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Super Smash Bionicle, Administrative Section



Hey everyone! I guess this won't really mater to most of my readers, since they aren't involved with the Super Smash Bionicle thing. But, since our topic just got closed (:() I figured we could resume here. So, I'll be posting stuff here and you guys comment, just like we left off. Maybe a bit of summary perhaps though with it.


2Ties Current First Post:

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*quietly raises hand*

I've started a similar project, only it just had mewtwo...

i could continue with this...



Appears everyone wants me to post updates here.


I am making said game.

It is being made in Unity3D.


Current team:

2Tie (Me)


E-123 Omega

Inferno 630

Toa Derik



And for the lists and updates:


Characters - Final Smashes:

Tahu - Nova Blast (Like the Zero Laser)

Kopaka - Blizzard (Like Negative Zone)

Onua - Mud Bomb (As seen in the comics)

Lewa - Air Axe (Like the Great Aether)

Gali - Aqua Beam (Aura Storm)

Pohatu - Koli Kick (Like Falcon Drive-By!!!)

Takanuva - Light Pulse (Light Arrow)

Teridax - Shadow Hand (Like Triforce Smash)

Rahi Trainer (Kualus) - Rahi-Nui (Similar to the Landmastah!!!)

Vezon - Kardas Dragon (Like Giga Bowser)

Roodaka - Visorak Horde (Like Dedede's FS)

Ehlek - Lighting Storm (PK Starstorm)



Golden Armor (like the Dragoon)

Disk Launcher (Blaster)

Lightstone Rifle (Super Scope)

Kakama (Bunny Hood)

Hau (Starman)

Pehkui (Lightning)

UDD Sphere (Smash Ball)

Nui Stone (Like the nova bomb)

Kodan Ball (like the soccer ball)

Artahka's warhammer (hammer :^P)

Electro-chute Blade (Beam Sword)

Over-Ripe Thornax (Bob-Omb)

Matoran Spheres (Crates and Barrels)

Cordak Blaster (Cracker Launcher)


Stages: (for now, these are all)





Chamber of Life

Mahri Nui

Core War


Assist Trophies: (Appear from Toa Canisters)

#-Bohrok (like the Excitebikers)

#-Turaga Vakama (Like Torchick?)

-Pewku (Like Starfy?)

#-Vahki (I think a single one should suffice - like Little Mac) I LOVES DAH MINI-MAC!!!

-Nivawk (Like Ho-Oh?)

-Nidhiki and/or Krekka (just plain nasty, like Waluigi)

#-Tuyet (chooses an opponent at random and basically obliterates them)

-Norik (Saves you from one SD)

-Keetongu (Like Gray Fox?)

-Sidorak (?)

#-Karzahni (Like NintenDog)

#-Takadox (puts opponents to sleep) DEKU NUT!!!

#-Lesovikk (Like Ray MK III?) I loves lesovikk

#-Tobduk (randomly chooses an opponent and incinerates them)

-Mazeka (?)

-Ackar (?)

-Fero (?)

#-Berix (Munchlax)

#-Nektann (Waluigi)

#-Vultraz (Lati@s)

#-Krahka (Illusion!)

#-Mazeka (Andross)


Unlock list:


Original set:

Takanuva - play at Kini-Nui 10 times

Makuta - beat all Bosses or, alternatively, play at Mangaia 40 times

Vezon - commit suicide 20 times; also unlocks Chamber of Life stage

Roodaka - play 30 Brawls; also unlocks The Mountain stage

Ehlek - play 20 Brawls; also unlocks Mahri Nui stage


Extra (add-on?) set:

Mata Nui - beat Story Mode

Gresh - play at Atero 10 times

Tuma - destroy Atero in a Brawl

Matoro - collect all the Makoki Stones in all Makoki Levels

Vakama - play at The Coliseum 20 times



List of Staff *in process of updating*

-Shadix, blog Admin and leader of Concept art

-2Tie, initiator of project, leader of Programming and stuff in general

-Angle Bob, formerly Gornt, Vise-Pres to 2Tie

-Omega, just helps all around

-Leskows, also a Programmer

-Inferno630, because he nagged :P


Assistants *in process of updating*


Sonic the Hedgehog




Toa Derik

Kopaka Thorn, I think

Let me know if you are helping and aren't on the list.



