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I did a thing





possible tattoo idea... we'll have to see what happens. Either way I like it as an image.


Props to anyone who can recognize at least half these symbols :P

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That's going to have to be at least a foot across to get any of the detailing in it, and a very proficient tattoo artist. Looks neat though!

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Is that.. Is that the Destiny Symbol?


Half? Maybe. I can say I probably know where half of them are from, but maybe not knowing their significance. 

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That's going to have to be at least a foot across to get any of the detailing in it, and a very proficient tattoo artist. Looks neat though!

yes I am doubtful of its possibility as well. It will probably be reworked and simplified if I do end up getting it

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Starting at the top and going clockwise:


2. Looks familiar, not sure what it is, though.

10. Destiny.

12. Bohrok.

23. Dead Space?

26. Looks so familiar, it hurts, but no go. ;_;

27. Aaaaagh, what IS IT?

29. Unity, Duty, Destiny.

32. Doctor Who.

37. Looks vaguely familiar, again.

38. N7.


So, I got 6 out of 38.




Anyway, pretty nice, though would be hard to work it into a practical tattoo. Also, needs the Oblivion logo. =P



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Uh, I see the Bohrok, one of those Star Trek insignia things, UDD, Doctor Who, The sign of the Deathly Hallows (from Harry Potter), the Rahkshi, and, uh, that's about it.

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I recognize the Star Trek symbols and the Star Wars era images (yay for including the Legacy of the Force symbol). Also, in addition to what others have said, there's the Rahkshi symbol too, and am I right in thinking the White Horse of Rohan is also there?



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alright here's what they all are:


1. Stargate - Earth symbol

2. Star Trek - The Original Series badge

3. Babylon 5 - Station patch

4. Mass Effect - Paragon symbol

5. Harry Potter - The Deathly hallows sign

6. Star Trek - DS9/Voyager badge

7. Star Wars - Empire symbol

8. Star Trek - Romulan Empire badge

9. Avatar: The Last Airbender - Water tribe sign

10. Destiny logo

11. Star Wars - legacy of the Force symbol

12. Bionicle - Bohrok symbol

13. Star Trek - Vulcan IDIC symbol

14. Stargate - Mark of Apophis

15. Mass Effect - Cerberus logo

16. Babylon 5 - Babylon 4 station patch

17. Star Trek - Borg Collective symbol

18. Avatar: The Last Airbender - Air nomad sign

19. Babylon 5 - Shadows ship silhouette

20. Babylon 5 - Psi Corps badge

21. Firefly - Serenity silhouette

22. Star Trek - Terran Empire badge

23. Dead Space - Marker symbol

24. Avatar: The Last Airbender - Earth Kingdom sign

25. Battlestar Galactica - logo

26. Mass Effect - Renegade symbol

27. Bionicle - Rahkshi symbol

28. Star Trek - United Federation Of Planets sign

29. Bionicle - Unity, Duty, Destiny symbol

30. Avatar: The Last Airbender - Fire Nation sign

31. Star Trek - Klingon Empire badge

32. Doctor Who - Seasons 5-7 logo

33. Star Trek - NX-01 ship patch

34. Mass Effect - Alliance badge

35. Doctor Who - Seal of Rassilon

36. Babylon 5 - Earth Alliance badge

37. Star Trek - The Next Generation badge

38. Star Wars - Rebel forces symbol

39. Mass Effect - N7 patch


there you go. :P

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