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This is a strange, strange place now.

I come here every few years just to see what happened. It is like returning to a hometown that never existed, and all the people were fictional characters you made up as imaginary friends, and only a few straggling ghosts roam the grounds as though nothing changed. I post this just to see if the ghosts can hear. The sensation of wandering in here ever since 2013, when I left the staff, has been haunting.


LewaLew in spooky

Tell Me What I've Missed

On a whim, I turned up today wondering what became of this old place. Is it better? Worse? The same? More bitter or less? BIONICLE-focused or not?   Also, I kind of regret not having been here to run the BaseBlog in The Year. We did it! The Cubbies finally won! Anyone can have a good century!   EDIT: Wow. Some cursory googling reveals some pretty insane stuff happened here. I'm glad I was gone when people started to go bonkers. It's sad that I've never been able to come back to the way I remembe



Corrin and Bayonetta

I don't really understand why people are surprised to see that Bayonetta won the ballot. I can understand if you're surprised that Nintendo would choose her as a "realizable character," given that her game is very much ​not ​family-friendly, but if you didn't see the online support for her, you and I weren't looking at the same posts and comments on social media.   That said, I don't like Bayonetta, didn't want her, and am disappointed that she won. But I don't complain, because it's not like I



SMT x FE Villainy

I'm not planning on playing Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem (I'm spending too much money on FE as it is), but I cannot say that I am pleased to find that Lon'qu is a villain. Of course, since it seems that the FE characters are just weird spectres harnessed by the SMT characters, I suppose that it may not be Lon'qu himself that is a villain, just his user. (I haven't done too much research into the game anyway.)   Maybe before the end of the game, Evil Lon'qu may change sides. Ah, well.



Nintendo Direct

Finally, a release date for Fire Emblem Fates! I only just picked up the series this past summer (I played Awakening, Blazing Blade, Sacred Stones, Radiant Dawn, and Shadow Dragon), but I already love it. Which is weird, because I normally don't enjoy RPGs that much. Really the only ones I've tried and liked are the Fire Emblem and Mario & Luigi series. Anyhow, I have preordered my special edition, so now the only thing left to do is to figure out which of the three paths to choose. I've lea



The DeLorean Has Crashed

I guess the Cubs never have believed in soft landings.   Nevertheless, they far exceeded my expectations this year. Doesn't make it hurt less, though.



Fire Emblem Names

I had forgotten that someone had the name "Lucina" here until I saw that blog directly above mine in the list.   And now I wish that there were some name change fad where everybody was a Fire Emblem character. But then I'd be second-guessing my choice of Lon'qu, when I could have also chosen Hector, Gregor, or Donnel.   Nah, I would have just chosen Lon'qu anyway.



"Quick, Marty, to the DeLorean!"

"We've mistakenly altered the space-time continuum to prevent the Cubs from reaching the World Series!"   "What, Doc?"   "No time to explain!"     Doc and Marty better fix this. When I wake up tomorrow, I expect the Cubs to be up at least 2-1 in the series.   And I want my hoverboard too, but first things first.



So, the Cubbies

They're making me really happy and frustrated at the same time.   Oh, and I'm poking around here again for the next few days.   And I changed my name to Lon'qu, because he's a total boss.



New Blog Title

I decided to go ahead and dull down my blog. It's not like I'm around much anymore to talk about baseball. This is the most activity I've had in a long time, thanks to BIONICLE's return.



Quick BaseBlog

How 'bout dem Royals? Have they ever gotten hot at the right time.   Also, go Giants. I don't need the stinkin' Cardinals to win another World Series.   Also, I hope you enjoy my name change. I'll probably change it back on my next visit, like I did with Sohcah, Toa of Trigonometry.



Closing Out My Visit

Well, it's been fun having this little return to activity this week, but I'll be heading back to inactivity starting Sunday. I'm likely to drop in again later on, and I'll still be here tomorrow, but, y'know, I got college to work on, and I believe I'll leave BZPower in the past. Unless BIONICLE ever starts back up again, and then maybe I'll come back for the reunion party.



Less than Two Months Left on BZP

Sometime in August, I will be leaving BZPower, as I will be starting college in September. Unfortunately, there's a lot of stuff on the BZP bucket list I posted in this blog a while back that isn't going to happen, but that top item I am absolutely determined to finish before then. Sometime before that point in August, I will also be retiring from the staff--perhaps in the first or second week, but I don't actually know for sure yet. I'll see what happens.



Nonfiction Books

Is there anybody other than me who prefers reading nonfiction? I like fiction, but usually I only read classics or science fiction (and BIONICLE, of course). When I walk through most fiction sections at bookstores, they're filled with books with plots I know I'd hate just from the book jacket preview. I'm sure there are some diamonds in the rough, but when I can read books discussing the history of the Civil War or the New York Times since Arthur Sulzburger, Jr. took over, I generally find mysel



New Sig




The Nintendo Experience

Had a good time. There were no physical lines--you reserved a spot to play and came back later. Or you could wait and watch other people play or play some 3DS systems they had with some recent releases, namely, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, and Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. They gave away Luigi hats as part of the "Year of Luigi", but unfortunately, my brother, my sisters, and I arrived just after the last hat was given away. They also had Wii U lanyards and a special



Internet, You Confuzzle Me

People complained incessantly about motion controls being forced upon them in the previous generation... So now they complain about Nintendo not utilizing touchscreen controls extensively for Wii U games.   Last I checked, Internet, you liked good old-fashioned analogs and buttons. But I guess you like complaining more.



Man of Steel Reviews

I haven't seen it myself yet, but from the looks of the reviews, it's a movie that only geeks will love. However, most of the criticisms seem to be the same sort of things they praised in the Dark Knight trilogy, so I'm pretty sure I'll watch it anyway. I like Superman too much anyway.   And besides, Superman Returns received good reviews and people hated it. Maybe Man of Steel will be the opposite. Hopefully. I really want Superman to get back on his cinematic feet.



Best Buy Nintendo Stuff

I wasn't able to go yesterday, but I do plan on going Saturday to Best Buy to try out the new Nintendo games--primarily Super Mario 3D Land World, Mario Kart 8, and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD.   I can't tell you how awesome it is that of the two stores in Illinois for them to do this, one is in Bloomington. If you guys don't know where that is, it's pretty much the center of the state. State Farm Insurance is based out of that city.



Wii are glad, are U?

Glad I got a Wii U for my family instead of waiting for the next Xbox. And I never really considered PlayStation 4.   I care about fun games my family as a whole can enjoy--never been all that concerned about graphics. Besides, all of the games we would have gotten on an Xbox One will also probably be available on the Wii U. The main difference is that with the Xbox 360 we couldn't play Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros., LEGO City, or Donkey Kong, and now with the Wii U we can. Plus, there's all those V



3,300 Posts

I've hit it, and I think I've got a new rank icon. Problem is that I don't remember the one I had before.   I don't think Tahnok-Kal was there before.




I've been sporting superhero stuff for a while so I thought I'd switch to supervillain for now. I considered Zod, but I really like Luthor. Particularly the image in the banner.



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