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So, over the downtime I spent more focus on my little project: Learn how to draw. I have a lot of Bionicle works I could share, but I don't want to flood the forums, so I'll post a little at a time (and only really the ones I think look good enough to share. XP). Anyway, onto my drawing. Laza Laza is an original character of mine from my epic, Dare to Dream. This is my first time drawing her, but I liked her design, generally. I may tweak things a bit in the future. This one was a more recent sketch done around a month ago.

Edited by Tekulo: Toa of Wind

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing


Not bad, the proportions are fine for a stylized piece, and I like the coloring!What I'd suggest working on now is pose. Right now the pose is very flat and two dimensional. Adding some depth to a pose can be as simple as rotating a leg 45 degrees, or tilting an arm a certain direction. Just mess around with different ideas and have fun with it!


Thanks! ^^ Yes, I know about my posing problem. I've been working little by little on it, mainly with faces. I do need to study foot, leg and arm poses more. I'll most likely be using some sets to use for poses while I sketch for future Bionicle works (to get an idea of what it might be like).

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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