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The Fire Chronicles


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Here's Chapter 2:


The Fire Chronicles: Amidst


Chapter 2: Remains


In the Nuva Hallway…

The Nuva’s offices were all in the same hallway of offices. Since Gali and Taka (yes, he’s considered a Nuva) had left, Kopaka and Lewa set to doubling their living spaces and relaxed, for they didn’t know what to do next.


“Hah?” Kopaka drowsily answered. The knock came again, so Kopaka got to his feet, lazily threw the covers over his bed, and opened the door.

Tahu and Kiina walked the doorway slowly, and Kopaka winced. “Kopaka…brother…I have returned,” Tahu announced.

Kopaka rubbed his eyes, and then glared at his brother. “What…how…you died.”

“Maybe I did. Maybe I didn’t. I don’t know, but I’m here now.”

Kopaka stared at Tahu again, but after a few seconds, patted Tahu on the back and turned to Kiina. “Get Lewa and the others. We have a lot to discuss.”


In the Council…

“So…this is the one that’s responsible for Teridax’s death?” Smartius queried.

“Well…in the long run, yes,” Lewa responded. “But there were other factors that played in this, such as Ackar’s, Ahkmou’s, and your deeds.”

Smartius stood up. “I like you,” he said, pointing at Tahu.

“Well…I appreciate that,” Tahu answered.

“Please don’t, Smartius. It’s his first day back—“

“And I want to talk to him about—“

“Smartius, it’s not about you. It’s about him. Tahu, tell us what happened when you came to.”

“Well, I was without my mask at first, so I was close to unconsciousness. But some power gave me the strength to put it on—“

“You’re welcome,” Mata Nui muttered.

“and then the weird golden power came upon me and transformed all the…things there to life. And they looked exactly like every one of us. How is that possible?”

“I can explain,” Mata Nui said, walking to the center of the Council’s circle. “Apparently LEGO, some toy company, managed to ‘create’ some original storyline that didn’t exist in the real world. Liars.”

“How would they have even known there was such a world?” Link queried.

“Anyway, I slowly started to regain my memory, and then a war broke out because Tahu Nuva forbid a Mctoran—deformed Matoran—to run for ruler.”

“Oh…that’s like what happened here. Keep going.”

“Near the end of the battle, Gali was stabbed. But then she stood up again, possessed by Helryx. Helryx tied me to the lightning rod in an attempt to electrocute me, but I escaped and we fought.”


“Lewa, you know how this ends. I’m alive, Helryx escapes, and I transport back here within a day.”

“Actually…I didn’t guess any of that.”

Tahu sighed. “But the worst is yet to come. Sure, Ackar’s been captured, and some of the Nintendo ones, too, but…TTP spoke of a prophecy.”

“A prophecy? Tahu, you didn’t tell me about this.”

“I wanted to tell everyone else first, Gal—Kiina. Meta took over NAW, so TTP is now stranded at the House, where I was. It’s not a bad thing, really. I’m sure he’s in good hands.”


In the House’s Pantry…

“What? Where am I?” TTP queried, looking around the dark room. He saw nothing, obviously.

“Why, you’re in Vezon and Karda’s Excruciatingly Painful House of Fun,” a voice announced. The light flickered on, and TTP lurched. The Kardas Dragon stood above him, jaw opened and ready to eat.

“Now, of course,” Vezon 2 continued. “We can’t simply kill you, even if you didn’t make this comedy. You’re still very valuable to Tahu Nuva and the rest of us, with all the secrets you have locked away in your head. So we can’t kill you. Kardas, what do you think?”

Kardas growled, before making a “eat him” sound. Vezon 2 facepalmed.

“Come on, Kardas, we can’t kill him. Anyway, he was supposed to say we were going to siphon the platinum from your body, but I guess he likes your stench—KARDAS, WHAT DID I SAY?”

Kardas had his mouth open right by TTP’s foot. Vezon 2 looked at Kardas, then at the pantry.

“Kardas, eat some cheese puffs instead. I’m sure the Bohrok-Kal won’t mind.”

“Waitwaitwait. What do you mean; you’re going to siphon all the platinum from my body?”

“Well, the battle left…quite some damage to the House. For example, one of the glass tables broke—“

“…that was your own fault.”

“Ignoring that, there are several scratches on the hardwood, some walls went down, and let’s just say…this house needs a serious renovation.”

“So your plan is to take all the platinum from me, sell it, and use the money to fix up the house?”

“No, silly. You forgot the part about using the remaining money for my own personal advantages.”

“…yeah. Anyway, how do you know I still have platinum in me?”

“Because you sparkle. Anyway, Kardas, get the Separator. It’s time to make some big bucks.”

As Kardas and Vezon 2 surrounded him and pointed the gun at TTP, the ex-author muttered, “Man, has this comedy gotten so much more screwed up than when I ruled.”


In the Council…

“And you have no other details on this?” Lewa queried.

“No, but I hope it has something to do with fire!” Tahu said. “Anyway, if Helryx’s forces are looking for this too…”

“Tahu, you’re appointed to the Council.”

“But Mata Nui, we didn’t even—“

“There is no question of voting, Lewa. If what Tahu’s heard is true, we really are in danger.”


To Be Continued…






How was it?

Also, the characters above have first appeared in this season. The ones from the previous season are not included here.




EDIT: 300 posts!!!

Edited by Link: Toa of the Triforce
The long awaited third season of TA:OT is finally here!!



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“What? Where am I?” TTP queried, looking around the dark room. He saw nothing, obviously.

“Why, you’re in Vezon and Karda’s Excruciatingly Painful House of Fun,” a voice announced. The light flickered on, and TTP lurched. The Kardas Dragon stood above him, jaw opened and ready to eat.

Fun for...who, exactly?




“Kardas, eat some cheese puffs instead. I’m sure the Bohrok-Kal won’t mind.”

Yeah, not at all.




As Kardas and Vezon 2 surrounded him and pointed the gun at TTP, the ex-author muttered, “Man, has this comedy gotten so much more screwed up than when I ruled.”

Augh, the fourth wall. Somebody save the fourth wall!


Good chappy, Tahu/Link/Someone. Also congrats on 300 posts.




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@MT Zehvor (wait...you changed your name...) :

1. That's the irony of the name.

2. We'll get to that soon enough...not in this chappy though.

3. Wow, I wasn't even thinking of that. Technically, he didn't break the wall, because he made the comedy actually Meta did so...it's up to you.


The Fire Chronicles: Amidst


Chapter 3: The Dead Have Risen


In the Council…

“We found the Ice Gate of Time and Space,” Norik reported to the Council. “Certavus was hiding there.”

“But Certavus died!” Kiina exclaimed.

“Apparently not. He will be able to give you guys an explanation of how to get to Makuhero City.”

“Then we’ll do just that. Thank you, Norik.” Mata Nui ushered Norik to the door, and the Toa left.

“So here’s the plan. If there is a Gate of Time and Space where Certavus is, I assume that there are more that lead to other places, but I suggest you speak with Certavus first, as Norik did.”

“What if there isn’t another gate?” Tahu questioned.

“As destiny would have it, I’m sure there’s at least one,” Mata Nui answered. “If there isn’t, well, then, we’re screwed. Anyway, you will go with Kiina, the remaining Nuva, Gelu, and some Nintendo character.” Mata Nui took a jar, then stuck his hand into it and pulled out a slip of paper. “Oh, this should be fun. You’re going with Sonic the Hedgehog.”


In the MU Robot…

“We’ve heard a strange voice coming from the Daxia Area. You should go check it out.”

“Oh, we’d be happy to, Von Ness. Right, guys?”

The other members of the group were silent. Artakha facepalmed.

“Sorry, Von Ness, they’re just shy. I said, right guys?”

“Right,” Nuhrii muttered. If anything, the other members of the group were unhappy to return to a place where so much damage had happened. Then again, it was where they’d fought for freedom—and won.

“Well, let’s go then,” VN said, leading the way into the robot. “Since we were given the robot, we’ve been working hard to make it more stable and sturdier. While we can’t tear apart some of the islands, we are cloning the so-called ‘Bohrok’ so they can tidy it up for support a little.”

“Interesting,” Artakha mused. “How much of the robot is ready?”

“Well, we’re about to paint the outside. We still have more islands—we haven’t touched Zakaz or Destral—that one is awful dark—but we’ve gotten the majority of them. Metru Nui—“

Gali sniffled.

“—is still in the works, we aren’t tearing down any buildings, that’ll be the main control center. Well, here we are. Area Daxia. This leads into the entrance to Daxia Fortress, so ready?”

“Sure,” Taka muttered.

“Great, let’s head on in.”


In Daxia Fortress…

VN flickered on a light. They were in the main entrance hall, which was exactly the same as it had been left when they’d last been there. “I suppose, from the looks on your faces, that you’ve been here before?”

You have too, Gali thought, but she dared not say it out loud, for VN’s memory had been wiped. So much bad memories here. If only I could tear it apart.

“Help…” a voice moaned.

“Well, that’s the voice. It’s strange, how the voice was so loud out there…but here it’s so quiet. Oh well, looks like it’s coming from there.”

VN pointed to the throne room, and Nuhrii’s stomach lurched. No, please not there. Anywhere but there.

But they continued to walk down the hallways that lead to the throne room. “This is a strange place…so quiet, but so dangerous,” VN mused.

You have no idea, Taka thought as they neared the double doors where the throne room was.

“Well, here we are. Let’s go in.” VN opened the doors, turned on the lights, and found what had been moaning for so long.

“At last. Please help me down, Toa. I mean no harm to you, even if I am The Shadowed One…”


By the Ice Gate…

“Ah. So there are more of you, aren’t there?”

“Certavus.” Gelu looked at the warrior, and horrible, horrible memories flashed through his head…that of the Shattering. “You have returned.”

“Alas, I never died. Pertaining to my destiny, I entered a deep sleep. When this planet was reformed, I awoke to fulfill my destiny.”

“So…you’re like a Sage from Zelda?” Sonic queried.

“Well…I suppose…but who wants to listen to you, anyway?”

“SEGA!” Sonic sung.

