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Garreg Mach

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The Pixar List - A Bug's Life - Rank 7




7th - A Bug's Life, 1998

iBrow Percentage: 89


I told you all that I'd be explaining my motives behind ranking A Bug's Life as one of my favourite Pixar films visually. You see, A Bug's Life is stuck in the time between Toy Story, where Pixar was still sort of figuring things out, and Finding Nemo, where every Pixar film became a visual masterpiece. While this doesn't aid Toy Story 2 or Monsters, Inc. so much, I love A Bug's Life so much more because of it. The film has such a unique... everything, really. The visual style is one that hasn't been (and can't be) replicated, nor will we be able to see quite the viewpoint this film gives us either.


Where A Bug's Life goes wrong is with the main character, Flik. Most of the time he's pretty likeable, but at others it just feels uninteresting to watch him. However, there's also his love interest Dot (do you all get the hint now?), who feels stereotypical. Her scenes are all saved by either the main villain's presence (or indeed, the presence of Flik himself), but I really wish she could've been a stronger female lead along the lines of Elastigirl, Merida, or EVE.


Thoughts in short on A Bug's Life! You all know that the dot led to Dot, so now for the hint towards Rank 6:


all children know...


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A Bug's Life is decent. Perhaps not as memorable as other Pixar films, but still has one of the best Pixar villains, as well as Slim and Heimlich and such like, so it's pretty good.


And the clue has gotta be Monsters Inc, right?


- Tilius

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I thought Dot was the little girl ant, not the love interest.


I never liked this one much. Flik came off as unappealing to me, and I don't remember liking it at all when I first saw it. But I might have been thinking of Antz. (It's kinda blurry. I was, like, four or something.)


Hint's gotta be M.I.

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A Bug's Life still has to be my favourite Pixar film, you know... it's just adorable. Maybe because it was one of the first animated films I've ever seen. ^^"


I thought Dot was the little girl ant, not the love interest.

Confirmed. although I really can't recall the love interest's name right now...

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Princess Atta was Flik's love interest. Just saying.


This movie is, IMO, good enough to be in the Top 10, or even the Top 7. I like it a lot, and, while I've never seen Antz, I'm sure that this is tons better than Antz :).


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Princess Atta was Flik's love interest. Just saying.


This movie is, IMO, good enough to be in the Top 10, or even the Top 7. I like it a lot, and, while I've never seen Antz, I'm sure that this is tons better than Antz :).



Oh, I know it is. I just was four years old, and can't really remember if I originally disliked it for what it was, or if I disliked it because I confused it with Antz.


It's sort of something that sticks with me illogically. Like my dislike of dogs and of root beer.

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:kaukau: I never saw it spelled out, so I assumed it was spelled Ada. Anyway, as the second Pixar movie, I was still pretty young when I saw this, and I think it's still one of the better movies. They managed to find a great story with some good archetypal characters. The romance wasn't that strong, but I didn't think it was quite the central point, and my interpretation was that they desired Princess Ada to be a strong character more than anything. She was, too, just not in an emphasized way that stood out, which is why she isn't one of the most remembered Pixar secondary characters. I definitely liked her more than EVE, though, but not as much as Helen Parr. The Incredibles overall had a stronger ensembled cast that happened to be a family, which is not only a place where writers and readers naturally see the distinctions that make each person special, but it's one of Pixar's highlights. Ada to Merida, however, is comparing apples to oranges (And boy, is Merida an orange!), since one is a supporting character and the other is a lead role.


My favorite parts with Ada were the ones that emphasized her leadership, and my favorite of my favorites was when Hopper first stood over her and said "Here's the first rule of leadership, honey. Everything is your fault." That moment where all the weight of the world is put on Ada's (admittingly strong) shoulders when it should be on Flik's, and the reason for it, made me as an adult viewer suddenly gain an new appreciation of the character that I couldn't have when I was six years old.


Hopper, by the way, is my favorite Pixar villain. He's such a tyrant, and he reminds me of some of the best villains in Disney, such as Sher Khan and Scar. Yeah, sure, there are other great Pixar villains like Syndrome and Stinky Pete, but asides from Zurg none scream villainy like Hopper, and so many of the Pixar films focus on "Man vs. Self" conflicts so well that they overshadow any "Man vs. Man" conflict, i.e. the villains. Hopper was fortunate that he was allowed to steal the show.



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