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Mega Ampharos is Electric/Dragon with mold Breaker. Blaziken has Speed Boost. Lucario gets Adaptability. That's how you should feel about this. =P

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Ooh, that DOES sound good...


I'm also starting to like the designs of Mega Lucario and Mega Blaziken. Really curious to see if these count as forms or evolutions, since that would mean we have an evolution for a legendary and a few evolutionary chains with four members now...

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Well, this was a pleasant surprise. It certainly explains Mewtwo's bad hair day. :P


On the one hand, I'm really digging the improvements to Lucario and Absol, who look freaking sweet. Mawile and Ampharos gaining new types and abilities is great as well, since Ampharos looks very regal and Mawile looks pretty sinister now. I'll bet that their Mega forms see huge jumps in usage. I want them, at any rate.


On the other hand, while Mega Blaziken looks utterly awesome, there's not much that one can do to improve the fighting chicken anyway. Smogon's listed it as an Uber for quite some time; this just cements that status. :shrugs:




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The way it's being improved is that they'll make a special 'god-like' tier, and stick it in there forever. Along with maybe Mega Lucario.

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I just like that Ampharos might have some utility in battles for once. I've always liked its design, but in battle it's always been pretty lackluster.

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Imagine the possibility of a Mega Charizard...


The oppurtunity for Gamefreak to bring back the all favourite pokemon by making it Drangon/Fire

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I'm kind of curious what Gamefreak's thought process is behind this...boosting Blaziken is an especially odd move. I would think that they would want to keep all the "starter" families equal.


Of course, there is the possibility that they're extending this to the entire roster, which can only lead to hilarity. Mega Dunsparce, anyone? :P

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Well, this is the first time they've given new forms to old Pokemon, so perhaps they just wanted to have a reason for it rather than just having a bunch of random new form changes? A lot of people have been saying that they're low on ideas or the old Pokemon are better and whatnot, so maybe they decided to give older Pokemon a bit more spotlight this time around in response to that.


Apparently some new Mega Pokemon will be revealed next month. Also, Mega Blaziken is event-exclusive--or rather, the Blazikenite item you need to achieve this form is event exclusive. A Torchic with Blazikenite will be distributed starting the first day the game is released. (Probably definitely putting this on my team. Mega Blaziken looks cool.)

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Hm...it looks like the transformations actually happen in battle, so it seems that you were right that these are merely form changes under a new name.


Of course, now I'm curious whether these transformations use the same held item or not...I suppose it would be somewhat of a limiting factor if you could only have one Pokemon holding the "Mega Stone" at a time. Not like that stops people from duplicating items in the metagame, but I think it would be a nice touch to make these forms more difficult to achieve than regular Pokemon.

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Each Pokemon needs a specific Mega Stone--Blaziken needs Blazikenite, Lucario needs Lucarionite, etc. Apparently there are other conditions for using Mega Evolution yet to be revealed, though.

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Each Pokemon needs a specific Mega Stone--Blaziken needs Blazikenite, Lucario needs Lucarionite, etc. Apparently there are other conditions for using Mega Evolution yet to be revealed, though.



I imagine it would recuire full happiness, and maybe full EV's considering the whole Super Training thing, and the ability to check EV's easily.

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Also, Mega Kangaskhan was just unveiled! The baby climbs out of the pouch and gets a slight redesign. Sounds simple, but its ability lets them both attack in one turn.

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