“If they were listening to you, they’d be shut down. Well, at least you’re better than Bubsy.”

“Bubsy who?”

“Anyway. When the annoying Toa passed through here before, they wanted a link to a being named Axonn. You know him, do you not?”

“We wish we didn’t, but unfortunately, we do,” Kiina said.

“Perfect. I sent them off to the place this Gate leads to, a wintery planet named Kollix IV. They got lucky, I guess, because they actually found Axonn there.”

“Wait…you’re saying this Gate leads to Kollix IV?”

All of the beings turned around to face Tahu, who had said nothing up until then. Certavus walked over to Tahu, his feet crunching on the perfectly white snow. “You…are the one, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” Tahu replied. “I guess so.”

“Huh. The quiet one shall be humble until the—excuse me, I’m sorry.”

“Is that from the prophecy?” Tahu asked. “Continue.”

“You’re right. That is from the prophecy—the Fire Chronicle. But that is all I know of it. The excerpt is there on the Ice Wall.”

Certavus pointed to a wall somewhat far away from where they were standing, but still very visible. The words were in a different language than the standard Matoran or Agori (it was in English), but the message came to everyone who read it. “It was there when I awoke from my slumber…and had never been there before.”

Kopaka traced the letters, and at once, he understood English. In truth, they’d always been talking in English—just the way it was written was different. “It’s so ornate,” the Toa said. “But you’re the only one—“

“Not the only one. Angonce stops by from time to time. I would imagine he just poofed it up, but then again, he’d never leave his home when we’re in a slumber.”

“We’re?” Tahu questioned.

“Oh…right. Since this portal does not lead to your destined destination, you must travel to the other five gates: that of Fire, Water, Air, Stone, and Earth.”

“But why can’t we just get to Makuhero City from Kollix IV?” Lewa asked.

“That is not the destined path for you. No, unfortunately you must visit the other five gates…and what is in store for you there, I wish I knew.”


To Be Continued…


The Shadowed One (TSO)




The long awaited third season of TA:OT is finally here!!



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You are correct (although I am not TSO, just saying). TSO was killed (by Von Nebula) and ended up in the wig salon headless. He, along with Narrator and some others, escaped the Wig Salon and were brought back to life (in the case of Narrator, just got out), so TSO has reappeared in the mortal world back with his head, which VN had mounted on the wall after stealing the throne.


We'll get there soon enough.



The long awaited third season of TA:OT is finally here!!



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“We found the Ice Gate of Time and Space,” Norik reported to the Council. “Certavus was hiding there.”

“But Certavus died!” Kiina exclaimed.

“Apparently not. He will be able to give you guys an explanation of how to get to Makuhero City.”

OR...maybe there's just clones of Certavus...and they're all waiting to jump out and beat you up.


Just saying. It could happen.




“Help…” a voice moaned.

“Well, that’s the voice. It’s strange, how the voice was so loud out there…but here it’s so quiet. Oh well, looks like it’s coming from there.”

No...don't ever follow a moaning voice. It's always a trap.



“At last. Please help me down, Toa. I mean no harm to you, even if I am The Shadowed One…”

Told you.



“We’re?” Tahu questioned.

“Oh…right. Since this portal does not lead to your destined destination, you must travel to the other five gates: that of Fire, Water, Air, Stone, and Earth.”

Zelda fetchquests have worked their way into the world of Bionicle. Lovely.


Good chappy, T/L/M. Guess Tahu can go look for some sage medallions or something next time.




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1. Please, I'm not unpredictable like you. I mean, we all knew that if there would be a sequel, Tahu and Helryx had to be in it...

2. Nope, not a trap. In fact, he doesn't even know about the OE II, so...

3. Well, read this:

Although...why did the Shadowed One die?I am now sad face.

From the TAoT topic, page 1, from you. What, you don't want him back now?


All right then. I'll find some way to kill him off for good.

4. Indeed they have. Expect to see a new Legend of Axonn soon as well.



The long awaited third season of TA:OT is finally here!!



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We'll see about that.


The Fire Chronicles: Amidst


Special 1: Warriors in Training


In the Underground Lab…

Fox: Oh, this should be fun. So we’re having a mini-series on our training to fight for the Order?

Meta: Well, I wouldn’t call it a mini-series, but a special for now. So…good luck. (disappears)

R.O.B.: Great. But don’t we beep already know how bleep to fight?

Sheik: Not in the ways of the Sheik, that’s one thing for sure. Today you start your first training class to fight for the Order of Tahu.

DK: Like we didn’t know that.

Sheik: Shut up, DK. Aren’t you supposed to be a mentor?

DK: Nah, I’m helping out my nephew here. I’ll punch anyone who gets near him.

Sheik: Perfectly all right then. Anyway, the first move you will learn…is the Punch.

Fox: Really? Even Peach could punch.

Peach: No duh. (punches Fox in the face, who stumbles back into Sheik)

Sheik: (shoves Fox into the wall) Jeez, and I thought you were the quiet one. No insults pass through in this place. Got it?

R.O.B.: I’m a beeping robot. Yeah, I beep got it.

Snake: Perfect. (walks in and stops next to Sheik, giving her a note) Here you go. (walks out)

Sheik: (opens the note, then closes it and throws it away) 1…2…3…punch.

All: (punch)

Sheik: Alright. Next, we would have gone onto the kick, but Snake feels it necessary that I teach you the mother of all punches…the FALCON PUNCH.

Pikachu: Pika—chu! (punches, electrical surge following)

Sheik: Huh. He actually got it. Pikachu, you’re dismissed for the day.

Pikachu: Pika pika! (leaves)

Sheik: So what you do, warriors in training—

Fox: More like robot, two monkeys—

Diddy: Chimpanzee.

Fox: --a pink marshmallow, a manly princess, a stupid princess, a janitor—

Luigi: I—a hate you.

Fox: --an angel—

Sheik: You forgot the most senseless person here—a talking, gun-wielding fox.

Fox: Would you like to repeat for my five-mile range hearing?

Sheik: That’s it. (charges up her punch with blue fire and sends it into Fox’s face, knocking him into the wall)

All: …

Sheik: …and that, folks, is how you do a FALCON PUNCH. Class dismissed.


The Next Day…

Zelda: Welcome back, warriors in training. (transforms in front of their very eyes)

Sheik: Ah, that’s better. Anyway, today we will—

R.O.B.: Wait a beeping second. Why are we bleep doing two beep lessons in one beeping chapter?

Ex: …good point. See you next time on EXTRA! EXTRA!


Chapter 4 coming soon...and it's really important.



The long awaited third season of TA:OT is finally here!!



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No replies :/.


WARNING: This chapter is the most critical one in the series thus far. Missing this chapter will almost ensure a death caused by misunderstanding. :P :P :P


The Fire Chronicles: Amidst


The Legend of Axonn: Ranox’s Awakening (Ch. 4)


In the Orderly Fortress…

“Come,” Helryx said. Axonn looked at his comlink and shrugged. “Why must you wait, Axonn? Come!”


“Oh, sorry. Was just thinking about something, that’s all.” Axonn sighed, and turned off his comlink. Something had been bugging him, but he didn’t know what.


He stepped into the teleporter, and at once he was transported to The Cave of the Forgotten. Helryx looked at him, but it was not the same eyes. These eyes had a commanding power to them, even greater than before Helryx had reappeared to the world. “Thank you.”


…and yet it seemed as though there was no gratitude in her voice, but only a thirst for power, a thirst to rule the universe…


“Have you done it yet?” Axonn queried.


“Wouldn’t you know by now?” Helryx snapped. “No, I haven’t, but I intend to in the next five minutes.”


“So why are you acting like him?”


“He will not accept me any other way. That is part of our deal, I house him, he tells me what to do, but doesn’t control my body.”


“…isn’t it dangerous to make a deal with a Great Being?”


“There is no other way,” Helryx answered. “We went over this. He is still weakened, but if he appears in his true form, the very universe will shatter…I must house Ranox.”


“Indeed you must.” The Great Being’s voice rumbled through the cave. “This is the only way to truly eliminate the Fire Chronicle…but of course we must find it.”


“Roodaka is already taking care of this…though there are some parts of the Order lingering near it, no?”


“Yes. But I can assure you, we will crush them like a bug.” A snap-like sound echoed throughout the cave, and a shrine appeared at the center of the path. “It is time. Come, o great empress.”


Helryx turned to Axonn. “You must go.”


“And why is that, o pushy being?”


Helryx punched him with so much force that he slammed into the wall of the cave. “Don’t. However, there is…one final thing. If, for some chance, he takes over me, you will be able to kill him. Don’t ask how. You just…can.”


Axonn gaped at Helryx. “K…k…kill a Great Being? How?”


“You are not to ask how. However, I was blessed with that part of the Fire Chronicle…and I’m sure it will greatly help you.”


“Especially because Ranox doesn’t really believe in the prophecy.”


“Indeed. Also, kill Tahu for me when you get the chance. It won’t stop them all, but it will set them back…cripple them, so that they never rise again…”


“COME, O GREAT EMPRESS.” A barrier of darkness smashed between Helryx and Axonn, and the latter was thrown out of the cave.


On Aqua Magna Beach…

“Huh. What should we do, kill him?”


“That might be your dumbest idea yet, Onewa. Shouldn’t we wait to see what he says?”


“Vakama, he’s holding his Ball and Chain on his chest, his axe on his back, and muttering, ‘Kill Tahu’,” Onewa said, facepalming. “You sure you don’t to kill him? He’s sleeping, he won’t feel a thing.”


“You think I didn’t feel a thing when I got shoved into a Matoran Sphere?” Dume asked.


“It was too late for you. At any rate, we should probably get Whenua’s old drill.” Onewa said, sighing.


It had been three months already without his best friend. Without a war…or so it seemed. The Turaga, living far away from the Clearing in treehouses on the foot of the ocean, were luckily spared from Karzahni’s attack, but had heard of the news from Mata Nui.


Axonn turned, and fell off the table and onto the floor. “WHOA! Where am I?”


“In your final moments.” Onewa thrust the drill onto the Ball and Chain, but the old staff cracked in two on contact.


“Yeah…that worked really well…” Vakama muttered.