Well, I can't stay and chat, so here you go. If you need something added to the main post, either PM me or put something in the post directly to me.


See a problem? PM me. DO NOT POST ABOUT IT. PM me with all your problems and questions! PM ME!


This is the Administrative section. That means that if you have a question in general to ask, or just some input, post it here. Other posts shall be moved to correct threads.


Also, pause and read SPIRIT's topic closure. He must be a gamer :P


Okay, guys, this has gotten way out of hand. I let it live in hopes that it would be a discussion about what you would like to see in a video game and it's just turned into a massive planning/spam topic. If you guys want to make this game, then follow the procedures of planning a game in Fan Created Games and repost this topic here. Otherwise...


*SPIRIT uses A, B, Left, Right, X, Y, Down and blasts the topic off a cliff.*


Topic closed.








Please update links to this post page. Not my blog, this post.


Beta-Testers Section

Programmers Section

Concept Artists Section




Recommended Comments

I was executed.


Anyways, I'm working on Krika concept art (will have that by Thursday), a few chapters, and I'm working on a piece of music, that I will allow to be used for this. Like in the credits, or some cut scenes. It's not for this though, it's for another game that I'm working on.

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The funny thing is, people only post if someone else posts. I'm getting tired of having to write "Where is everyone?" just to start a conversation, then again, I haven't done much for the project recently, which is why I have not posted lately.

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Well, the only reason for us to post is if we A. have made some progress B. Are requesting a progress report C. Are giving a progress report.





OR, D. To rip on Aaherunhfguouoedhfp8h9rdsuiogtfdrs8ui8uhjfdjjfvjfvckjlczdgihln;hvuryeoijdfcerupchfdjotrivialpursutefhasdkjlfudshfuidhpsfhdsiaojfadsojBenYahtzeeCrawshawdhfuidshpufhaufhudbsgufvhdsijehijvkjadfjiinternetahfujdsfjbgdsijpbfgjudgshbionicleafipdshfjpdgshfdsajofipdsjiofhujfshusiadhfugbdyigphfudashjdiojhgaudpfnostalgiacriticafdsbghaiufysjdhnuvhasiuodhfodciunosainhhdgdecapitatedmotorcyclisthtiuoa;dhuuvadsfdjkso[afdsaijooscrueldictatoriadushufadsuhf8iadspohjuadspfdsQKazoo Bob.

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Keep it up, guys!


As for me, I'm not dead. I've just been wondering where everyone else is.


Drat, I mean yaaaaaay......


I'm still alive too but Halo reach has sorta been holding my computer hostage and I cannot think of anything else to do for the project, as of now the only things I've done are write story chapters and rip a bunch of music from a bionicle CD (speaking of which do we need any monologues about Kopaka or Takanuva's equipment and abilities?) I can draw and I am creative, anything else that needs to be done?


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Which reminds me, what do you think of Reach? Personally, I found Halo to be very bland and boring, Halo 2 wasn't bad, but still not good and INCREDIBLY overrated. Halo 3 & ODST were downright terrible, but Reach looks kind of good.
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How could you think that Halo 3 is bad? You insult me, and that is bad...for you :evilgrin:


Reach is fun, but the campaign depressed me too much (and I die too easily).


@Talos: Computer?


@Angel Bob: Don't tell me not to talk about one of my favorite things!


EDIT: How about more Halo, even MORE Brawl?

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@Inferno: I do not understand the one word question, I spelled computer right didn't I? Also, could you give us the code for the smaller banner? Everyone could probably benefit from less screen stretching images.


