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Bohrok-Kal story: Flash animations vs. Chronicles #3

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I haven't been active here for ages, but I was just wondering: has there ever been any solid word/consensus on whether the Templar Flash animations or the Cathy Hapka novel takes precedence with regard to the Bohrok-Kal storyline?


I mean, for a start they contradict over which Kal took which symbols, but also the animations have Takua, Jala and Tahu go out and find each of the other Toa in turn, and cuts off once they're all together, whereas the book has them all independently turn up at the "usual meeting spot" (ie. the place from comic #3) and it then segues directly into the Po-Wahi scene from the contemporary comic issue.


I vaaaaguely asking Greg about this years ago, and getting an answer to the effect of "not sure, but would assume the novels", but can't find it in my inbox anymore. Personally, I'd prefer to go with the novel too, since it was written around the comics. Do we know for certain, I think, that a lot of the Templar stuff never went through the story team?


(Oh man, I have a nine year spinny. That makes me feel old.)

Edited by Jalaguy

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I don't have an answer to the specific question, but these answers shed some light:

1) I would go with Chronicles #1 over the MNOLG, because the book was approved by the story team, the game was not "(the story team did not exist when the game was done).


Basically, I would see it this way: Sets come first. That means things like the Rahaga flying on helicopter blades are not canon, because there is nothing like that on the set. Movies, books and comics are all about equal -- the books reside in the movie universe, where the Toa have hands, the comics do not, but they are all canon. Animations have, in the past, ranked behind these because they generally have not been approved by the story team. In future, though, there is going to be a lot more story on the web site and it will be considered canon.

So yes, probably best to go with the novel version here.

Edited by fishers64
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