“Turaga…this has got to be some kind of joke. Why would he send me here?” Axonn mused.


“That depends…who is ‘he’?” Dume questioned.


“Oh, just…Yeto. Anyway—“


“Did someone say Yeto?” Ooccoo fluttered down from the chandelier. “Oh, gracious, yes! Finally, I’ve been looking for you, hero! Have you found the Dominion Rod yet?”


“Oh…I remember you…well, I still have the Ball and Chain.”


“Good, hero! Now we just need to find the Temple of Time and we’ll be all set!”


“Ummm…we hate to break it to you, strange bird-lady. Huh, I guess that’s what I’ve been hearing at night…anyway, there’s no Temple of Time here,” Onewa muttered.


“But there are Gates of Time here,” Dume added before Ooccoo got sad. “You can check those.”


“Oh, gracious, yes! I got worried there for a second…come, hero! Let us find the Gates of Time!” Ooccoo went out the door, but stopped short and turned. “Aren’t you coming, axe-wielder?”


Axonn looked at the Turaga, and then back at Ooccoo. “Sure thing, Ooccoo. After all, who’d want to be stuck with these blood-thirsty monsters?”


“Oh, yes! Let’s go!” Ooccoo went out the door, followed by Axonn.


“Well, that went well,” Onewa said. “Let’s hope we never appear in the comedy again.”


“Agreed,” said the other Turaga.


By the Water Gate of Time and Space…

“Ah.” Berix turned to the adventurers. “You’ve arrived.”


Kiina glared at him. “B…B…Berix?” she whispered.


“Indeed. It seems NAW…um, the Great Beings, wanted me to awaken. Apparently my role in this world isn’t over yet…right, Tahu?”


Tahu looked at Berix. There was no transparency to him—no ghostly features. This really was Berix. “I…I…”


“Yeah, this is pretty hard for you, isn’t it?”


“Well, you died.” Tahu muttered. “Hey, I almost killed Helryx for you.”


“That’s the spirit! Well, it was destiny that kept you two alive, and brought me back! Not so bad now, is it?”


Tahu looked at the floor. They were standing on still, perfect water—the Great Beings really could do anything. “Still hard.”


“Yeah, I gotcha. Anyway, who else is here?” Berix looked across the room. “Gelu—still shocked?”


Gelu nodded. “Yeah, a lot.”


“What, did Certavus—“


“Yup, him too. This is a bad day for me.”


“I see. You two—“ he pointed to the Nuva, “—look familiar, and then we have this blue bush.”


“Oh…yeah…can I leave?”


“No, you will not sink in the water, Sonic. Don’t worry. Anyway, apparently I’m supposed to tell you that this Gate leads to deep within Aqua Magna’s ocean floor.”


“Well, we don’t need to go there,” Lewa said.


“You sure? You could go treasure-hunting there for—never mind. Apparently, now you’re supposed to head to the Fire Gate.”


“Well, I guess so.” Gelu walked out of the chamber and fell into a river.


“Whoops. I didn’t tell you guys that there’s a 50 foot drop into Zora’s River that way?”


“Apparently not,” Sonic muttered, absent-mindedly hurrying out the same way.


“They are such cool dudes,” Kiina muttered. At this point, Kopaka and Lewa had gone out the safe way, leaving Kiina and Tahu to speak with Berix. “Are you new at this, by any chance, Berix?”


“Actually, yes,” the Agori answered. “This white and gold dude kinda found me lingering around here a couple days ago, you know, because I escaped the Wig Salon. He put me here, gave me a packet I was supposed to memorize, and disappeared.”


Tahu sighed. “That’s Meta for you.” Berix looked confused, so Tahu continued. “Ah, Meta took over the comedy and left TN:TS—“


“I know, actually. It was in the first ten out of two hundred pages in the packet.” Berix shuddered. “Kiina, can you leave? I have to speak with Tahu.”


“Sure,” Kiina said, although she was greatly hurt by it on the inside. She left the safe way, leaving Tahu and Berix in the chamber.


“So…you’re going to teach me some line that has to relate to the prophecy?”


“Hold on.” Berix reached for the packet, and flipped to the middle of it. “Yes, I am.”


But the host will seek power, and power she shall lend…


“Is that it?” Tahu asked.


“Well, yes. Certavus didn’t give you much either, did he?”


“No. I have this much: The quiet one shall be humble until the…I think it’s end

But the host will seek power, and power she shall lend.”


“You are correct. You now have two lines of the Fire Chronicle.”


“But what does this even mean? How is this going to help me?”


“I would imagine that if the prophecy falls into the wrong hands, this is a failsafe…or you need this to obtain the prophecy. I think the latter sounds better.”


“No—but what does it mean?” Tahu asked, although he pretty much knew the answer.


“The first line describes you, and the other describes Helryx. You will be humble in the end—and Helryx wants power, and she is lending power—she is sharing power with a being greater than her, and possibly all of us.”


To Be Continued…


New Characters:






...What are your thoughts?



The long awaited third season of TA:OT is finally here!!



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Sorry it's taken me so long to review, stuff's gotten in the way.





“There is no other way,” Helryx answered. “We went over this. He is still weakened, but if he appears in his true form, the very universe will shatter…I must house Ranox.”


“Indeed you must.” The Great Being’s voice rumbled through the cave. “This is the only way to truly eliminate the Fire Chronicle…but of course we must find it.”

The Great Being's voice is so awesome, not only are his quotations emphasized, but the narrator's notes inbetween his quotes are as well. :P


Good chappies, weird poems, lots of fun stuff.




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@MT: Ranox has powers that override the Narrator's thus, the speech between is black and bolded.

@Takua: And I agree. How was it?


The Fire Chronicles: Amidst


Chapter 5: Within the Shadowed


In the MU…

Nuhrii looked at TSO. “You dare—“


“Oh, please don’t kill me,” TSO gasped, backing away. “I’ve already been through so much to return.”


“Oh, shut up and die, you—wait a minute…to RETURN?”


“Come on, Matoran. Be sensible here. Yes, I am a member of the group that Narrator led out of the Wig Salon.”


“It’s true.” Narrator shimmered into view. “Ah, so I see you’ve found your head.”

“You have no idea. And I see you’ve gotten your job back.”


“Indeed I have. Anyway, trust me, guys, he won’t deal any harm to you. And he’s a pretty good warrior too.”


“Oh, really?” Taka chided. “He ran from BH in sheer terror!”


“Do I need to quick-show you a flashback?”



“Well, this is it, guys.” Narrator pointed at a sign. “Ranox’s Palace.”


“Finally…the wait is almost over…” Teridax whispered.


“What was that, Makuta?”


“Oh, nothing, Narrator. Nothing at all…hehe.”


“Okay then. Guys, it’s time. Remember the plan, and you’ll be alive in no time.”


“Wait…what’s the plan again?” Berix asked.


“Cool dude.”


“Shut up, Makuta. We’ll go over it one more time…we sneak in, get the Fused Shadows, and escape via the Mirror of Twilight.”


“Wait a second. How am I supposed to know if I’m going towards him or not?” the headless TSO queried.


“Don’t worry, I got you. Let’s roll.”


“So then Ranox ate Makuta, but I and TSO took him down. Berix got the Fused Shadows too.”


TSO laughed. “It was fun. We beat the palace out of him.”


“Yeah…we destroyed his palace and sent him to the Cave of the Forgotten. Then we got out.”


“Ah, I see now,” Artakha mused. He looked at TSO. “You have my trust.”


“But how can we trust him? He was against what was right!” Gali objected.


“That was the past.” Artakha said calmly. “And we’re going to need everyone we can get if we’re to destroy the empire.”


“You’re right.” Roodaka sat on the throne, having heard everything they’d said.


“Ah, I would’ve cherished this throne, and killed everyone who opposed me…and yes, a smarter way to go about than Helryx’s.” Roodaka paused for effect, then continued. “Of course…that’s why I had nothing to do with the war. But then again…I think having a Great Being terrorize the universe will be a more dramatic death, won’t it?” Roodaka disappeared, and then reappeared on top of the throne in a matter not unlike Ghirahim’s.


“Surely for you.” Nuhrii ran to face her, but Artakha stopped him.


“Your time has not come yet,” he muttered. “I will deal with this.”


“Ah, surely because you have the Mask of Creation means you’ll beat me. Well, two can play at this game.” The Vahi flew onto Roodaka, and she slammed down her spear. Time stopped in the throne room, except for a protective ‘bubble’ around the queen and Artakha. “Try to beat me, ‘legendary figure’.”

By the Fire Gate…

The group arrived at the Fire Gate to an interesting scene. Malum (the Guardian, Sage, whatever you please to call him) was being chased by an orange cat…oh yes.


“You’re not so tough,” Bubsy yelled, firing an atom at the defenseless Glatorian. “What could possibly go wrong?”


“Everything. Just everything.” Sonic homing attacked into Bubsy, and the cat instantly died. “I mean, come on! This guy gives one-hit KO’s a bad name!”


The group gaped at Sonic, every single one of their mouths hanging open. “What? Say something! Am I so beautiful that you’ve no words left?”


“Oh…no. Just no.” Kopaka went outside with Lewa, shuddering. They, due to their awesome luck, promptly fell off the cliff into Goron Mines.


“Huh. Do they always do that?” Malum queried.


“Well…they kinda do,” Kiina said. “Where does this portal lead?”


“Tanking Station 22. I’m guessing you don’t need to get there, right?”


“Yeah. We need to get to Makuhero City,” Gelu said.


“Overbite City? Oh—oh, sorry, I mean Makuhero City. Yeah, I don’t know where the portal is. Sorry.” Malum turned back to his chamber, but stopped short and turned around. “But I believe I have something for you, hero.” He looked at Tahu.


“Ah…yes. Do they have to leave?” Tahu queried.


“…Kiina doesn’t. But the rest must.”


After everyone had left, Kiina looked at Malum. “So I do have a part to play in this?”


“Indeed. You are one of the Seven…I’m sure you know why.”


“Why? Because of the relationship I have with him?” Kiina glanced at Tahu, who stood there in silence.


“You have your own part to play in all of this, Kiina. Just think of Groose in Skyward Sword."


