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Back To Normal, I Guess



It's been a week since BrickFest ended, and I think I'm finally caught up on sleep. Now my two big priorities are BZP and LEGOFan.


But first, a digression. A few weeks ago, I got the Windows Vista upgrade that I was promised when I bought my new computer last November, so I installed it. Bad move. Half my apps (including the newly-purchased Halo, as well as iTunes) stopped working. Grrrr. So I decided to use the 3 DVD backup they'd forced me to make in order to get my system back to normal. I spent all yesterday working on that.


First of all, I'm not sure what "Restore" means to those geeks at Microsoft, because those disks did not restore my system to the way it was when I created those disks... it went back to factory settings, without any of my data or settings or applications. Double grrr. OK, fine. Good thing I backed everything up on my own external hard drive.


Then I go back to reinstall MS Office, which I use for email, and the email data file I'd used turned out to be 5 months out of date, even though the last modified date was yesterday. So the end result is I lost 5 months worth of emails.


Triple grrrr.


I hate Microsoft.


Now I've got a half-usable computer with no applications installed (except Halo, because I really felt the need to blow the $&*#^ out of something yesterday). I'll finish it up today.


My advice: Don't bother with Vista, there's nothing that's compelling about having to have it. Wait for the bugs to be worked out (which there are several - I had runtime errors all over the place). I'll stick with XP, at least for now.


Or maybe I should just scoot over to the Mac mini sitting next to the PC and use it instead.


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Yeah, Vista isn't worth it yet. I nearly got it, then I noticed how many programs I had that wouldn't work properly with it.


It looks nice though, I'll say that much.

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I'm sticking with XP. It costs like, 157 bucks to upgrade....and I'm a cheap kid. How's the DVD coming along?

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"Yes, hello, Microsoft support? My computer won't turn on."

"Have you tried pressing the power button?"

*Hangs up*


That actually happened to a friend of mine. Microsoft is the absolute worst computer company ever! I don't understand why everyone uses them, or why Bill Gates is so freaking rich. Or why Bungie sold out to them.


Earlier today I was trying to write a chapter of my comedy on Microsoft Word and it froze up five times!


(except Halo, because I really felt the need to blow the $&*#^ out of something yesterday).




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This is hidden on a level in Halo 2. :D

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I've felt the same about Vista. No compelling reason to upgrade at this point. It seems cool and all, but XP works just fine. I'll get Vista when I get a new computer before I head off to college and by then most bugs should be shaken out.


Buggy as Vista might be though... Nothing can top the horror of Windows ME for me. I swear, that was the only Windows to give me blue screens on a consistent basis. On the other hand, I've never been drilled with a blue screen in XP.


And SP, when a computer can't turn on, it's usualy not an operating system issue. Microsoft support would be the last place to call if your computer can't turn on since they don't design the hardware.

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This is one of the many reasons I love Macs. :happydance:




Mac is so stable it's not funny :P


I hate Microsoft.


I love that... I'm gonna start using it. Another one I like is the oxymoron "Microsoft Works." XD



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Sigh ye are all uneducated about computers... First macs are the worst things ever made! I would kill myself before I had to use mac as my main operationg system. Now I really like their hardware which is another story. And that is why I have a iMac sitting next to me with vista booted on it.


Now bink I suggest you try reinstalling vista one more time. I have been using vista since beta 1 even before it was called vista and just longhorn. And have been using it as my main os since beta 2. I tried using my xp boot the other day... man once the loading screen started I had enough time to go make myself some lunch, eat it slowly, and watch the tube. I come back and it just finished booting. great now to login. Another 20 mins down the drain. Now vista boot. *presses power button* 5 minutes later i am in firefox doing my normal checkups on the server. I couldn't live without vista it is ten times better than xp no matter what others say. And to all those who are waiting cause of bugs, there are no bug except the copy, cut, delete bug. I have been using this since beta 1! bugs is just a media hype!

so go by the upgrade to vista now!

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Sigh ye are all uneducated about computers...

Don't go around making accusations like that. It'll get you in trouble.


And that is why I have a iMac sitting next to me with vista booted on it.

Hmm. You say you hate Apple, but you still give them money by buying an iMac? That's a bit hypocritical.


man once the loading screen started I had enough time to go make myself some lunch, eat it slowly, and watch the tube.

You must have a very slow computer then, Win XP loads for me in under 30 seconds each and every time. :pirate:

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Funny, I have nothing wrong with my Vista computer...yay me! :D


I hate Microsoft.

Strangely enough, I would rather scream out "I hate Apple and Macs" then that.


I hate Macs.


Die Mac and Apple. :evilgrin:




~ Bioran

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