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Apple, Inc.A topic for the discussion of the massive company Apple. A link to the original Official topic:

ArchiveSome basic rules that probably need to be said:No flaming (Apple is prone to being hated on; if you can make a valid argument, then by all means do so, but the old topic was full of biased people.)That being said, please no fanboys (Just as bad as flaming haha, but seriously it'll probably turn into spam.)----------Latest in Apple: iCloud, OS X 10.7 Lion, iPhone 4S and Siri, and Tim Cook being appointed CEO.You can also talk about what Apple stuff you have. I have a mid-2010 iMac with Lion and Snow Leopard, as well as a 4G iPod Touch.It's a shame to see Jobs gone, and we can only hope Apple continues to be as good a company. If anyone here recalls, the last time he left, Apple plummeted with the Mac Portable...


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I'm a fan of Jony Ive, Apple's designer. Apple's products have looked fantastic since he was Senior Vice President of Industrial Design or whatever his title is. Nobody can deny that they make among the highest quality, best looking products on the market. I wouldn't say absolutely highest, but they're up there with HTC and Asus in terms of build quality and aesthetic goodness. I'm not a fan of their anti-competitive business practices, nor their software (it's great, sure, but it's not for me). I'm an Android developer (technically :P) and user, and I personally prefer open source solutions such as Linux and Android to Windows (including Phone) 7 and Mac OS and iOS. I certainly wouldn't call myself a hater, nor a fanboy (except, perhaps, a fanboy of tech in general). I actually watched most of Jobs' product launches, and loved them. Of course I was very excited about the Retina Display (as yet unmatched, although that will change on Wednesday), and the awesome thin design.Banning the Galaxy Tab, and suing everyone, for infringing on the 'look and feel' of Apple is not cool, though. Stifling innovation of others will eventually just stifle their own innovation, and it will be bad for everyone. Still think iOS needs a new look, it's getting stale.

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I've got to say I agree with about everything here. :sigh: @OmiShad @The Shouting God - That's the #1 reason that people dislike Macs. It's a FACT that they're not built for gaming. However, I'd like to point out that there's a massive project called Wineskin that makes it super-easy to port most Windows-only games to OS X. And some pretty intense games, too. There's also Cider, another program for porting games, and Crossover, yet another. I currently have Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout 3 NV, Thief 3: Deadly Shadows, Deus Ex, Strongholds 2, Commandos Behind Enemy Lines, and Might and Magic: Dark Messiah all ported to my Mac. Plus you can run Windows natively. Not disagreeing with you, because if you're a gamer I immediately do not recommend a Mac - just informing. @+ravrahn - I also do not like how constricting iOS is. But doesn't jail breaking it give you Android-like freedom?


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I'm an Apple fanboy. So is my family. It's so much better when there's no windows. Everything is just compatible and easy and simple then. The apple software is so user friendly. And everything Apple looks like a set, it all matches and flows. And the fact that the lifespan of a Mac is so much longer than a PC. And the track pad is completely superior to any other. :PI'm not moving back to Windows, not even if they make a 10 or something. I just can't deal with all of that again lol.

Hey look I almost have 1000 posts

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I'm an Apple fanboy. So is my family. It's so much better when there's no windows. Everything is just compatible and easy and simple then. The apple software is so user friendly. And everything Apple looks like a set, it all matches and flows. And the fact that the lifespan of a Mac is so much longer than a PC. And the track pad is completely superior to any other. :PI'm not moving back to Windows, not even if they make a 10 or something. I just can't deal with all of that again lol.

Yes, Windows can be quite a hassle. But personally, I don't like the trackpad all that much. I use a Magic Mouse, but I tried the trackpad at an Apple Store and didn't really like having to actually *click.*

You live in a house with no windows? D:

He means the OS >,>


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I'm an Apple fanboy. So is my family. It's so much better when there's no windows. Everything is just compatible and easy and simple then. The apple software is so user friendly. And everything Apple looks like a set, it all matches and flows. And the fact that the lifespan of a Mac is so much longer than a PC. And the track pad is completely superior to any other. :PI'm not moving back to Windows, not even if they make a 10 or something. I just can't deal with all of that again lol.