After Link’s Departure…

“I’m a failure, Grannie,” Groose cried, banging on a wall outside the Sealed Temple. “I’ll never be as good as Link…nor will I ever be able to admit it.”


“Well…I don’t know about admitting your thoughts to Link,” the old woman answered. “But I know you have a role to play in this. Now, how to seal The Imprisoned again…”


“You see? I am a failure!” Groose cried for about three more dungeons, before finally realizing his true potential.


Before the Second Imprisoned Battle…

“Hey, Link! Look at this…I call it the Groosenator!” Groose looked at Link, who would not say a word. “Silent but deadly…anyway, it can catapult bombs at that scaly monster thing! Isn’t it great?”


“OH NO!” ‘Grannie’ looked down at the Sealing Spike, which had a burst of shadow coming out of it. “Link! Hurry down there quickly and restore the…never mind, it got out. Well, I suppose you could get down there and reseal it.”


Link hurried down the Sealed Grounds, while Groose put a GIANT bomb flower into the catapult. “Hey, Grannie! You want to hitch a ride?”


“Oh, no. I’m fine down here, child. You just help Link defeat The Imprisoned while I get some coffee.”


Of course, we all know how this ends, so why bother showing you the rest of it?


By the Fire Gate…

“You understand now, Kiina?”


“No, child. I’m much too old to stand outside…of course I understand.”


“Good. Anyway, let me teach my part to you…”


Hidden in the forgotten land…


“And that’s it.”


“Why are these always so short?” Tahu asked.


“Well, it’s a prophecy, not a comedy,” Malum said. “And plus, there are three other…Sages, I guess, who must give you a part of the prophecy. What can you infer from this one?”


“It’s hidden in a forgotten land…but what? Mata Nui is destroyed, and Metru Nui was repopulated—“


“You’re on the right track. Yes, the prophecy is located in the MU. The sources of power emitting from there are absolutely ridiculous.”


“And Nuhrii’s there too,” Kiina said. “HF must be searching for it—that’s why they called us—and if the Visorak have invaded…so must the Empire.”


In the Old Throne Room…

“Why must you follow us?” Artakha yelled, rolling away from Roodaka’s dagger slice.


“Alas, you do not know the truth. We plan to seek the prophecy—and destroy it. And it is somewhere in this robot.”


“What? How do you know that?”


“Power. Pure, deadly power, beyond even my own. The power…of a Great Being.”


“Great Being? What Great Being would join your side?”


“I know.” The time barrier shattered, and Narrator and TSO walked up behind Artakha. “Ranox.”


“Finally! There is one in this group who put two and two together!” Roodaka exclaimed. “But why celebrate…when I’m just wasting time not killing you off?”


To Be Continued…


New Characters:


Teridax (in flashback)








“Grannie” (and yes, the two will appear again)

The long awaited third season of TA:OT is finally here!!



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@MT: Yeah. I try to include those little bits of randomness in there; I'll try to balance it out for later chapters.


If any of you don't know who Bubsy is, by the way...




Ugh. You can consult one of your search engines to find out more about this...thing.


@Takua: Helryx thought nothing could stand in her way...obviously she was wrong. Roodaka, on the other hand...knows to be careful. I'll explain Roodaka in depth in later chappys.



The Fire Chronicles: Amidst


Chapter 6: The Rising


In the Orderly Fortress…

Karzahni kneeled in front of the throne. “My mistress.”


“Indeed.” Helryx’s aura had changed immensely; the power emitting from her was changing the color of the room from a medium blue to a glossy, obsidian black. “The ritual is complete. Are the prisoners here?”


Bowser brought the two Nintendo characters in, while Ghirahim dragged Ackar in. “Here they are,” Bowser growled. “They’ve tried to…test me, a couple of times, but it was awfully easy to bring them down.”


“Oh, not awfully easy,” Ghirahim corrected. “It was insanely easy. And I thought Mario was supposed to be a rival to my series.”


“But no, he doesn’t even have a sword,” Zant added. “Let alone the darkness of twilight.”


“And yet, he is so—“ Helryx stopped mid-sentence. Ranox was holding her back from fighting, and dragging her closer to the plan… ”Hook the TV up. I think we need to prove just how deadly we are to the Order.”


In the Council…

“Oh, you guys are driving me crazy,” Mata Nui said, facepalming.


The Council was in complete disarray. Papers were all over the floor, chairs were knocked over, and there was just a mess overall. Mata Nui had brought in the Nintendo characters as well as the Toa Voya to fill in, which was obviously a bad idea.


“Waugh!” Luigi yelled, being chased by Fox. “Get away from me-a!”


“Nah. It’s fun to chase someone who, in the end, will get pummeled due to their own luck.” Fox dove into Luigi, who screamed as he fell to the floor. “FALCON…PUNCH!”


Mata Nui looked at Kazi, who was sitting at the cleanest seat there. “How are you so quiet?”


Kazi shrugged. He found it better not to speak, because—


He’d get interrupted, Mata Nui thought. “Oh well—wait a second—we’re being called.”


The conference screen zoomed down, and Snake entered the room. “Quiet! We need to hear everything that’s going on!”


“Indeed you do.” The image of Helryx was projected on the screen, and everyone was dead silent. Fox dropped a pin, and he heard it hit the floor. He turned to face the screen. “Ah, hello Mata Nui…and you look familiar too.” She pointed at Snake.


“Where are they?” Snake interrogated. “Show them to me, or I’ll—“


“Kill me? Oh, you won’t have half a chance. Bowser, show them to the camera. I’d imagine they could say—never mind.”


“Argh, all right.” He dragged Captain Falcon in front of the camera, while holding Mario in his clutch. “They’re alive.”


“Mario!” Luigi screamed.


“How did I-a get kidnapped, but not-a you-a?” Mario mused.


“Huh. Now that I think about it, how come I didn’t get both of you? Oh well. Hey, Captain, got any words to say?”


“He is forbidden to speak,” Helryx said. “Bring out the Glatorian.”


Karzahni pushed Bowser and the prisoners away, then dragged Ackar up to the camera. “Here he is, battered and broken, but still alive. He may speak, right, Helryx?”


Helryx waited for Ranox’s response, deep inside her head. “Yes, but only for a minute.”


Ackar looked at the Council. “I’m so sorry, guys. I’ve let you all down—“


“You sure have,” Karzahni muttered.


“—and I feel horrible. They’ve beat me, trying to get something about Tahu out of me, but I’m not gonna give up.” Ackar glanced at his captors, then turned back to the camera. “You guys need all the help you can get, especially now that Helryx has—“


“Time’s up. Get out.” Helryx pushed him out of his chair, but Ackar drew his sword and knocked her out of the way.


“Helryx has a Great Being inside of her. And they’re searching for the prophecy, one that will utterly destroy you guys if she…and he get it. Nuhrii’s in danger, and he’s searching for it too…you have to help him, don’t even go for me…”


“Nuhrii…” Snake thought for a moment…the Toa had idolized Snake. “We will. And good luck with your brawl.”


“Thanks. I need it.” Ackar drove his sword into the TV, and the conference ended. The alarm was blaring, and even with the combined efforts of Captain Falcon and Mario, Ackar had little hope of escaping. “But I’ll try. Yes, I’ll try,” Ackar said, watching Helryx growl and speed towards him…


In the Sand Gate…

“Tahu?” Onua asked. “Are you alright?”


“Yeah, is it too much that we got brought back as the Sand Sages?” Pohatu asked.


Tahu sank to the ground. His armor gleamed gold—and this time he noticed it—as well as the others, and he sat on a black throne overlooking a dark blue room. “Oh no. You’ve got to be kidding me.”


Ackar looked up, and his face lost color. “Get back, get back, what are you doing here—“


But Helryx glanced up, and there he was, still, clenching the throne. “Ah, and as if my job could get any easier…” She raised her hand, and Tahu slipped off the chair and onto the floor.


Ackar tried to get near, but a black wall separated him from Helryx. “No! Tahu! She’ll kill you!”


“You see, Ackar has a lot of faith in me. I will certainly kill you, and then condemn you to the Wig Salon for eternity. Oh, not like that pesky narrator…or TSO…or Berix. You’ll be stuck with Teridax.”


“Whatever the Wig Salon is, no, I’m not going there. But you will.” Tahu sent a beam of flames into Helryx, but they disappeared.


“Tahu, stop!” Ackar yelled. “It’s no use! She’s been possessed by a Great Being!”


“Wrong. I house a Great Being, and thus his powers. You see, I can kill you, and I gladly would.” She charged him, stabbed the surprised Toa in the chest, and left her sword in it.


“NO! YOU WILL NOT KILL HIM!” Ackar’s Silver Armor flashed, and the barrier shattered. His sword aflame, he slammed into Helryx. She slid across the floor, then stood and took her sword out of Tahu’s chest.


“This is not over. I will meet you in the forgotten land…” She disappeared, and Ackar ran to Tahu.


“Return the flame to thee,” Ackar said. He plunged his sword into Tahu’s wound, and he was healed.


“What…how did you do that?” Tahu said.


“Because of me.” TTP stepped out from behind the throne. “Yes, I was taken from the House as well, just before Vezon 2 siphoned my platinum. I taught him many things while we were in the cell together, and it’s not your business to know, Tahu.”


“Then I won’t ask. But what will I do now?”


“The Rock Gate leads into here. You can go back from there. Your group is also there as well, don’t worry. You’ve received the prophecy from the Sand Sages?”


To aid and defend. Yes, I have.”


“Good. And as for you, Ackar. Return to the Council. You are most needed there, for Mata Nui is having quite a hard time managing alone. Kopaka and Lewa will be there with you as well.” TTP watched Bowser drag the unconscious Nintendo prisoners out of the room. “I must remain here, to further assess this awful mess.


It’s only going to get worse from here on. I trust that you will be able to find the first part of the prophecy before the Empire can get the entire thing, Tahu. And as for you, Ackar…you may not be one of the prophecy, but you play a big role in this. Already you have, and already you will. And as for me…I must regain control of NAW…and yeah, it really is called Name and Address Withheld. I must arise in surprise…the fallen rule shall arise in surprise…


“That’s a part of the prophecy,” Tahu mused. “I mean, it has to be, you spoke that in an aged accent—“


“Go, and do not falter, my children!”