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Sorry, I'm just confused as to how Halo: Reach could be occupying your computer. Isn't it an Xbox 360 exclusive game?

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Unfortunately I wasn't able to help with the game at all due to recent events. When I'm able to help I will, and I'll try to update my status when available.


I hate high school.

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Halo 3 is one of the worst, most boring, uninspired, inconsistent, confused, unrefined, poorly designed, ugly, and all around terrible games that I have ever played. I have never in my entire life played a fps that I enjoyed less. I loath it more than I loath the Mario franchise.


Look, if you want quality for you 360, go out and buy The Orange Box. Try some Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, or Portal is you want something truly spectacular (but that's not technically a fps). Or Star Wars Battlefront II. Or Bioshock. No, scratch that. If you want quality, go buy a PS3. Trust me, I had all 3 consoles after a while, being given the 360 as a present, and I ended up returning it.

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@Inferno: It is rather difficult to use my computer and the x-box at the same time :P. ALSO: I modified the code slightly so it leads directly to the administrative section instead of our dead topic :D. Actually I have had it like that for awhile but since I have nothing better to do:



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Hey! I'm alive!


Did you miss me?









Someone should go and make a basic starting project with the worst characters imagened and then make the basics


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I loath it more than I loath the Mario franchise.


It's spelled "loathe", silly. ;)


Not being a Halo fan (indeed, not having played the game), I do strongly advise that, while we're allowed some fun, we really need to focus on SSB.


So get to it. Talos, keep ripping music and stuff. Omega, work on concept art, that commercial thing for the podcast, and story. (I'm serious on that story!) Inferno, you can... uh... code something helpful.


Parry, you can curl up in a corner and die.




Okay, maybe you shouldn't follow in 2Tie's footsteps. It's just that I don't really remember what your talents are.

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@bob: I ripped all the music I could, hence forth why I posted the code above as a last ditch effort to pretend I accomplished something.

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@Talos: Your sig can now read Fourth-in-Command, or Co-Fourth-in-Command, you should be proud of your promotion, you deserve it.


@Angel Bob: Sorry I haven't been doing much lately, with school and some new videogames I just can't find the time as easily. It would also be easier if I was told a specific task, then I would be more likely to get it done (considering what it is).


EDIT: You could give me a short list of small, single tasks. When I finish that list, you can give me a new one (I would do more if I knew exactly what I had to do).


@Omega: You should be glad you aren't being demoted for your heresy. :lol:


EDIT: 343rd Comment! Only Halo fans would recognize the reference.

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This isn't TLR, is it.


Maybe because Halo is waayy better than Sonic ever could be. Ever think of that?


Nintendo 3DS comes out in March! Hopefully I'll have enough money by then.


Enough with the off-topic though.


Are you ever going to get that chapter in, cause I'm not going to even start mine until someone else posts in the story section, with something more worthwile than "Inferno, write your next chapter", of course.

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Halo is, beyond a Shadow of a doubt, the absolute worst game series I have ever played in my entire life. There, I said it. Half-Life is better, Gears of War is better. Team Fortress is better, Portal is better. Halo is wretched. Every time someone plays a Halo game, they deserve to be smacked. Series's like Halo bog down the gaming industry, taking away attention and money from lesser known, much better games. And because bland, samey, first person shooters are all the rage now, companies don't want to fund most games unless it's similar to Halo or something of the sort. The visuals are ugly ad unattractive, the music is bland and forgettable, the dialog and stories are tripe on a bike, ad the level design is boring. The games industry would be endlessly better off if the series was cancelled.


On topic however, speaking of our game which despite not going to be all that will be much better than Halo 3, I won't be able to finish Krika concept art by tomorrow, but I will have some for the Rahkshi of Heat Vision, which I recall us agreeing a looooooooooong time ago would be one of the Rahkshi that we featured.

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Jeez Omega, I suppose you are entitled to an opinion (I happen to quite like every game you mentioned including Halo.) but perhaps we should save the hate for a later time.