Yes, Windows can be quite a hassle. But personally, I don't like the trackpad all that much. I use a Magic Mouse, but I tried the trackpad at an Apple Store and didn't really like having to actually *click.*

You live in a house with no windows? D:

He means the OS >,>
"No ####..... I admire you honesty..." It was a joke btw.
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I'm an Apple fanboy. So is my family. It's so much better when there's no windows. Everything is just compatible and easy and simple then. The apple software is so user friendly. And everything Apple looks like a set, it all matches and flows. And the fact that the lifespan of a Mac is so much longer than a PC. And the track pad is completely superior to any other. :PI'm not moving back to Windows, not even if they make a 10 or something. I just can't deal with all of that again lol.

Yes, Windows can be quite a hassle. But personally, I don't like the trackpad all that much. I use a Magic Mouse, but I tried the trackpad at an Apple Store and didn't really like having to actually *click.*

You live in a house with no windows? D:

He means the OS >,>
"No ####..... I admire you honesty..." It was a joke btw.
OOOOOOH I see it now. Hurr hurr :bucktooth:


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But Microsoft has Xbox. :P Anyway, is there much of a difference between iPhone 4 on Verizon, then AT&T?

I don't own an iPhone, but I imagine it depends on where you are, and what the connection speed is in your area regarding either service. EDIT: @Bfahome: Did you make the switch from Windows? Edited by Jeordeon


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@+ravrahn - I also do not like how constricting iOS is. But doesn't jail breaking it give you Android-like freedom?

That's not the point. Apple doesn't want you jailbreaking. Google actually promotes rooting (Android equivalent of jailbreaking) your phone. It's the different philosophies behind the companies, Apple's philosophy is where I take issue. And Cydia might be nice and all, but you most certainly don't get anywhere near an Android level of freedom. I can upgrade the Android equivalent of an iPhone 3G to the Android equivalent of iOS 5 (and I have, for my dad), I can install so many alternatives to everything imaginable right in the Market. It's like comparing apples and oranges, if you'll excuse the horrendously overused pun.

Even the gaming catagory?

Yes, because then perhaps developers will make all of their games Mac-compatible without needing Windows or ports.
The actual annoying thing is that nobody ports games from Mac to Linux, because it's actually really easy. I'm not a gamer, but I'd be perfectly happy games-wise with a Mac. It can play Portal and Minecraft, that's fine by me. I would happily dual-boot it with Ubuntu, which I currently do with Windows 8, so I could play games.

But Microsoft has Xbox. :P Anyway, is there much of a difference between iPhone 4 on Verizon, then AT&T?

Only that one's on Verizon and one's on AT&T. The AT&T one will work in more places worldwide because they use a GSM 3G network.
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Even the gaming catagory?

Yes, because then perhaps developers will make all of their games Mac-compatible without needing Windows or ports.
The actual annoying thing is that nobody ports games from Mac to Linux, because it's actually really easy. I'm not a gamer, but I'd be perfectly happy games-wise with a Mac. It can play Portal and Minecraft, that's fine by me. I would happily dual-boot it with Ubuntu, which I currently do with Windows 8, so I could play games.
Wait...you hypothetically have a Mac, with a Windows 8 partition...where exactly does Linux come in? And why use Linux?


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Apple computers are niceonce they run games and stop costing 3 times as much as Windows-based computers I might be able to justify getting one

This topic so far

If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it, did a tree fall?


If a tree falls in a forest and we're too far away to hear it trees don't exist and never will.

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The actual annoying thing is that nobody ports games from Mac to Linux, because it's actually really easy. I'm not a gamer, but I'd be perfectly happy games-wise with a Mac. It can play Portal and Minecraft, that's fine by me. I would happily dual-boot it with Ubuntu, which I currently do with Windows 8, so I could play games.

Wait...you hypothetically have a Mac, with a Windows 8 partition...where exactly does Linux come in? And why use Linux?
No, you misunderstand me. I currently have a tower that dual-boots Ubuntu and Windows 8. My hypothetical was a Mac that dual-booted Linux - using Mac OS for games. Why shouldn't I use Linux? It runs well on nearly every computer in the world, even $25 ones. Furthermore, it's open-source, which means it's more robust than other OS's and the way it's designed makes it far, far more difficult to make viruses for than Windows (the same applies to Mac, because it's Unix-based). And I have far more options open to me. Also, my computer is quite bad, Windows is sluggish. It boots Ubuntu in about 8 seconds. That's why I use it. It's faster and safer and I prefer it.
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The actual annoying thing is that nobody ports games from Mac to Linux, because it's actually really easy. I'm not a gamer, but I'd be perfectly happy games-wise with a Mac. It can play Portal and Minecraft, that's fine by me. I would happily dual-boot it with Ubuntu, which I currently do with Windows 8, so I could play games.

