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So Long, Useless Hunk Of Meat

Ow... I got my appendix removed Wendsday, and yesterday was my first full day back at home. Today is the first day I fell well enough to do anything, it still hurts to move my upper body, and getting up from a sitting o laying position is a nightmare. I was actually able to eat solid food yesterday night. I also noticed that I'm lot more thirsty than I was before.     So yah, needless to say I won't be able to do anyting for a few days (Including the WAMALUG meeting, sorry ChocolateFrogs)    



First Entry

Welcome to my blog and such, you all (should) know the Bzp rules...keep them in mind check back every so often for (hopefully) humorous updates so to add some humor to this first update I'll tell you a story from my physics teacher:   "I was taking a lecture hall class in college, and in the middle of class, one of my friends jumped out the window, he walked back in five minutes later and sat back down, the professor didn't notice"     I have a new goal in life




I've been here for more than five years now, and I barely have more than 100 posts



I Must Be The Pride Of *subject Hometown Here*

So I finally got portal today. Needless to say, I am ashamed I never got it earlier, it's so fun.   Unfortunately I can't play it too much because I have a research project that is 25% of my grade in Environmental Science due soon     "No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery." ~Unknown




Finally got my hands on an Indy set, only to find that Indy's head got mixed up with Anakins form the new jedi starfighter   but I was planning on replacing the head with a yellow one anyway, so it's all good   some pics of some of my Moc's should be up soon (the guy who works the wamalug brickshelf was in the hospital, but I believe he's getting out soon)   my current WIP is a Bionicle interpretation of         that I have the arms, legs and head of the figure done (no pics yet) I'm



Might As Well Post This

Just a little micro space ship I put together. I got the idea for the "tail" when I was playing around with parts, and it evolved from that. It's called the Stingray because of it's shape. Also, if you look on one of the underside shots, you can see the bit of cloth I stuffed in there to hide the massive hole. Said hole came from poorly thought out SNOT. The Cloth is a lego cape though, so it's still 100% Lego.   Gallery     "Red meat is not bad for you, fuzzy green meat is bad for you." ~U



Self Moc In Progress

I mad this a while ago, so i's already been tweaked a bit (more trans green, more armor and bulk) but I could use some more people's comments on this Folder (don't worry it's public)   I'm working on a whole team (well three more), here's the back story so far:   The air member of a four Toa team(the one shown, if I write a story it will be told from his prespective) (Earth, Ice, Fire, Air I'll make the rest later) the team's duty was to defeat a BoM member oppressing some island (whatever



Lego+star Wars+cosplay?

This guy is a hero http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=275157 he made a darth vader costume (mostly) out of LEGO Bricks!   also 37 days until brawl, I (hopefully) will be able to get a video of me and my friend on the internet and get opinions on how I compaer to other BZP smashers   I scrapped the pinkiller MoC, I just didn't have enough silver to pull it off, but I have made 2 new MoC's and I have a better Digi-cam, expect Pics sometime next week       "It took me fifteen year



Everyone Can Relate To This

It needed some censorship, but it's something everyone on this site has experienced, so I had to share it.       “I like the beach. I like to get there really early before everyone else shows up and take like thirty bottles with notes in them and throw them into the water. Then I wait for everyone to come to the beach and when someone goes to pick up one of the bottles, I go up behind them because when they open it there’s a note saying ‘I’m standing right behind you.’" ~Demetri Martin



Lol Late...

So I wanted to wait until I could put up pictures for my Pohatu, Chirox and Kirop review ( yes... I have '08!) but I am out of AA's (again ) anyway   Loot!: -Pohatu, Chirox and Kirop (duh)   -Sweatshirt/Jacket thing (this is actually good, I needed a light jacket thing that zips up!)   -big pack of gum (the big boxes that you find at Costco or Sam's club, or as I call it "American Size")   -some witty T-shirts (needs more cowbell, 5/4 people have a problem with fractions, etc.)   -Wii



I'll Be The Marth

So I finished getting all 35 characters in Brawl today if anyone wants to go at it my code is : 5155-2605-1061 I main Marth and Mario   "I had a neighbor, and whenever he would knock on my wall I knew he wanted me to turn my music down, and that made me angry because I like loud music, so when he knocked on the wall I'd mess with his head. I'd say: "Go around! I cannot open the wall. I don't know if you have a doorknob on the other side, but over here there's nothing. It's just flat." ~Mi




My fellow Americans... [/dubya] Happy thanksgiving to all who choose to celebrate it I plan on editing this entry with how much food I eat tonight   Also my anatomy teacher did some math an he figures to work off all the calories that the (mabye slightly below) average person consumes at thanksgiving, you would have to walk about 20 miles (that's about 38 and 1/4 KM for you metric folk)   on a totally unrelated note i have guaranteed a spot on the school swim team with a 28 second(I neede



