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Everything posted by Eyru

  1. Your post taking out Zirex in the Towers made my day.
  2. Eyru

    What I Want

    Hush, and be happy with the glory that is Other M. You can start wanting more in six days.
  3. Eyru

    Happy Other M Day!

    Halo was never amazing to begin with, IMO, and by now it's outlived whatever novelty it once had. I'll be glad when it dies.
  4. Eyru

    Ask Me Anything

    why do i have to choooose
  5. ugh, don't go and get yourself addicted to ceffeine. It's really a pointless addiction: people claim it gives you so much energy, but then you crash and have to drink more or sleep.
  6. Eyru

    I Don't Reread

    Sooner or later you're going to miss something. It may not be today, it may not be tomorow, but it's good to get into the habit of checking your work so nothing slips through. Also, like ToM said, rereading your writing can help make it clearer and more concise.
  7. but maybe I put mine on... BACKWARDS.

    that means I am awesome in a special way haha. '^_^

  8. Eyru

    Less Than 10 Days

    It's okay. Some of us have lives, and some don't.
  9. Eyru

    Less Than 10 Days

    Well it's not that Prime's that hard, it's just that it took a while for me to get into. But Echoes is coming along nicely. I only started it last week and I've already beaten the first temple.
  10. Eyru

    Less Than 10 Days

    Is it seriously less than ten days? Wow. I've been waiting months for Other M and suddenly I make the connection that 8.31.10 is only nine days from now. Unfortunately, I've told myself that I won't buy it until I beat the Prime trilogy. Good news: just beat Metroid Prime. Bad news: it took eleven months.
  11. Eyru


    When I play on the worship team at my church, we always joke about putting more drums in our headphones and monitors because the drummer is so loud.
  12. aaah, Lady K called me awesome!


    seriously though you are actually pretty cool. just FYI. >_^

  13. Eyru


    Silly, the drums are the metronome!
  14. no, you're just kinda super-awesome. ^_^

  15. aaah you visited my profile today!


  16. Eyru

    Junior Year Sucks

    Are you seriously a junior?
  17. Eyru

    Next Moc Project?

    I've been looking forward to the mag rail ever since you first showed pics.
  18. Thanks! I've only read Angels & Demons, but it was excellent. Speaking of which, I should get around to reading the other books sometime. =P

  19. Eyru

    It Begins

    I don't start school until September 7th.
  20. Eyru

    Darn It

    Going into grade 11 makes me feel old.
  21. Eyru

    Caritas Et Labora

    What miraculous program is this?
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