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If "Love" Didn't exist in Bionicle

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Okay so I might me missing something here, and you may be all likr "Sam you are really stupid. No offence" But I recently re-watched Web of Shodow's and noticed something.The scene goes something like this:Sidorak calls Roodaka his queen, to which Roodaka replies "Not yet", Implying that they are planning to get married maybe?It just seems strange to me the Marriage would exist with out love in Bionicle. Like I said. I am probably miss understanding something here, but can some one set me straight

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I dont know sorry. My theroy is that marrige is more of like a bonding thing where they agree to split spoils of war and lands they capture


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creative license. lots of stuff in that movie is non-canon. but, there was clearly something going on between some of the characters. but that's another topic. scratch that, we could probably have a forum dedicated to that.

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"Love" had nothing to do with that partnership; it was a "marriage" of political convenience. ;-)


Me: *has idea*

Blade: "I'd say too convoluted, and I know too convoluted =P"


"Dangit, I shouldn't have gotten ambitious."

--Merc, RE: our plotting


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In Roodaka and Sidorak's case, it would be more of a political union. Sidorak had no actual feelings for Roodaka, and vice versa (though that was obvious lol). If Sidorak "married" Roodaka, he would gain access and at least some control over her homeland of Xia, which is an incredibly massive weapons distributor. The only people that didn't really make regular deals with the Xians were Metru Nui and Toa in general. That would give Sidorak a lot of pull in the profit, and gave a public face for the Brotherhood so the Makuta could continue doing things more behind the scenes.


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In Roodaka and Sidorak's case, it would be more of a political union. Sidorak had no actual feelings for Roodaka, and vice versa (though that was obvious lol). If Sidorak "married" Roodaka, he would gain access and at least some control over her homeland of Xia, which is an incredibly massive weapons distributor. The only people that didn't really make regular deals with the Xians were Metru Nui and Toa in general. That would give Sidorak a lot of pull in the profit, and gave a public face for the Brotherhood so the Makuta could continue doing things more behind the scenes.
This. Most political marriages were for power or money, anyways. History is filled with them.


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Thanks, guys. Greg confirmed it referred to a nonromantic, political alliance. :)Question answered, topic closed.

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

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