very aesthetically pleasing. I like the use of tubing throughout; it contributes nicely to the skeleton-robot theme. One thing: Is the head connection at all awkward or restrictive? I can't quite see, but it looks like it might be, since he's always kind of looking straight out.The thighs seem a bit... bare, I suppose. Same goes for the upper arms. It's not just that there isn't much there (since it's clearly supposed to be a skeletal MOC). They kind of lack that certain deliberate aspect of the torso. The little Mahri-spiky-bits on the thigh sort of pop out of the rest of the thigh at a very sharp, visible angle. Compare that with, say, the Bohrok eyes all over the torso, and you'll probably see the difference. I'd try to keep them more in line with the rest of the thighs.Overall, I like this MOC a lot, and I think I'm just being nitpicky about the thighs because I don't have too much to say. It's very well put together and clearly hits the themes and ideas that it tries to display (e.g., being skeletal). It's not overwhelmingly complex and monstrous, but your eye for detail is impressive. So, yeah, this is a great MOC.~ BioGio


"You're a scientist? The proposal you make violates parsimony; it introduces extra unknowns without proof for them. One might as well say unicorns power it."

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I'm suprised on how you thought Yarrohk's predecessor needed a revamp. Anyways, I would like to say, I love that Head with Green Eyes. It just makes each other stand out. Green on white. That design of the the wings are well, awesome. Your revamped torso is amazing and you definitely made the predecessor look like nothing. Seriously though, I love that torso. I love 'em hands, especially those white claws. I love those Zamor launcher flexibe pipes usage here in the arms, legs, and torso. The thighs are bare I must agree I guess. I must say that for the upper arms as well. Overall, love the revamp Ballom! :)Oh and before I forget.

I love the way you integrated that scuba diver helmet into the MOC.
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Oh my gosh I remember this thing. I loved that MOC when you first made it, so I was actually surprised to see that you had chosen to revamp it in particular.You've definitely improved on it. A lot. I love the new torso. It looks much better put together, as though every last piece were very deliberately placed to flow in a specific manner. That aspect makes it very aesthetically pleasing. I like the use of tubing throughout; it contributes nicely to the skeleton-robot theme. One thing: Is the head connection at all awkward or restrictive? I can't quite see, but it looks like it might be, since he's always kind of looking straight out.The thighs seem a bit... bare, I suppose. Same goes for the upper arms. It's not just that there isn't much there (since it's clearly supposed to be a skeletal MOC). They kind of lack that certain deliberate aspect of the torso. The little Mahri-spiky-bits on the thigh sort of pop out of the rest of the thigh at a very sharp, visible angle. Compare that with, say, the Bohrok eyes all over the torso, and you'll probably see the difference. I'd try to keep them more in line with the rest of the thighs.Overall, I like this MOC a lot, and I think I'm just being nitpicky about the thighs because I don't have too much to say. It's very well put together and clearly hits the themes and ideas that it tries to display (e.g., being skeletal). It's not overwhelmingly complex and monstrous, but your eye for detail is impressive. So, yeah, this is a great MOC.~ BioGio
Well, glad you liked the original MOC. I was unsatisfied with how chunky it had ended up, mainly. That, and other things which were poorly done because I had to rush for the contest. Still, I'm also pleased that you agree the revamp better hits the themes.The head is a little restricted in movement, yeah. Mainly because the Takadox skull is sort of built to be over the skuba helmet, so when it's moved it doesn't have many places to go, and the chest ends up looking weirdly empty.I did actually use most of the Bohrok eyes on the torso, so the legs were less deliberately designed, as you said. However, I think the Mahri blades work reasonably well in that they fill in some of the gaps on the pelvis, and that they flow with the Pridak spikes. I do wish I had some white System panels to use on the exposed pin holes, though.Anyway, thanks for the comments. :)
This is cool. The bricks look great on the other pieces and the colors are fantastic. The wings are also cool. My only complaint is that there should be some real feet on it but other than that, nice job on this!
Real feet weren't working out too well, given the pieces I had. Plus, he can fly, so those little tiny claws on the bottoms of the lower legs are all that are really needed.
I love the way you integrated that scuba diver helmet into the MOC.
Thanks. :) It was about the only piece I had with the same green as the eyes, and I think it did work reasonably well as a heartlight-esque area too.
I'm suprised on how you thought Yarrohk's predecessor needed a revamp. Anyways, I would like to say, I love that Head with Green Eyes. It just makes each other stand out. Green on white. That design of the the wings are well, awesome. Your revamped torso is amazing and you definitely made the predecessor look like nothing. Seriously though, I love that torso. I love 'em hands, especially those white claws. I love those Zamor launcher flexibe pipes usage here in the arms, legs, and torso. The thighs are bare I must agree I guess. I must say that for the upper arms as well. Overall, love the revamp Ballom! :)
Some of my complaints against the old MOC were mentioned to BioGio, but others include how the wings were just kind of thrown onto the back, rather than being constructed to look like actual limbs, how the chest armor was arranged, as well as the weird color layering (odd switches from bley on white to white on bley).And yeah, I initially thought that eyes would diminish the skeleton aspect, but those green eyes did end up looking very unique and spooky. Also -- Zamor launchers! That's where those flexible tubes came from! I couldn't quite place where they were from when I was building him; I kept thinking they were from Pewku. Hands do look pretty nice; it's a very used trick that I didn't come up with, but it does work well. Upper arms in particular are thin because as a powerful flier he really doesn't need much upper arm strength, etc.Appreciate your posts and critiques, everyone! ^_^~B~ Edited by Ballom
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That head with those eyes looks amazing. I love the white, skeletal-but-not-to-much theme you have going one, it's very well done. The only real thing I question is filling in the upper arms with the 1x1 system bits; I think the thinner middle would look great. My favorite part is actually the thighs, the Mahri blades look fantastic, especially the way they blend with the waist. Fantastic MOC, well done.

Edited by Lego Obsessionist


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That head with those eyes looks amazing. I love the white, skeletal-but-not-to-much theme you have going one, it's very well done. The only real thing I question is filling in the upper arms with the 1x1 system bits; I think the thinner middle would look great. My favorite part is actually the thighs, the Mahri blades look fantastic, especially the way they blend with the waist. Fantastic MOC, well done.
Interesting that for you the legs are the best part. Opinions can certainly differ quite a lot, can't they?As for the upper arms, possibly the additional thinness provided by removing the System bits would be good, but then there would be those large pin-holes in the middle of the arms, which would look odd and somewhat lazy, as if I neglected that area, even if the rationale was to intentionally leave it blank. You know what I mean?~B~
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Amazing, truly amazing. The white Takadox head with green eyes looks kind of creepy, that is excellent. The torso is beautiful and has plenty of detail, very nice wings, too. The legs are great, too, plenty of detail and no feet make them look really sleek. Also, nice hands. Great colour scheme on top of it. 10/10


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Amazing, truly amazing. The white Takadox head with green eyes looks kind of creepy, that is excellent. The torso is beautiful and has plenty of detail, very nice wings, too. The legs are great, too, plenty of detail and no feet make them look really sleek. Also, nice hands. Great colour scheme on top of it. 10/10
Thanks! I certainly tried to keep what I perceived as the better traits of the original MOC, while improving on the parts that needed it.~B~
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