The Dragon Age

(I really should make a seperate video games category, but whatever) During the week of Thanksgiving I bought Bioware's most recent game Dragon Age: Origins After 50+ hours of playing, I have completed the game one and a half times. (A life... what's that?)   Anyway, I loved it. I enjoy Bioware's games, and I'm a sucker for anything fantasy. My two characters so far are: Thorin the dwarf commoner » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «He bravely sacrificed his own life to end t



Simple Matoran

My digi-cam is dead (again) so bear with these written instructions for now step1:get one of these it will be the body   step2:put one of these inside the body part, in between the two holes that stick out farther than the others (the + hole furthest to the front)   step3: run a five length + rod through the foot, so it secures the part added in step 2     step4: place a 3 length + rod in the part mentioned in step 2   step5: place another one of these on the end of the 3+ rod, with anoth



Happy Birthday To Me

so I am 17 as of today, legally mature enough to purchase M rated games, and see R rated movies (but not vote, unfortunately)   I bought myself Tool's Undertow as a gift to myself yesterday and I really like it (Somehow I always know just what I want).   The best thing about my birthday is I get so snack on candy all day long (if you're confused, what day was yesterday?)       "No, I think I'll wait a few hours until I am mature enough to handle it." ~Me, on watching "snakes on a plane" last



Yay Me

So Today I was featured on the member spotlight, yay! I took pictures I was so excited I really should Have better things to do than this   on a unrelated note, I dropped 30 seconds on my 500 time, and helped win a relay today. My school swim team won our first meet!



Card Throwing

That's my latest hobby the cards don't hurt, "it feels like being hit by a paper clip" according to the one person I hit (accidentally )   My favorite thins about it are 1. i taught myself to do it 2. the nice "crack" sound it makes when the card hits a wall   I'll have to take a picture of one of my more thrown cards, because they get pretty beat up after only a few throws       "The nice thing about being a celebrity is that if you bore peop



Recent "news"

For all those reading this tiny two post blog, I'm sure none of you are thinking "gee ouch, I wish I could decide what new Lego sets to buy!" well I can (kinda) help. Here are my recommendations on some of my more recent sets: Tie Crawler: Pros: Rare tread pieces New minifigs Cons: $50.00 USD Few new pieces It's mostly blue, when really Tie crawlers are light gray   I recommend it if you really want the treads or can't live without shadow stormtroopers   Dwarven mi



Sudden Realization

My member number is a palindrome 7667   cool       "Chaos Theory is a new theory invented by scientists panicked by the thought that the public were beginning to understand the old ones." Mike Barfield.    



Blog Neglect

So I haven't updated in *checks watch* 3 months   yah     I havn't really updated because, until recently, nothing happened (and I'm sure all my regular readers are dying to know what's going on in my life yah all 2 of you )   Two days ago I returned from Northern Tier, if you don't know what that is (which I assume you don't) you go up North (Bissett, Canada in my case, but there are other places to go) and canoe around in the wilderness for up to 9 days (we did a seven day trip). It was an



*insert Creative Title Here*

So last Friday, our physics teacher was out, so as a class we decided to pull a few jokes on him we: -Replaced his clock with a dartboard -added "hands" to the dartboard -placed the clock on the ceiling (my favorite) -moved his computer keys around so the top row spelled his name -put a sticky note over the laser reader of his mouse so it wouldn't work (until he sticky note was removed) -and completely covered his chalkboard in chalk   you know what he did today... nothing   we came in



Oh Noes!

AMISH VIRUS: You have just received the Amish Virus. Since we do not have electricity nor computers, you are on the honor system. Please delete all of your files. Thank thee.



It's Like Moc Week Or Something

Not really, I took all these pictures at the same time. I just spread them out to bring each one the individual attention I think it deserves. Steampunk airship yay! Engine Food and bedding Underside   Gallery (when modded)   Yes that is a shadow leech in the food box, no I don't know how shadow leech tastes...         "Weather forecast for tonight: dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning." ~George Carlin   Edit: sorry if you caught this in the transition



I Take It Back

I said a few entries ago that I have nothing to blog about. I recently found out that I have an abdominal infection, I got out of the hospital a few days ago.   I'll take a lack of good entries over going to the hospital every few weeks any day.   on a completely unrelated note, if I can pull of my latest WIP, the result will be one of the most unique MoC's I've ever made.     "Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is obstructing t




Eh... It's alright   "I thought I was indecisive; now I'm not so sure." ~Unknown



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