To Be Continued…


And still, Helryx cannot think things through. Will she ever?!?



The long awaited third season of TA:OT is finally here!!



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...you really didn't read Chapter 4?


Ugh. Anyway, to give you a break from the main story...


The Fire Chronicles: Amidst


Nintendo Tourney 2: New Toys!


In Snake Desert’s Coliseum…

Ex: Ah, so here we are once more. Since our last meet, we have received more fighters. Thus, we cannot continue with the tourney until we iron out these competitors.


R.O.B.: Aw, but I beep want to kick some bleep butt.


Ex: Too bad. You’ll have to wait until the next tourney. Anyway, our first competitors are Snake and DK.


DK: Ook ook! This’ll be easy!


Snake: Yeah, really. (punches DK, who gets sent far, far away in a little twinkle)


Ex: …well that was fast.


Snake: Please. They wouldn’t put me in the top 5 of the tiers for nothing.


Ex: Next we have one of the lowest of the tiers…Samus.


Samus: And who’s my competitor?


Sheik: Me. (fires a punch at Samus, who dodges it and drops a bomb on Sheik) …ah, that hurts.


Samus: (encroaches closer to Sheik, who starts to get up) For a tier low, I’m actually beating you.


Sheik: (hookshots on Samus, then starts beating her) Yeah, really. (lets go of Samus, and punches her into the wall)


Ex: Ah. This battle has passed a minute. Let’s spice things up a little now. (presses a button, then looks at the Coliseum floor)


Coliseum Floor: (rises up from the ground, sending Sheik and Samus skyward)


Sheik: Woah! (looks down, noticing she is a good fifty feet above the ground)


Ex: And let’s add this into the game. (hurls a Smash Ball into the sky)


Samus: And now’s my chance. (punches the Smash Ball repeatedly, and gains the rainbow power of a Final Smash) Here we go!


Down Below, in the Stands…

Ridley: Excuse me…sorry…excuse me. (walks through the seats, then finds an empty one and sits down)


R.O.B.: Why are you bleeping here?


Ridley: Oh…I heard there was a tourney going on with Samus. I was hoping that I’d be able to see that horrible enemy of mine explode.


R.O.B.: Oh please…she won’t bleeping explode.


Ridley: Sure. (points to red and orange armor falling from the sky, and catches Samus’ helmet)


R.O.B.: (eyes widen) Oh my. (takes the helmet from Ridley, who is sitting next to him, and cradles it in his arms) She’s…she’s…alive! (looks at bottom of helmet, which

is not dripping with blood)


Ridley: WHAT?!? THERE’S NO WAY SHE COULD’VE—screw this, I’m out of here. Tell Samus I said hi. (walks out of the stands)


R.O.B.: ...


On the Fighting Platform…

Samus: …well, that felt good. But where’s—ERGH!


Sheik: (punching Samus from behind) Come on…you really thought I could lose to that?


Samus: …shoot. Well, I could try to beat you with my plasma whip.


Sheik: Not a chance. (transforms into Zelda)


Zelda: (uses Nayru’s Love on Samus, blasting her far beyond the blast screen)


Ex: And we have a winner…finally. Man, that has got to be the best battle I’ve seen in this coliseum! Of course, we must move on though…man, am I going to hate this. Next battle is Luigi…versus Bubsy.


Bubsy: 3D!


Ex: No…just no. Please no. Well, if anything, this battle might save Luigi from getting more beat up…


Bubsy: (shoots Nerf gun at Luigi, who turns into a twinkle far, far away)


Ex: (facepalms) Bubsy won…man, do I need a new job.


EXTRA! EXTRA! is a subdivision of The Fire Chronicles, which in itself is a subdivision of NAW.


©2013 All rights reserved.

The long awaited third season of TA:OT is finally here!!



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DK: Ook ook! This’ll be easy!

Snake: Yeah, really. (punches DK, who gets sent far, far away in a little twinkle)

I don't really remember Snake ever Falcon Punching anyone...



Ridley: Excuse me…sorry…excuse me. (walks through the seats, then finds an empty one and sits down)

R.O.B.: Why are you bleeping here?

Ridley: Oh…I heard there was a tourney going on with Samus. I was hoping that I’d be able to see that horrible enemy of mine explode.

R.O.B.: Oh please…she won’t bleeping explode.

Ridley: Sure. (points to red and orange armor falling from the sky, and catches Samus’ helmet)

R.O.B.: (eyes widen) Oh my. (takes the helmet from Ridley, who is sitting next to him, and cradles it in his arms) She’s…she’s…alive! (looks at bottom of helmet, which

is not dripping with blood)

Ridley: WHAT?!? THERE’S NO WAY SHE COULD’VE—screw this, I’m out of here. Tell Samus I said hi. (walks out of the stands)

I think my favorite part of this entire chapter was the fact that a two story dragon just calmly walks past people, manages to find a chair large enough to sit in, and then walks about without destroying half of the stadium.



Sheik: Not a chance. (transforms into Zelda)

Zelda: (uses Nayru’s Love on Samus, blasting her far beyond the blast screen)







(storms out)




In all seriousness, I thought Salem proved this wrong a few months ago.




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@Takua: It's good. And yes. I'm not going to jump into much detail on that, hopefully you guys aren't lazy like me and will search that awful bobcat.


Actually don't. Save yourselves from that horrible creature.


@MT: 1. explained in special

2. even though I don't know nuch about Metroid, I couldn't pass this up

3. ???


No new chappy right now, but if you want to read up on a particular Great Being...




...there's some info there.



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I'll look that up later.


Anyway, some important news regarding Season 3:


First of all, there will be a Season 3.


It will be the last season in TFC.


The full Fire Chronicle will be revealed by the end of Season 3, not Season 2.


The prologue will feature letters, written by TTP and Meta respectively.


This season will focus more on the need to work together and fix the universe, rather than full-on destruction.


At least one character from TAoT that has not appeared in TFC yet will play a major role.


The preliminary title for Season 3 is Terror.



So what do you think?


Chapter 7 will be up by the end of the weekend.



Edited by Link: Toa of the Triforce
The long awaited third season of TA:OT is finally here!!



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The Fire Chronicles: Amidst

Chapter 7: Truth Revealed


By the Rock Gate…

“Huh. I really do have no idea what they were thinking when they put me as the Sage of Rock,” Tuma said. “If I knew, I’d tell you. But anyway, where’s that pesky fire Toa? Aren’t I supposed to tell him that this gate leads to XR-458?”


“Yes, I suppose you are.” Tahu shimmered back into view, and Kiina hugged him.


“You’re back!!!” she screamed. Then she looked back at Tuma and quietly got up to stand next to him. “Sorry. Keep going.”


“Anyway, we don’t need to go to…wherever that is,” Tahu said.


“Actually, you can’t even go there anymore. The planet was destroyed by a group of Toa and a bunch of freelancers.”


“Well that’s interesting. Anyway, don’t you have something to give me?”


“…I do, I guess. Would you mind fighting for it?”


“Clicking your life counters down to zero is no fight,” Tahu said. “Would it kill you to give it to me?”


“Maybe. Fine, I’ll give it to you.”


The power of seven shall stand


“So that’s five pieces of the prophecy. Could it get any easier than this?”


“Please. Haven’t you realized that they must be put together…in order?” Tuma queried.


Tahu took out the tiny stone slabs each of the Sages had given him, and Tuma added his own to the pile. The Toa placed them on a stone bench, and laid them out in this order:


The quiet one shall be humble until the end

But the host will seek power, and power she shall lend

Hidden in the forgotten land

To both aid and defend

The power of seven shall stand


“It is intriguing, isn’t it? I couldn’t figure this out even if I tried…but here’s a suggestion. Why not put the ones that rhyme together?” Tuma moved the prophecy around so it looked like this:


The power of seven shall stand

Hidden in the forgotten land

To both aid and defend

The quiet one shall be humble until the end

But the host will seek power, and power she shall lend


“Look at the borders!” Kiina pointed to the borders of the slabs, which were turning bronze. “I suppose you were right, Tuma,” she said dryly.


“Well, I think Smartius could think this out a heck of a lot better, because I have no clue where to go next. But thank you.”


“We still have one more Gate to go to though,” Tahu said.


“Ah, I see. Well, I suppose that once you find the final piece, you should be able to ‘piece’ the prophecy together.”


“Oh, that’s just not funny.” Kiina pushed her team out of the Gate. “Let’s go.”


In the Tunnels…

“You know, I gotta wonder. How on Spherus Magna were these Gates and surrounding areas created?” Gelu asked.


“Well, Mata Nui couldn’t have done it,” Tahu mused. “Although he did—I’m not sure he meant—“


“We get it.” Kiina traversed ahead. Tahu caught up with her, but she continued to stay a little ahead, and they soon ended up near the Jungle Gate.


“What are you—“ Tahu continued to try to get ahead, but Kiina kept going. “Kiina! Get back here! Why are you ignoring me?”


She stopped dead in her sprint and glanced behind her at Tahu. He stared back. “Because—“ She dropped to the ground, bursting into tears.


Tahu ran to comfort her. “Kiina…why are you crying…what did I do?”


Between sobs, she choked out her feelings. “You were dead…the Empire came back…no one to save us. Ackar got kidnapped…Berix died…you died…Helryx possessed me—“


“WHAT?!?” Tahu scrambled away from her.


Gelu’s eyes widened in shock. “When did she—and how did she possess you?”


“I was weak…the government had only just started up…Ackar could’ve been killed down there! And then he mentioned you…Tahu…and she just got…ahold…of me…and Gali doesn’t even know you’re alive, does she? She loves you too…I know she still does. But I’m…jealous…of her…because she saw you first.”


“I…I…I…” Tahu couldn’t talk. It was impossible to. The only thing he could do was run and hug her, blinking tears out of his eyes.


“Aw, how sweet.”


Gelu turned behind him. “Gresh? I thought you couldn’t leave your gate.”


