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Bziii: Mata Nui's Military-Establishment



Question, how much of the Mata-Nuian forces have been established? We have spoken about relatively specialized squadrons in the Gukko Force, Guard, Sanctum, and Ussalry but what about the regular troops.


Establish forces here.








The Military of Mata Nui


Onu-Koro Ussalry












Le-Koro Gukko Force









Po-Koro Footmen










Ta-Koro Guard










Ga-Koro Guard











Ko-Koro Guard










Recommended Comments

Add Vinesmen under Gukko force.


They are the official units of the Gukko force which don't ride gukkos.


Otherwise, I love it.


'specially Arctic Watch

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Guys for my sanity no Windrider Calvary. I like my good old Gukko Force.


EDIT: Also what about the Ko-Koro Scouting Force I proposed?

Nevermind, I realized they are the Artic Watch.

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Guys, edited first entry to get a profile skeleton for the Ussalry. Give me the names of the other forces and their subdivisions and I'll do the same. I'll add info for each section of the profiles as we go along.

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Go pack one page, I have the names we've decided on in a quote.



Ah. That's what I thought-just wanted to check.

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All skeletons have been completed. When info about a particular section of one force' profile is totally completed and revised in such a manner that it is agreed to be BZIII canon, post it in some way quite visibly marking that information as ready to be put within the profile (headed by specifically stating that this is a final draft/text' color being that of the force/etc).

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Shortly after Makuta's rahi first started attacking the koro, I would assume. Possible a major rampage of a certain rahi, such as Takea sharks?

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Tarakava would be good. I was thinking they started by attacking fishing boats, explaining why the Ga-Koro militia is as sea-focused as it is.


Another thing: Perhaps the Ko-Koro militia in general could be referred to as the Ko-Koro Watch, with each sub-group called the [insertnamehere] Watch?

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Still, that's not a bad idea.


Three Great Tarakava raids make sense.


Nevermind, go with Benluke's idea. Maybe it formed after an especially large fishing boat was sunk.

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Why create and fret over such a complex military system? It seems rather pointless.


Imitating Kalama's example isn't the wisest idea here. One of the main things I had to constantly remind him to do was to keep his grandiose ideas within the realism of Mata Nui; grandiose ideas about militaries were some of the strongest examples of his difficulty in reconciling our-world and BIONICLE-world realisms. On an island that has a relatively small population, such a hierarchal, ranked military force just doesn't make sense. The Koros, last I checked, did fine with a basic guard scheme.

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Why create and fret over such a complex military system? It seems rather pointless.


Imitating Kalama's example isn't the wisest idea here. One of the main things I had to constantly remind him to do was to keep his grandiose ideas within the realism of Mata Nui; grandiose ideas about militaries were some of the strongest examples of his difficulty in reconciling our-world and BIONICLE-world realisms. On an island that has a relatively small population, such a hierarchal, ranked military force just doesn't make sense. The Koros, last I checked, did fine with a basic guard scheme.


That's why the Ussalry's structure is fairly basic-there are only five branches, all of which don't have many by the way of people. I could even cut one (artillery) if needed.


EDIT: Actually, yeah, cutting that. It seems like Ta-Koro would work better with that sort of stuff.

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And the others don't need to be anywhere near as complex as the Ussalry's. As long as we avoid complex ranks or codes, we should be fine.

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We're not so much making then complex, Nuju, as creating a basic structure. The general arms of the force, names, and a general history.

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Nuju's comment

I agree that getting finicky over ranks is silly. The only thing that matters as far as ranks go is leader of a squadron and leader of the entire militia.


Not too fond of "Footmen" being the overall name of Po-Koro's guards, either, maybe we could change things up a bit and have "Legion" be the entire faction's name while Footmen becomes the infantry sub-group's name?

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I'm with BenLuke, I like Dikapi League/Riders/Legion/Whatever As the main group name, and footmen as the sub group.


Think about every other Force employing Rahi has their main force name after it. Ussalry, Gukko Force. Po-Koro should follow suit.

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