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  1. Story of my life, bro.Third-ed. Currently moving into junior year of pre-law/polisci. Not sure if im going to go to law school or attempt to get a job as a staffer. I know I don't want to be a court lawyer.
  2. Could you elaborate on that statement? That seems awfully provocative and antagonistic without proper context.Its a reference to a very famous article written by Hunter S Thompson in the 1970s. Its what started Gonzo Journalism.http://en.wikipedia....nt_and_Depraved
  3. From what I gather it was and still is decadent and depraved.
  4. You do realize what you're saying right? The only issue is getting the absolutely massive amount of material into space and on the moon successfully. If we invented an easier way to get into space we could do it.
  5. I seriously had buddy holly glasses in 2004. Only because they're cheep at the time
  6. Scout armor goes against the idea of being a scout. You want to be light fast and quiet and throwing a machine into the mix makes you louder, clumsier, larger, and dependent on fuel. You may see LAR versions of the suit but scouting will always be preformed with the minimal amount of machinery.All armor will be assault armor and their will be different verities of it but this will not be a world changing invention because modern armies are already well suited to deal with armor.
  7. You're going to have to have some form of opening in the armor in order the person inside to move. These openings will have to be fairly large if you want the person to be able to move flexibly. If you completely seal the suite in a fireproof yet flexible and safe substance you'd have to provide air to the person inside and somehow cool both the person and the electronics from their own heat and the potential fire. Modern tanks with five inch thick armor and reactive plating have been disabled by simple Molotov cocktails.With this kind of thing you can pick two of the following; Strength, flexibility, or simplicity. You can Strength and simplicity but then it'd be basically a motorized suit of armor. You can have flexibility and strength but then you'll have something too complex to be battle field worthy. You can have flexibility and simplicity but then you'd have an improved version of our current body armor.This level of protection is not an easily done task and may not be possible or even needed. A helmet doesn't protect you all the time from high powered rifles. It would be nice if it did but various factors prevent it from doing so but just because it isn't indestructible doesn't mean we don't use them.
  8. Right but that just means you'll be able to use less troops to do more in some situations. This will be about as big a revolution as helicopters were, it will give you a highly mobile highly intelligent weapons platform but it won't suddenly become a trump card like tanks or the machine gun did when first invented. Another big issue no one talks about is fire, If I can catch someone in a suit like this on fire they're going to have a bad time. Theres no way to completely heat proof it or seal it and still have them remain mobile
  9. It's gonna happen soon and its going to let soldiers carry bigger guns with more ammo and armor but overal it won't be a world changing event like the machine gun was. It will make you last longer and stronger with more fire power but I don't think anything they could put on a suit like that will protect you from a shaped charge. However its really going to revolutionize life for paraplegics and such.
  10. While in theory a focused gamma ray would use a rod of a specific type of uranium detonated in a very specific way so that it shot out in a invisible beam of intense heat so strong it could be used as a propulsion system.
  11. I believe Xray lasers have been built functionally and even weaponized, gamma ray lasers at this point are mostly math.
  12. gamma ray lasers don't even really exist outside of theory.
  13. It's a different frequency. Also X-rays must use an isotope where as a laser is focused light using mirrors.
  14. Bfahome...do you go to hood college frederick md? I swear that looks exactly like one of the buildings. I tried to join up this semester but got too busy with other things
  15. On x ray is a form of radiation an xaser would be a focused X-ray which would pretty much be a heat ray.
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