Wait...you hypothetically have a Mac, with a Windows 8 partition...where exactly does Linux come in? And why use Linux?
No, you misunderstand me. I currently have a tower that dual-boots Ubuntu and Windows 8. My hypothetical was a Mac that dual-booted Linux - using Mac OS for games. Why shouldn't I use Linux? It runs well on nearly every computer in the world, even $25 ones. Furthermore, it's open-source, which means it's more robust than other OS's and the way it's designed makes it far, far more difficult to make viruses for than Windows (the same applies to Mac, because it's Unix-based). And I have far more options open to me. Also, my computer is quite bad, Windows is sluggish. It boots Ubuntu in about 8 seconds. That's why I use it. It's faster and safer and I prefer it.
H'm. Linux seems like it would serve as a very nice virtual machine.


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Right now I only have a 4th Gen iPod...I just updated it to iOs 5 a couple days ago and it's been amazing! It's made my iPod so much....Better than before. I'm trying for a macbook next! :) Although I would get a phone running on android before I get an iPhone right now...The iPhone seems to be catching up with iOS 5. But I have to admit I'm impressed with Siri. (I havent personally used it though)

Xbox 360 Gamertag: PetaPanSpartan

I play Halo Reach, Halo 3 and MW3 online.


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I think Steve Jobs was an admirable visionary. His skill set was undoubtedly strongest when it comes to how to sell a product. Which is something I pride myself on, seeing as I'm the same way. Jobs and I are communicators, salesmen and fierce advocates. It's such a shame this brilliant visionary had to die so "young". He sets a brilliant example. Even with billions of dollars in your back pocket, even with every health care available, you are not immortal.


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The actual annoying thing is that nobody ports games from Mac to Linux, because it's actually really easy.I'm not a gamer, but I'd be perfectly happy games-wise with a Mac. It can play Portal and Minecraft, that's fine by me. I would happily dual-boot it with Ubuntu, which I currently do with Windows 8, so I could play games.

Wait...you hypothetically have a Mac, with a Windows 8 partition...where exactly does Linux come in? And why use Linux?
No, you misunderstand me. I currently have a tower that dual-boots Ubuntu and Windows 8. My hypothetical was a Mac that dual-booted Linux - using Mac OS for games:p Why shouldn't I use Linux? It runs well on nearly every computer in the world, even $25 ones. Furthermore, it's open-source, which means it's more robust than other OS's and the way it's designed makes it far, far more difficult to make viruses for than Windows (the same applies to Mac, because it's Unix-based). And I have far more options open to me. Also, my computer is quite bad, Windows is sluggish. It boots Ubuntu in about 8 seconds. That's why I use it. It's faster and safer and I prefer it.
What 25 dollar computers? :PI've never used Linux. What exactly is it?
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EDIT: Oh my, it does have forums... I didn't notice! Link removed. There's a computer called the Raspberry Pi which will sell for $25. It's pretty good, too. Linux is an OS based on Unix (like Mac is). Lots of different 'distros' of Linux are available, for different purposes. It's open-source and pretty powerful, and very customisable.

Edited by +ravrahn
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http://www.raspberrypi.org/ <-- $25 computer Linux is an OS based on Unix (like Mac is). Lots of different 'distros' of Linux are available, for different purposes. It's open-source and pretty powerful, and very customisable.

Oh my, that's a tiny computer...too bad it isn't for sale yet :mellow: On Topic: Apple is a company I'm not too fond of, and I don't really like their computers. However, the iPod touch and the iPhone are actually pretty innovative and just plain awesome IMO. I'd take an iPhone over an Android device any day, despite my preference to using Linux. Too bad my iPhone broke a while ago. Also, Siri isn't being taken very seriously in Japan; "Siri" transliterated into Japanese means "butt".


Wow I haven't been here in a long time...

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