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About this blog

Art, science, card games, and whatever else I find interesting :)

Entries in this blog

The almost-but-not-quite-annual roundup

And/or the usual "hey world! I'm still alive!" post So where have I been? Mostly busy with life, and finally with a stable internet connection at my PC so expect some more activity from me, I guess. Occasionally, anyway. Other than that, I missed this place, a lot. And can't help but get nostalgic about the old times of lots of daily activity. Regular display name changes, especially around April 1st (my, what a coincidence) or with whatever tiny trend floated by. (On a side note, I

artblocked, indeed

The best thing I can say right now is that the breaks between my blog entries are much, much longer than the breaks between my artistic endeavours (please imagine those two words in a more sarcastic tone). Wish I knew what was the problem, but sitting down to draw is no longer as easy nor natural as it used to be. Mostly, I am afraid, I think. Afraid of what I create not lining up with what I had in mind (a given, if I rarely try my hands at it.) Afraid of only being able to produce slightly off

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia in slice of life

happy holidays :)

I might be a bit early with this, but you know, with time zones you can never quite tell. Either way, whoever reads this, I hope you have a good day, and happy holidays to you!

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

new art topic lol

In case anyone was wondering what exactly my banner was... there you go ^^ (idk about the title for this blog entry. it feels strangely familiar, so I might've chosen it in the past. ^^)

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Update (now there's a meaningful title...)

The current state of things makes it really hard to tell interesting stories because let's face it, most time is spent at home. :/ Honestly the only positive thing is that I 'won' the time usually spent commuting, which does add up to 10h during the week, but that's about it. Doing everything in one place is hard, however. In fact, it's so hard that I had to improve my planning strategies and install two boards in my room where I track my tasks, both for home things and for university. At

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Throwback Thursday: Doubt

On my recent trip down memory lane I came across a myriad of long forgotten stuff - among other things, the two-page comic Doubt that I drew back in 2014, coincidentally also in November. It's weird that this was six years ago, it still feels extremely recent - especially because I can clearly remember sitting in a park outside drawing some of the panels with freezing fingers. Idk why my younger self thought that was a good idea. Doubt was an interesting experiment, though, because I decide

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Round and round we go - the 100th redesign

Long story short, I was recently reminded of the Clockwork Night game over in G&T ages ago, and realized that the character I played there had the same name as my usual OC/BZP namesake, if you will. And was an Agori/Protector - and that I'd never drawn her, so hey, why not redesign my 13-year-old OC again. So that's what I did, gleefully ignoring that everyone was supposed to be from the Jungle region so I can stick to the old colour scheme, and here we are. Notable design changes:

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Life, the universe, and... well

I do wonder if anyone still reads this, tbh ^^'   But for anyone who does, life is slowly returning back to normal, and I think that's a really good thing. Also, I'm about to finally finish my current sketchbook after 4 months, which is surprisingly fast for me - normally it takes at least half a year.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Re: my art collection

Idk if anyone even still knows this existed, but I updated my art collection - after all, I've been drawing more Bionicle stuff again lately, so I need a place to put it all without cluttering GA. But yeah, expect some more updates from me over the course of the next few weeks. ^^

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

and back to regular life

except, not really. Everyone wears masks outside, and uni stays digital for the rest of the semester. idk how I feel about any of this.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Update time

It's been a while, hasn't it... so what's new? Days are still more or less the same. That will change next week because I am back to the office. Home learning is not my thing, which is amazing because uni stays digital until the end of the semester. <3 Art-wise I've hit a plateau, which is annoying. Should probably do some focused practise to start improving again. van time~ That's it from me, how's it going for all of you?  

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

name change (+art)

The pun was brought to my attention recently and it was way too good to pass it up, so here we go. Dawing this was great fun, tho.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Blogging from home

For me it's week 3 of being 'confined' to the metaphorical four walls of my home, and I think I am slowly adjusting. But how's the rest of you been these days? I hope you're all safe and well.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


Remember that character WIP I posted way back? (yea, me neither. that's why I added the link). I finished her in the meantime, and just realized that I never got around to posting her here.^^'

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Lots of chaos at the moment

still trying to rearrange my life after last year, and while some things are getting better it still feels like I'm struggling most of the time. At this point I'm seriously wondering whether I had a burnout of some sorts or why else it is all so much for me. Art-wise it's going okay, though. That's at least something.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Posted somethingin GA

... okay I did not know that links are embedded these days. That's fancy. Anyway, posted some artworks in GA, if anyone is interested in that but, like me, does not check the artwork forum every other day ^^'

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

2019 was a ____ year

.... idk how to properly summarize it, tbh. Made a larger decision that changed my life for the better, but it still took until Christmas for me to even halfway recover from what happened before. I just hope things won't excalate as much again, or rather, that next time I'll find the courage to quit a bad situation earlier on and not stay until it is almost way too much to bear. But there are positive things! I joined a Pathfinder campaign, and through that formed some really great friendsh

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

The reason why I play an elf in Pathfinder

... okay, to be fair, apart from "elves are just very cool and I love pointy ears" Thing is, there is something about them beiong much older than they look that is just relatable in a way. Idk. I too, often, feel older than I probably should at this point (or maybe the times are jusut moving far too fast for me to keep up these days, idk), yet people tend to estimate my age to be younger than it is. (the only time when that wasn't the case was when I was stressed out of my mind. Even got a

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

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