“Dude, the forest is my gate. Anyway, since I see that your companion has no desire to come into my gate, can you give him this?” Gresh held out the last stone slab.


“I suppose I can.” Gelu took the stone, and power surged through his arm. “ThAnks.”


“No problem.” Gresh headed back to the Jungle Gate, where Axonn and his feathered friend had recently arrived at.


In Helryx’s Throne Room…

“Ugh. How can a lousy Matoran fight so…good?”


Roodaka had switched to Nuhrii and Von Ness, while Ghirahim and Zant backed her, taking on Gali, Taka, and Artakha. Nuhrii had fought long, and still wouldn’t give up.


“Huh, you actually admitted I was good this time,” Nuhrii said, firing his Kanoka Disk again. It hit Roodaka square in the face, knocking her onto the seat of the throne.


VN jumped onto the throne, holding a spear to her throat. “Any last words?”


“Yeah, you were a criminal in your past life.” Roodaka disappeared from the throne, then reappeared on top of the top. “But then you took an arrow to the neck.”


Huh, that’s actually true, Nuhrii thought. He shot another disk at her, but she swung off the top and landed on Nuhrii, knocking him off the chair and on the ground. “Let me go.”


“Oh, child, please. I’m not Helryx, I’m not letting you go.” Her hand snagged Nuhrii’s throat and started to grip it, with more and more force…


To Be Continued…



The long awaited third season of TA:OT is finally here!!



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Heeyyyyy it's finally back.


“Yes, I suppose you are.” Tahu shimmered back into view, and Kiina hugged him.

“You’re back!!!” she screamed. Then she looked back at Tuma and quietly got up to stand next to him. “Sorry. Keep going.”

“Anyway, we don’t need to go to…wherever that is,” Tahu said.

This was....a rather creepy way to start a chapter, I must admit.



“Ah, I see. Well, I suppose that once you find the final piece, you should be able to ‘piece’ the prophecy together.”

“Oh, that’s just not funny.” Kiina pushed her team out of the Gate. “Let’s go.”







“Yeah, you were a criminal in your past life.” Roodaka disappeared from the throne, then reappeared on top of the top. “But then you took an arrow to the neck.”









Good chappy. Seems the plot's moving along pretty quickly now. It does kinda seem like the humor's been sorta lost on the past few chappies (that aren't Brawl tournaments), though.



Edited by Toa Zehvor MT


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Eh, it can wait. I suppose I can answer your questions now.


1. Yeah...it is. Also, did you enjoy the XR-458 part :P?

2. Curse you Tuma.

3. Curse you Roodaka.


4. Yeah, I have a special coming up soon, so you'll be happy there. Come to think of it, this chappy isn't that boring...


The Fire Chronicles: Amidst


Chapter 8: Together at Last


In Daxia Fortress…


“NO!” Gali tackled Roodaka, who was surprised. She punched Roodaka several times in the face, then picked her up and threw her into the wall. “I will not lose anyone ever again!


Nuhrii lay on the floor, energy slowly returning to his head and body. He felt a headache, though, and passed out. A message of Mata Nui’s had hit Nuhrii straight in the face, and it was too much for him to take in…


Near the Sand Trail…


“You know, it’s awfully quiet out here,” Sonic said.


“And…so what?” Gelu asked.


“I have a bad feeling something bad is going to happen.”


“That’s your feeling, not mine,” Gelu dryly replied.


“Aha!” Sonic spun around to face Bubsy, but he was too late: the bobcat had already pelted him with an atom. “That’s the ticket!”


A bunch of golden rings fell with Sonic, and he grabbed them all furiously. “Why won’t this stupid bobcat die?!?” he shrieked.


“I have not two points, but now three points of health! How do you like that now, suckers?”


“I like that very much,” Gelu said, touching the bobcat. He shrieked, and Sonic winced.


“You mean all I have to do is touch him?” Sonic asked.


“Yeah…they kinda didn’t think things through with Bubsy 3D.”


By the Gateway…


Tahu and Kiina now found themselves where they had started. Down south was the Clearing, but Tahu and Kiina both knew their journey wasn’t over yet.


“So now we have all the pieces,” Kiina said, laying them out on the ground:


The power of seven shall stand

Is the story that started after the sand

Hidden in the forgotten land

To both aid and defend

The quiet one shall be humble until the end

But the host will seek power, and power she shall lend


“Huh. The top makes no sense,” Tahu said. “Maybe we should switch it around?”


Hidden in the forgotten land

Is the story that started after the sand

The power of seven shall stand.


“Look!” Kiina pointed to a small golden period forming right after the Rock Sage’s part: The power of seven shall stand “We’ve completed a phrase, I think.”


“Looks like it,” Tahu confirmed. “But why isn’t the bottom right? It looks pretty good to me.”


“Well, let’s see.”


But the host will seek power, and power she shall lend

The quiet one shall be humble until the end


“No, that doesn’t work,” Kiina muttered, moving the Ice part to the top. “How about this?”


The quiet one shall be humble until the end

But the host will seek power, and power she shall lend


“That’s the way it was before. I suppose, then, that this—“ he placed the Sand part on the bottom. “is on the bottom.”


The quiet one shall be humble until the end

But the host will seek power, and power she shall lend

To both aid and defend.


“There it is!” She pointed to the period forming after the Sand Sages’ line. “Tahu, we’ve done it. The Fire Chronicle is complete.”


“It is not.” The ground shook, and Tahu and Kiina jumped to their feet. A golden circle had appeared before them, and the voice continued. “Step into my realm.” Tahu and Kiina entered the circle, and disappeared from the jungle in a flash of light.


In the Gate of Destiny…


“Wow,” Tahu said, looking around the gate. “This place…is amazing.”


“Yeah…we could get married here,” Kiina muttered. “Maybe.”


“Maybe not, Kiina. You are only here on account of my brother.” A white Great Being with golden armor appeared in front of them.”


“On account of your brother? Then your brother must be—“


“Yes, Kiina. My brother is the twisted, insane Ranox. How dare he try to change the universe—a universe that only I am left to guard.”


“Angonce.” Kiina kneeled in front of the Great Being, who was levitating in the air.


Angonce nodded. “Yes. My fellow Great Beings left me—they took my crazed brother with them and jailed him in the Underworld. I could’ve taken care of him—but I’m only one out of so many…they don’t care.”


“I think you would’ve done a great job taking care of him,” Tahu said quietly.


“Ah, so the humble one finally speaks. You did know that was you, right?”


Tahu nodded. “And the host is Helryx.”


“Yes. Unfortunately, Helryx has put all of her trust in Ranox, and this will backfire on her. In fact, it already is. She’s obstreperous to him, and he’s controlling her with more and more force. Before long…her fate will have been sealed.”


“You can’t trust a Great Being. Should I trust you, then?” Kiina asked.


Angonce facepalmed. “You’d be dead by now if I intended to kill you. After all, I am in my true form, and the mere reason you live is because you are bound by the prophecy. Which reminds me.”


The stone slabs that Tahu had flew out of his adventure pouch and into Angonce’s hand. He threw them up into the air, where they combined and enlarged into a giant marble white slab, with a silver outline and the prophecy engraved onto it.


Due to technical difficulties, please see Photok's Photos for the Sages' Fragment. Thank you! ~Meta Nuva


“This was formerly known as the Sage’s Prophecy. But with the Fire Chronicle’s coming into existence, it is known as the Sage’s Fragment of the FC. It is now bestowed upon the two of you. Keep it away from the Empire at all costs.”




“Aha!” Tahu and Kiina turned around, but they were too late: Axonn brought his Ball and Chain down on the Fragment, ready to smash it.


“STOP!” Angonce froze the Ball and Chain, then Axonn and Ooccoo. “Argh, I forgot…I have to give the Dominion Rod to them.”


“Yeah, how ironic is it that they’re after the most useless item in the whole series,” Tahu muttered.


“True that. Anyway, I believe you guys have to go to Makuhero City, is that right?”


“Yes. Does your gate lead there?” Kiina pleadingly queried.


“Well…I don’t really have a gate…which is kinda pointless, considering this place is called the Gate of Destiny. However, you do have me. Here, I’ll just get you to where the rest of the prophecy is. Trust me, it’s as easy as—“


Angonce snapped his fingers, and the two disappeared. Simultaneously, Axonn, Ooccoo, and the Ball and Chain unfroze. “And I have something to give you to, don’t I?”


“Oh, gracious, yes! Finally, after all these years I get the—“




“Huh, this thing might be the most useless item in the series. How will this rod bring me to the heavens?!?”


To Be Continued…


Chapter 9 will be up soon, after that a special, and then the finale of Season 2! How was this chapter?



The long awaited third season of TA:OT is finally here!!



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1. Yeah...it is. Also, did you enjoy the XR-458 part :P?

2. Curse you Tuma.

3. Curse you Roodaka.


4. Yeah, I have a special coming up soon, so you'll be happy there. Come to think of it, this chappy isn't that boring...

1: It's only been around for one chappy...so I don't think it's entirely fair to rate yet, but the beginning was mystery inspiring.

2/3: Curse you Greg.

“Aha!” Sonic spun around to face Bubsy, but he was too late: the bobcat had already pelted him with an atom. “That’s the ticket!”




“Yes, Kiina. My brother is the twisted, insane Ranox. How dare he try to change the universe—a universe that only I am left to guard.”

“Angonce.” Kiina kneeled in front of the Great Being, who was levitating in the air.

Angonce nodded. “Yes. My fellow Great Beings left me—they took my crazed brother with them and jailed him in the Underworld. I could’ve taken care of him—but I’m only one out of so many…they don’t care.”

“I think you would’ve done a great job taking care of him,” Tahu said quietly.

“Ah, so the humble one finally speaks. You did know that was you, right?”

Tahu nodded. “And the host is Helryx.”

Tahu's a real suck up.


No other way he could ever be described as humble.




Good (if a little weird) chappy. Kiina might want to hold off on marriage for a while, though.




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1. It was only a reference...

2/3. That's actually what I was thinking when I wrote that comment. Huh.

4. The special is a-coming...not now, though.

5. Yeppers, his attitude may/may not change in the next few chappys...you'll see.

6. Yeah, she might need to see Pridak for counseling on that matter :P.


This chappy's a little boring and short, but the special is after this. And then, the season finale.


