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Everybody Look And Vote!

Boogie Monsta


Ok, so I've gotta do a poll for my AP Govt class, and since I don't go to a real school, my options for people to poll are... here, and on IMing. So! You guys get to vote. And please ask your BZP friends to vote, if I get enough people maybe I'll get the most votes total, and win something. The mods wouldn't let me to it in CoT, so this is all I've got.

Anyways, the question: (Sorry it's so.. real-life, it is a real-life class, after all.)


Is global warming true/real?


1. Yes

2. No

3. I don't know

4. It doesn't matter



If you start an argument, your comment will be edited to have just your answers. And if you get a Moderator to close this because of something you did, I will personally come to your house and kick you in the teeth.


Even if you don't like/care about stuff like this (heck, I don't, much), please just tell me what you think. I NEED votes!


And I really hope this is allowed, as long as there's no arguments..


EDIT: And my deadline is Monday, October 27th, so don't wait!



People have asked what exactly I mean by global warming. By it I mean simply the rising of the overall temperature of the earth, by any means OTHER than the natural fluctuation of the temperature that's been going on for a very long time.


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In the sense that the temperature is slowly rising around in the world as part of the cycle of heating and cooling since the creation of the earth? Yes.


In the sense that the media makes it out to be horrendous and man made and we need to elect Al Gore to president of the universe? No.


I clarified what I meant in the entry. The heating-cooling fluctuation thing is a fact, it's been going on for a loong time, this isn't what I'm talking about. So I guess you mean No, unless otherwise stated - Ferhago

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Aye. Global warming happens naturally every couple hundred thousand years, but man made things have been speeding it up.
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Don't know and I don't care. Choose either one as my vote if you want, but I think...



-Feel the insanity!-

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