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I've never done a poem in CoT before, and only a single one in the Library that was written years ago. A lot of my poetry doesn't make it to an audience, but this was an opportunity to try something new and take myself out of my comfort zone. Enjoy.




You will search as far as your eyes can gaze

And construct untold ways to see further.

There exists a constant demand for truth

And in searching quite so desperately

You hope you might discover what is true.

If you were granted the capacity

Of a billion lifetimes and scoured

The depths of the void, your search would still end

In failure. The truth is not found in stars,

Nor in atoms. Nature has no reason

Or inclination to produce such truth

For itself. It merely encompasses

Those axioms around which certain laws

Have been inexorably established.

Only men make facts, and only men wish

For classifications of what is real.

On reality, I can provide answers.

There is good, and evil. And there is love,

Upon the precipice of which is truth.

It overlooks canyons of delusion

A happy monster that has devoured

Men consensually for centuries.

I must warn you that slipping is easy

Though countless individuals have leapt

Blindly forth with no regard for safety.

Perhaps this great fall appears inviting,

For life in deception is easier

Than facing truth. Truth comes without trinkets

Or fanfare. Truth is not self-important.

It must stand to exist for its own sake,

Not in arrogance, but in harmony

With the few who accept it as it is.

Below truth, in the endless chasm of faith

And fantasy, there is a vast ocean

Of more clear symbols than the Pacific

Has molecules of water. Beneath the waves

You will find emblems of love, fear, sadness

Anger, and the complete human spectrum

Of emotion. This is the real dwelling

Of society, of heaven and ######,

Of everything that stands between a man

And the truth. Untold scores of men will live

Out the rest of their days and die here,

Either glimpsing truth and rejecting it

Or tragic enough to have it eclipsed

Their entire life. Down there, men claim to know

The truth, and display it to the masses

In a seemingly exalted format.

They will say that this is the only truth,

That any others will lead you astray

And turn your soul to ash. Do not be fooled.

This is a hollow shell of the great truth,

The empty and decaying chrysalis

That no two men will ever view the same.

In reality, this is the cocoon

The absolute truth had to soar out from

Before journeying up beyond the cliffs.

If a man were to ever seek this truth

He begins in a dark simulation,

Where all the new children of men are born

With misled eyes. He must ascend alone,

Armed only with a simple climbing axe

Called choice. If a man should reach the summit

Of veracity, he will discover

The pointlessness with which all others persist

In their motions. Compared to the one truth

On the high peak, everything seems useless.

This is because, despite man's achievements,

Love is the real, final resolution,

The solitary absolution of sin,

And the single quantifiable truth

That gives a value to being a man.

This is the truth, which you may align with

Or disregard pursuing mirages.

Only love, the rightly miraculous,

Immaculate conception of mankind

Can transcend the very realms of divinity

Or desire, and exist gloriously

As truth. Clearly our finest creation,

Love just is, and exists for its own sake.

This pinnacle of our young legacy,

One that belongs to all who accept it

As their avatar, is our greatest hope

For everlasting continuity.

Edited by Cederak
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I'm no poet, but for me, this was done very well. I really enjoyed the meaning behind all the different "truths", and I'm glad that you placed all of those aside to finish it off with that what's important is helping one another first. At least that's what I got from this. It wasn't too wordy and really pulled me in. Nice job Cederak, though I'm probably not the best person to review this, I really enjoyed this a lot!(And congrats for making your first CoT poem a fresh one that isn't dark/depressing/drama!)

Edited by Quote (Mr. Traveler)
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Thanks for the review, Mr. Traveler. I know that a lot of CoT stories fall into the "dark/depressing/drama" categories, and I like branching out of that to offer a new direction around here. Admittedly, looking back, I have some questions of my own about the poem, but your take on it summed up my ideas rather nicely. Fun fact: Each line is exactly 10 syllables, which made for more of an interesting challenge, but enjoyable to write all the same. :)-Ced

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  • 4 months later...

Official Short Stories Critics Club Charity Review Hello. Let me just say that this was all together a joy to read out load. The care you put into constructing this really shows, and it gives this poem an almost blank verse feel. You manage to give this an archaic edge without forcing it, and the result is altogether amazing. Now saying that, once you've followed the rules, it's okay to break them a little. Not even Shakespeare had his syllables even all the time, and I see some parts where you sacrifice the rhythm to meet your syllable requirement.

Only men make facts, and only men wishFor classifications of what is real.

I would suggest "to classify reality," for the last line. It sounds much stronger.

Just remember to keep tense constant.If a man were to ever seek this truthHe would begins in a dark simulation,

Where all the new children of men are born


"New children" is a bit redundant. I would suggest. "Where all children of humankind are born." (I swear it wasn't for feminist reasons. XD Just sounds better.)


The last lines were really the only parts of the poem that I disliked, unfortunately.


As their avatar, is our greatest hopeFor everlasting continuity.


Who's avatar are you talking about? Everlasting continuity is doubly redundant (=P).


I would honestly just scrap these and come up with some better ones that capture the soul of your poem more.

Those axioms around which certain lawsHave been inexorably established.

A happy monster that has devouredMen consensually for centuries.

And in finality, I will squee over these lines, because the juxtaposion of sounds in both of them is just awesome. Keep writing. ^^

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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