The Fire Chronicles: Amidst


Chapter 9: Tracked


In the Orderly Fortress…


“You have the final piece, right?” Helryx queried.


“Of course I do,” Axonn said. “That blasted Great Being wouldn’t give me that tablet, though.”


“Curses,” Ranox muttered, as a black aura emanated from Helryx. “That blasted brother of mine has gotten involved in this? I oughta—“


Axonn looked at Helryx, whose mouth had just stopped moving. “Back off, Great Being.”


“The name’s Ranox.” The black aura went back into Helryx’s body, and—


Helryx continued. “Of course he wouldn’t. Why would he? But he gave you this…” Helryx grabbed the Dominion Rod, and Ooccoo shrieked.


“NO! Give it back, please! I need this to get back home!”


Helryx ignored her. The rod had turned rusty since Axonn had gotten it; there was no light coming out either. “Looks useless to me,” she said, handing the rod back to Ooccoo, who squawked in delight.


“Yeah. Where’s the prophecy, though?” Axonn queried.


“My senses tell me it’s somewhere in Daxia Fortress.”


“Your senses? Are you turning into a wolf?” Axonn asked.


“Oh, shut up,” she replied.


In Daxia Fortress…


Gali and Roodaka were engaged in a high-speed swordfight, while Nuhrii watched, taking Mata Nui’s message in: Tahu is alive. They are coming to claim the Fire Chronicle. It had to be impossible. Tahu could not be alive. Then he appeared in front of him.


“Nuhrii.” Tahu looked down at the Matoran. “What…happened to you?”


“Karzahni is what happened to him,” Roodaka yelled. “He’s been transformed into a little McDonald’s toy again, and he’s useless. Just look at him, watching us. Not even making an effort to attempt to hurt me—well, maybe he tried already, and barely escaped with his life.”


Gali’s eyes widened. She slowly turned to face Nuhrii, and her eyes darted above to meet Tahu’s. “I…I knew it. I knew you couldn’t be dead.”


“Oh, stop the glorious reunion.” Helryx sat on the throne behind them all. “That is not needed here. It can be done when you are in my patron’s kingdom…the Underworld.”


“But you need us…don’t you?” Tahu asked, splitting his Magma Sword into two.


“Not particularly…well, maybe…fine. I suppose I can’t kill you fools yet. But I do need you to give me the Fragment first.”


“That…is not going to happen.” Kiina jumped up to the throne and swung her trident, but Helryx froze her mid-swing. The tablet slowly hovered out of Kiina’s satchel, and Helryx took it as she unfroze the Glatorian.


“I’m afraid it already has,” Helryx replied. “You see, I’ve been tracking the prophecy as well, and I know as much of it as you do, Tahu. I just needed this…a definite key to unlocking the age-old lock on the Fire Chronicle…and your sweetheart has bestowed the key upon me.”


Gali glared at Tahu. “Sweetheart? Give it back, Helryx, or I will—“


“You’ll do what? What could you possibly do that could stop me? My power grows stronger by the second, Toa. Ranox is giving me more control.”


Kiina stood up and pointed her trident at Tahu. “Don’t you see? You may have defeated me thrice before, but I will not let you go again. Especially after I have the knowledge of what is to come…and if it is bad, the prophecy will disappear.” Kiina collapsed onto the ground. It was obvious that Helryx had possessed her again.


“Give it back…no, you don’t understand…”


“What don’t I understand, Tahu? Do you think the third line of the prophecy represents you? No, I believe that is referring to the Orderly Empire…which will crush your pesky order once and for all. You’re right about one thing, though. Just one thing.” Helryx jumped down from the throne and unsheathed her sword. “There is no balance of power. There are the strong, such as me…which always overpower the weak, you, in the end.”


Tahu looked back at Helryx. “I’m not fighting you.”


“You’re not? Pity, I wasn’t going to kill you…maybe.”


“That changes nothing. As long as you have the tablet, though, you need us, don’t you? Such as the quiet one…?”


“I thought that was Dark Link. What, is that you?” She watched Tahu nod. “I guess so, then. I will keep you alive, on the condition that I keep the prophecy.”


Tahu looked at his allies, especially Kiina, Gali, and Nuhrii. And yet all of them had risked their lives for him, and he knew he could not make a decision that would kill them all. “All of us?”


“All of you. Hero Factory must get out. But you…my fellow Toa, may join me in the moment that I know what is to come and what has come…and what it means for us all.”


To Be Continued…


How was it?



The long awaited third season of TA:OT is finally here!!



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The Fire Chronicles: Amidst


Special 2: Deleted Scenes


Fox: What? But this special is stupid!


R.O.B.: Why beep is that?


Fox: Because it doesn’t even feature us! And we’ve only appeared, like, twice this whole season!


R.O.B.: And now this is the third time. Sound better?


Fox: Yeah, and so does your voice. Let’s roll!


Chapter 9: Tracked


Tahu did the only sensible thing, right then and there: his Hau Nuva glowed, and the Sage’s Fragment shattered. Then he ran as Helryx shrieked horrendously.


By the Wall of Records…


Mata Nui stood up. He had finished speaking with Nuhrii, who had recently seen Tahu return, Helryx ambush them, all of that. What he had not seen was Ackar sitting next to him. “You’re alright? Don’t tell me this is a mirage.”


“This is real. Believe me; everything’s going to be alright, brother.”


“Uh, I don’t know about that. Tahu just smashed the prophecy.”


“WHAT?!? WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?” Ackar screamed.


“Calm down. Helryx had it, who knows what she would’ve done with it?”


“You have no idea; they’re going to the same place for the same thing! Argh, who knows if Angonce will give him a second fragment?!?”


In the Gate of Destiny/Temple of Light…


“Wait, so why are we here again?” Berix queried.


Angonce facepalmed. “I knew I couldn’t trust Meta to find Sages. Anyway, that fire Toa that passed through here broke the Fragment, so I called you over to ask if we should make another for them.”


“Well, why’d they break it in the first place?” Tuma asked. “They do need that to get in.”


Ex: This was deleted because it was deemed too random by Meta. Personally, I actually like it.


Fox: We don’t care about your opinion. And plus, why am I not in this?


Luigi: Because you-a suck.


Fox: Shut up, Luigi. No one cares about you.


Luigi: But I-a have my-a own series. And a whole year-a dedicated to me-a.


Fox: Yes, let’s shine the spotlight on the King of Second Bananas. Great job, Miyamoto.


R.O.B.: A beeping better question to bleep ask you, Fox, is why beep Miyamoto stopped making bleep Star Fox games.


Fox: …shut up, Gyromite.


Bubsy: Yeah, you call yourself a gamer?


Fox: …shut up, Bubsy.


Bubsy: The bobcat. You sound like my granny, with your grammar.


Luigi: Shut-a up-a, Bubsy. No one-a cares about-a you-a.


Fox: That might be the only thing I agree with you on, king. Minus all the –a’s.


Luigi: Shut up.


Fox: Never mind. Anyway, Ex, do we have any other deleted scenes?


Ex: No.


Fox: Then why not change the title to “Deleted SCENE”?


Ex: Ugh, I was too lazy. Why don’t you do it yourself?


Fox: Because I’m too lazy.


Ex: …how many people do you want to hate you?


Fox: I don’t intend to make people hate me, just be afraid of me.


Ex: It’s not working…haven’t you noticed? Ugh, let’s just end this…


EXTRA! EXTRA! is a subdivision of The FOX Chronicles, which in itself is a subdivision of NAW.


©2013 All rights reserved.




Fox: *KO’d* (reappears five seconds later) Hey, what’s your name?


Ex: Screw it; I’ll never be able to get rid of you.

The long awaited third season of TA:OT is finally here!!



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“Nuhrii.” Tahu looked down at the Matoran. “What…happened to you?”

“Karzahni is what happened to him,” Roodaka yelled. “He’s been transformed into a little McDonald’s toy again, and he’s useless. Just look at him, watching us. Not even making an effort to attempt to hurt me—well, maybe he tried already, and barely escaped with his life.”

Gali’s eyes widened. She slowly turned to face Nuhrii, and her eyes darted above to meet Tahu’s. “I…I knew it. I knew you couldn’t be dead.”

“Oh, stop the glorious reunion.” Helryx sat on the throne behind them all. “That is not needed here. It can be done when you are in my patron’s kingdom…the Underworld.”

Helryx is kind of a party pooper.


Fox: Shut up, Luigi. No one cares about you.

Luigi: But I-a have my-a own series. And a whole year-a dedicated to me-a.

Fox: Yes, let’s shine the spotlight on the King of Second Bananas. Great job, Miyamoto.

Kind of hard to talk trash about another person's franchise when the last console game you appeared in was a rip-off of the Legend of Zelda with a stick of power in the dinosaur kingdom.


Fox: *KO’d* (reappears five seconds later) Hey, what’s your name?

Ex: Screw it; I’ll never be able to get rid of you.

Just get Falco to chain grab him infinitely. That should keep him from talking.

Good chappies, Meta.



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1. Not kind of. She is one, and that's another of her problems. :P

2. You forgot the 3D remake of SF64 that no one actually bought :P :P.

3. Too bad Falco died in TAoT.


Also, if anyone knows someone who can make a banner and isn't that busy (as iBrow had to drop out) please PM me. I'd greatly appreciate this, otherwise no banner for S3...




The Fire Chronicles: Amidst


Chapter 10: Temple of Time


Author’s Note: If you don’t play Zelda, good luck understanding this chappy :).


In the Council…


“And that’s the ever-last we saw of them,” Lewa finished. The Council (well, what was left of it) finished taking their notes and stared at him. “What? Am I done yet?”


Mata Nui groaned. “Sit down, Lewa. Ackar, I believe you have a report on Tahu, don’t you?”


“Yes, I do.” Ackar stood up, watching his Silver Armor flash in the light of the room. “And not just Tahu. I was also in contact with TTP.”


“Wait. Wait a second. You mean to tell me that you saw my old self in the Orderly Fortress?” Meta appeared on the podium, and thrust his Galaxia Sword into Ackar’s face.