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sigh... Mental note: never bring up video games in a crowd of video gamer BZPers. :annoyed:


Let's not turn this into a flame war.


@ Omega: The one for Shadix's thing that you said you might work on? Remember? If not, I suppose it doesn't really matter.


@ Talos: Um... well, if Omega would hurry up and defibrillate the Story Section, we might have something to do...


@ Inferno: Try concept art and level design. There's essentially nothing done for either of them, so you should have some freedom with that.

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@Talos: Entitled to his opinion...maybe, but he has no right to deliberately insult his superior on this page (PM me disrepect all you want, I'll just block you).


@Omega: I have played Gears of War, it is fun, I haven't actually played any of the other ones, but I am not insulting one of your favorite game series of all time, I admit slamming sonic wasn't fair (even if that isn't one of your favorite game series), but I was angry. You are taking your frustration at the FPS genre on Halo alone, that isn't fair, there are many, many, worse FPSs than Halo. So I am done with this pointless argument, so I would advise you to drop this right now (if you are wondering why I am continuing this is because am I not saying something knowing it would make you mad).


@Angel Bob: I'll do that in a little while (Level Design not Concept Art).

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At no point did I insult you. At all. And by the way, all those games I listed ARE first person shooters (with the possible exception of Portal). But now granted, several of my points, level design, atrocious story telling, hideous graphic etc. can be chalked up to opinion, not so much with it being a serious problem with the games industry. Even if you like the series, and I'll admit, Halo Reach looks entertaining to play, and the basic story arc itself looks much better from what I've seen, that doesn't change the fact that it caused a general dip in overall quality and originality to the games industry. It's like with Nintendo. I LOVE most Nintendo franchises. Kirby, Zelda, & Metroid are all some of my absolute favorite gaming franchises of all time, and I enjoy Pokemon, Donkey Kong Country, and many others (the only one I hold any dislike for is Mario, but that's another story), but that doesn't change the fact that for the good of the games industry as a whole, Nintendo needs to go far far away and never come back. I'm not saying that big franchises can't exist in the games industry, but they have to be creative, original, and truly talented. If say, Valve became more successful, then more power to them. They mix things up, make some of the best and more critically acclaimed games of all time, and could handle it. But Halo, Nintendo, and several other companies just don't have that spark. Nintendo created a bunch of franchises, some of which like Mario revolutionized the games industry for the better, but they've just been rehashing old properties without any new and interesting ideas. They don't put forth much creative effort, but they're already incredibly successful with an incredibly loyal fan-base, making them incredibly successful. And several of their series, such as Mario, revolutionized their own genres for the better (platforming), which was good when they were made but now there are many other series that have joined those genres in that style, and do it much better/with more creative ideas (Pac-Man World, Sonic, Spiro, Ratchet & Clank, Little Big Planet, LEGO (kind of), and many others). It's similar with Halo. Halo took an idea, made an inexplicably popular game, and thus "revolutionized" first person shooters. This means though, that games will mostly shamelessly imitate it, or try to be like it, which bogs down the game industry. The original games, (Bioshock, Half-Life 2...) will be few and far between. But I'm inclined to be nicer to Halo than I once was, as it's genre is dieing out, albeit slowly and reluctantly. The realistic shooter is moving in, with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 or whatever it's called. I can never keep it straight. But I don't like Halo. You do. That's fine! That's your personal opinion. But franchises like it do serious damage to the games industry, which is why I'm harsh on it. And it's not like it can't produce good games, it just kills most of the good ones. But Halo Reach looks moderately fun, Gears of War is pretty good, and Star Wars Battlefront II is one of my favorite games.



And oh yes, I forgot to tell you. I finished my chapters. (got the original Lewa & Kopaka as well, but I like the new ones better) BUT, I'm not posting it quite yet. I need to discuss some things with 2tie first though. If 2tie isn't back in... oh I dunno... I guess about a week, I'll post the different versions, and see what you all think.

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