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Want Applications...



Hey, I have this crazy new writing idea that I'm not going to go into, but it would involve BZP Member characters. Instead of using other peoples names and basing their characters off my perception of them and then getting in deep trouble... why don't I skip right to the source and ask who wants to appear in a short story-ish kind of thing that might/might not happen (and if it does happen, it wouldn't be until after finals, during winter break).


Basically, if the idea is cool with you, you submit a character profile, which will use your main user name and tell things about your character, which may or may not be reflected in the real you. Categories...


Two positive characteristics / abilities

One negative characteristic... because perfect beings are boring.

General side (Good vs Evil)

Feelings towards the end of Bionicle (Strong or so-so, don't give me anything too deep)

Primary Colors (Generally just choose two)

Mask? (Not necessary)


So, for example, here would be my profile.



Brave and good at martial arts

Highly overconfident of his abilities

Good Side

So-so feelings


Green Hau


Be creative... I will need baddies as well as heroes, bystanders, victims, ext. By submitting your info, you agree that I can use your character in any sort of way, good-bad, rules of BZP permitting. Heck, to prove it I'll try and kill off my self-character early. :P


Anyway, good idea, bad idea, submissions?




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Scientist and martial artist. (Both of which I am. :D )



Strong excited

Gold and Black




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ah, why not :P


Blue Dragon(Blue for short :P )

A creative and quick thinker.

Bit of an know-it-all






Do you let us know if it goes through or that we are in it?



~Blue Dragon~

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Why not.


Little Miss Krahka, Miss Krahka, KRAHKAAAAA!!!!, The Pumaman

Two positive characteristics / abilities: A unique way of looking at the world, shapeshifting (being a Krahka and all that).

One Two negative characteristic: Completely breaks down under pressure. Flies like a moron.

General side: Relatively good.

Feelings towards the end of Bionicle: A bit sad, but has other things to worry about.

Primary Colors: Usually purple and blue. Or whatever color ever, since yeah. Shapeshifting.

Mask?: IS A KRAHKA SO WHATEVER. If you must, then Rau?

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Name: Arpy

Two positive characteristics/abilities: Unseriousness, uncanny memory

One negative characteristic: Raging cynicism

Side: Chaotic good

Feelings towards the end of Bionicle: Pleased.

Primary Colors: Burnt orange, brown.

Mask: Noble Matatu

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Name: Sumiki

Two positive characteristics/abilities: Creative, good memory (I can remember almost anything that's happened since I was two.)

One negative characteristic: Stupidity under pressure.

Side: Neutral, but leaning towards good.

Feelings towards the end of Bionicle: :glare:

Primary Colors: Teal and orange.

Mask: Kakama.

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Two positive characteristics: Open-minded, friendly

One negative characteristic: lack of self confidence

General side: da bad guyz

Feelings towards the end of Bionicle: best choice they could've made

Primary Colors: Black

Mask?: nah

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XD... thanks everybody. It's something I'd be posting here, in this blog, but I could still PM you if you're not a regular visitor. :sly:


Lots of evilness and overconfidence, I see. :evilgrin:



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Is it too late....?


Name: Nukaya

Two positive characteristics/abilities: Artistic, can probably kick your butt through a wall given the chance, but is still quite nice.

One negative characteristic: Second-guesses abilities for really dumb reasons.

General side: Good.

Feelings towards the end of Bionicle: A bit sad, but "every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end." It'll end well.

Primary Colors: Darkerish blue and a lighterish blue.

Mask? Umm....how about a Hau.



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Alright: Main characters accounted for. Outline complete. Everybody who posted will have somewhat of a major role, using most of the characteristics they posted, although some were tweaked. (TTN, how can you be open minded and friendly and then be evil?) However, actual writing will not commense until after finals, near the end of December. This will be a blog thing, so ideally you could read through it all in about ten minutes, and consider it a very long blog post. (No, it won't be a 50+ chapter epic, sorry) But it will be different!


If you would still like to be in it, post here, but you would only be making a few cameo crowd appearances.



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Carp. I would have posted earlier but I was busy...


Two positive characteristics / abilities: Agility, strong willed.

One negative characteristic: Damaged mind.

General side: Define 'good.'

Feelings towards the end of Bionicle: So-so

Primary Colors: DK green / Black

Mask: Pakari


*hopes for cameo*

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Dang, this is what I get for not reading every single blog entry on my favourites list...


Name: Letagi
Two positive characteristics/abilities: Can remember anything, great understanding of all things science.
One negative characteristic: Somewhat pessimistic.
General side: Good.
Feelings towards the end of Bionicle: Generally relieved.
Primary Colors: Dk green, silver.
Mask: Great Kualsi.


- :l: :flagcanada:
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Name: BCii

Two plusses: nice guy, awesomely transcendent

Minus: annoyingly transcendent

Alignment: irrelevant. OK, good. With a small g.

Sentiment: ecstatic.

Colours: white, black, red, blue, none of the above.

Mask: off.


Good luck working that in. :P



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TTN, how can you be open minded and friendly and then be evil

It's quite simple, and it does make sense!


See, it's because my character is open-minded that he chose to be evil. Well, not evil per se (is there such a thing? People do 'evil' things because they believe it's right), but more like an antagonists. In a society where people follow others like sheep, TTN's open-mindness allowed him to view beyond what is generally considered 'the right side', and he basically took a different approach to life - this approach is defined as 'evil'.

As for friendly - the character likes to talk to other people and befriend them. Does that have to apply only to the good side? You don't see a good guy befriends someone who wants to dominate the world, do you? Same thing to the other side. It's a matter of perspective. =P

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Ah, missed the chance for a main role. Well there's still extras:


Generous. Controls light

Kind of self-centred.


Realises it hasn't really ended so long as the story continues

Silver and grey


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