Ackar leaned back. “Yes,” he said quietly. “He wanted me to tell you—“


Meta laughed, and pulled his sword back. “That poor chap got stuck with Helryx? Wow, that is just SAD. Why should I listen to anything he’s saying?”


“He says, for the better of the universe, that you should share NAW with him.”


“Me? Share the company…that I won…with the loser? Ha! That old copy thinks he can get power back from me, eh? I’m sorry, messenger of the exiled, but that’s not going to work.”


“But isn’t that one of the only ways to defeat Ranox? Aren’t you missing the big picture?”


“Ackar, I am the big picture. I know what will work, and I promise you: I’m working through the ways to defeat Ranox. I will be able to prove: to both you and him, that I am capable of keeping the power.” Meta disappeared as quickly as he had appeared, and Mata Nui motioned for Ackar to continue.


“The Silver Armor called out for him again, and sure enough, he came and helped me take down Helryx. I don’t know, I still don’t know how it works—“


“It was a big collaboration between Artakha and I. I suppose you could nickname it the “Transport Mobile”. But now is not the time to discuss that. What happened next?”


“TTP told Tahu what to do with his prophecy and told me to go back. There’s one other thing, just one more thing. Helryx said something during the battle, almost in an ancient voice. She said: In the forgotten land.”


Gelu winced. “That…is part of the prophecy. I heard one of the Sages discussing that line with Tahu and Kiina.”


“Oh no. Helryx tracked us, she knows the prophecy. And that can only mean…” Mata Nui pointed at Ackar. “Connect to Tahu. Now.”


Ackar’s Silver Armor glowed, and he kneeled down to meditate. “This is bad,” he muttered. “This is really, really bad.”


In Karda Nui…


“This…this is where the prophecy is. I can tell.”


Helryx pointed to a cathedral-looking building, with the Triforce above its open entrance. “I remember sealing this place off when I first became empress; there was immense power readings from here. I know why now.” She staggered into the temple, and the rest of the group followed.


In the Temple of Time…


A Matoran ran to them. “Is it safe to go out yet?”


“Yes, we’ve been waiting ages here. Thankfully the temple is shielded from Mata Nui’s energy waves here,” another Matoran informed them.


“Who…who are you, though?” Taka asked them. The Matoran, for some reason, looked and sounded familiar to him. “You’re the only Matoran still living in this robot.”


“I am Tanma,” the first Matoran said. “This—“ he pointed to the second Matoran, “is Photok. We’re both Av-Matoran, Matoran of Light.”


Taka shivered. He had found, during the years of Helryx’s reign, that he too was an Av-Matoran. He knew Tanma. “But Solek…and Gavla…”


Photok looked at Taka, immediately recognizing who he was. “Solek and Gavla are dead, Takua.”


Tanma understood at once, then his eyes widened. His hand rose, shaking, pointed at Helryx. “She killed them.”


Near the Door of Time…


“I will ask you again. How does this door open?” Helryx now had her sword pointed at Reidak’s chin, but the Matoran responded: “You do not have all you need to get in.”


“Explain, or I will break down this statue.” A rusty statue was planted right in front of the Door of Time, blocking any feasible way in.”


“Well, that’s the problem,” Kirop said. “You can’t.”


“No, I can. I can do anything with the help of my patron.” Helryx reached out for Ranox’s power, but she felt nothing.”


“Your patron has no power here,” Radiak muttered, slapping Helryx’s sword away from her.


Helryx again called for her master, but no response. She got worried, to the point that she was downright scared. They could kill her.


“STOP!” Axonn pushed the two Matoran away from Helryx, and pointed the Dominion Rod at the statue. The rod shot a green ball of light into the statue, which glowed green. He flicked the rod sideways, dropping the statue onto the two Matoran. A Triforce glowed above the Door of Time.


“Oh, gracious, yes!” Ooccoo squealed. “I knew this…thing…wasn’t entirely useless! Thank you, King Diblitidibt!”


Kiina facepalmed, as Helryx and the others stood in awe of Axonn.


“And you aren’t entirely useless, are you?” A slot for the Sage’s Fragment opened, and Helryx slid the tablet in. The Door did not open. “What is this?”


Tahu did not want Helryx to get the prophecy. But at the same time, he knew he had a chance to steal it back from her…so… “Give me that.” Tahu took the Vahi from Roodaka, replaced his own mask with the Vahi, and recited the prophecy.


Hidden in the forgotten land

Is the story that started after the sand

The power of seven shall stand.

The quiet one shall be humble until the end

But the host will seek power, and power she shall lend

To both aid and defend.


And the Door of Time opened.


In the Chamber of the Master Sword…


Kiina walked up to the Pedestal of Time. The Master Sword was with Link, and thus not in the pedestal. “Huh, I wonder what would happen if I thrust my sword into here,” she mused.


“It would break,” Artakha responded. “Your blade is not sacred enough to stay in the pedestal. And plus, who wants to go back seven years anyway?”


“It’d be when LEGO Friends was on its eighth Toy of the Year win,” Tahu muttered. “Certainly a lot better than fifteen…straight.”


“Huh. I guess you do have a point, Tahu…but it’s best for Kiina to keep her sword, isn’t it?”


“Stop talking. I hear something…it sounds like drums…I’m tired.” Over the Song of Time, Helryx heard drums…and an ocarina, getting more tired…before collapsing onto the floor.


In the Chamber of the Sages…


“Well, it’s a good thing you got the Spiritual Stones and the Medallions out in time, Darunia.”


“I got lucky, Rauru. I got to combine them into the prophecy too, and when the messenger comes, I give it to him?”


“Precisely. Ah, look. Here he is now.” Rauru turned to face Helryx. “Are you Tahu Nuva?”


Helryx nodded. “Yes, I am.” She wore Tahu’s Hau Nuva over her own mask, and had even changed her armor from blue to red. “What do you ask of me, noble Sages?”


“Nothing much. Just take this!” The Fire Chronicle floated down from the sky, and Darunia shrieked as a man floated down as well. “How did you get here?!?”


“I have awesome hair. What can I say?” Groose ran his hands through his hair and grinned.


Impa facepalmed. “Let’s just get you back, Tahu.”


“We’re sorry time was so short!” Rauru yelled, transporting Helryx back to the Temple of Time.


Saria winced. “Um…I don’t think that was Tahu.”


“It…it wasn’t?” Rauru rubbed his eyes. “Ofrick. Saria, I should just hand leadership to you.”


“Excuse me, but I believe that I, Zelda, am the leader of the Sages…”


In the Chamber of the Master Sword…


Helryx stood up. She felt a lump in her satchel now, and closed her hand around the lump. “I have…the Fire Chronicle,” she whispered.


Suddenly, the satchel was slashed open, and she brought out the FC so it would not break. “Not for long,” Tahu muttered, splitting the Magma Sword into two.


Within moments, battle broke out between Tahu and Helryx’s sides, in an attempt to claim the prophecy. Tahu wanted it to defeat Helryx; Helryx wanted it to defeat Tahu. But Ranox wanted to destroy it.


“Let’s see you try to destroy me again, little Toa,” Roodaka growled, sending a Rhotuka at Nuhrii. He dodged it, firing back a Kanoka square into Roodaka’s chest. She flew back into a wall, and fainted.


Tahu slashed Helryx’s hand, in an attempt to get the prophecy. She threw the prophecy into the other hand as Tahu growled. “Give it to me! Don’t you know what your master will do to that?”


“If anything…he will use it against you!” Helryx punched Tahu, who tripped over the Pedestal of Time and crashed to the ground. Helryx readied her sword. “Any last words?”


To continue the universe’s go,” Tahu muttered. He tried to get up, but Helryx was standing on his feet, bringing her sword down…


“AUGH!” Helryx swayed, wanting to stay up, and then stumbled onto the ground. For a moment, a sword stuck out of her chest, but then it was taken out.


Takanuva sheathed his sword, and helped Tahu up. “She got what she deserved, the Matoran slayer. Now, at last, the deaths of Solek and Gavla are not in vain.”


Tahu, however, looked at the Fire Chronicle. The red glass ball had a jagged crack in it, and fire was leaking out of it. So was an ancient voice.


“Ah. If you are hearing me, you will know what is to be done next. Yes, this is the Fire Chronicle. All of the prophecy is in here, but it will not be revealed to you. No, you must find the rest of the prophecy through those with an ancient voice such as mine…and then you will be able to defeat my brother.”


The prophecy shattered. All in the room turned to stare at Tahu, who only looked at his empty hands. “To continue the universe’s go,” he muttered. “So then—“


A black smoke charged through the room, engulfing them all in it. It spread throughout the temple, and it crumbled away in Ranox’s wake.


In Karda Nui…


Only the Pedestal of Time remained, still untouched by the ravages of time. But that was not Tahu’s concern. No, he (and the rest of the group) stared at the Mask of Light, face down in the rubble.


Helryx walked over to the mask and picked it up, holding it above her head for all to see. “This is what happens…when you try to mess with destiny. When you mess with the Orderly Empire II, just remember that my patron is strong enough to destroy an entire temple…and even a Toa of Light. Perhaps I have not killed Tahu—“ she glared at him, “—yet, but darkness will prevail from this day on if you ever decide to mess with us again!” Helryx, Roodaka, Axonn and the Nintendo characters all disappeared at once.


Gali and Kiina ran over to hug Tahu, but Tahu broke free of them and went to the lonely Pedestal of Time. “Today…no longer do we fight for the sake of our Order, but the sake of the entire universe with it.”


End of Season 2


Definitely my longest chapter (in Amidst) clocking in at 1,936 words. How was the finale?



The long awaited third season of TA:OT is finally here!!



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2. You forgot the 3D remake of SF64 that no one actually bought

I put "console" in there for a reason.


I'm not completely forgetful (and I might add there were those mediocre DS games for SF anyway)


Interesting finale...though I've got to say, I'm a little confused. Maybe a Zelda/Bionicle crossover is too much for me, but I was having some difficulty understanding the implications of everything that was going on.


Oh well. Regardless, it was well written, and the battle scenes were good. Season 3 now plox.




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