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Entries in this blog

Only One More Day!

As I have recieved plenty of votes, and the preliminary voting has been closed, I have decided to post the final poll. The Poll: 4 7 2 3 -You must state the number of the entry you're voting for -Entrants (if they have a blog) will be DQ'd if they make a "Vote for me" entry in their blog. They can link to the poll all they want to, but if they tell others to vote for them, it'll be a insta-DQ. I guess I wasn't nearly specific enough in the "don't tell others to vote for you" p




I have finnally ammassed 600 posts.  Whoo.   In other news, I've got a MOC I'm working on (I'm having severe problems in regards to the head). And I have a pretty neat idea that should look rather sweet if I pull it off right.   P



Fresh Start

I've got a new banner/av setup. And I'm gonna type in blue now. Or not. Depends on if I like it or not. P



A Minor Detail...

I found this looking through my pictures folder (on my computer). From my Hapori Dume MOC back awhile. I guess I never included it because I thought the pic quality was bad (which it is). I used a total of eight Hockey feet on that torso. I really like that piece, I guess. I mean, I use it on a ton of MOCs, especially a lot of my newer ones. And now I have to log off. I've got some writing to do. P




Topic I almost posted HOUND, but I decided to post this first. P



Goooooooo Lions!

I guess I forgot to tell you guys, but my dad managed to get 4 free tickets to the Lion's exhibition game yesterday (Saturday). Which was pretty sweet, 'cause they were decent seats. Anywho, we got lost in Detroit before the game due to all the construction on I-75 and I-94 and such, and my dad was getting really ticked off cause he wanted to get there early so we could get a decent parking spot. We ended up paying 40 bucks for parking. Anyways, the game was good (the Lions beat the Browns 26 to




It's all smart marketing. Lego "leaks" images and names of new sets to see what reactions they garner. They do it to reccieve feedback so they can plan toylines. They do it to keep fans interested in new sets and new directions. They do it to create hype. They do it to gather data. I can almost guarentee that some people that work for Lego have seen the reactions to the new sets.   I mean, it makes sense that Lego intentionally "leaks" the photos. They reccieve multiple benefits from doing so.



Ze Polls! Ze Polls!

As I've realised that I've never stated any prizes besides the 6 month PMship thing for first place, I've decided to elaborate on them before I put up the polls (don't worry, the polls are gonna be right after the prizes). Anywho: For first place: 6 month Primier Membership, a blog award stating you came in first, and a banner saying the exact same thing. For second place: A blog award (or an avatar if you have no blog) sayong you came in second and a banner saying the same thing. For t



Didn't See That Coming...

Polls for The Challenge will be up tomorrow. Expect ridiculous voting procedures, exclusions, exceptions, and some odd ways of combating the "popularity voting" problem that affects so many polls. P



Only 1 More Day

Only one day left to send me your entries for my challenge. If I don't get them by midnight tomorrow, you won't be in. Members who haven't sent me their entries: Kopakalaka Kaji Draxon P



Builder Of The Season

Yessir. Anywho, I'd like it if you all would nominate who you think has been the best builder of this season (summer in the United States (June through August)). By best, I mean has consistently made decent MOCs this whole season, or they have shown vast improvement through out the season. Also, that means that the person you nominate must have posted at least three MOCs this season (the months of June through August). I will stop accepting nominations at the end of the season (August whatever i



This Is A Completely Different Entry

You know what? After I build a MOC and take pics of it, it usually doesn't stay together very long after I post the pics (in some cases, the MOC's been dissassembled for a few days before I post pics). Some times it does stay together (especially if it's a WIP). How 'bout you guys? Do you take your MOCs apart frequently? EDIT: Wow, I just bumped my previous entry twice on accident. P



Today's Christmas!

Rejoice (sp?) with me! And I won't be able to get pics up of H.O.U.N.D. (Highly Obedient Something Something Drone (UNdercover really doesn't fit)), as our camera's with my mom, and she's not gonna be home 'till Friday at the earliest. So, I need ideas to fill in the U and the N. BTW, it's a white and black robot w/wheels as feet. P




I need a really sweet sounding acronym that spells HOUND. It's going to be the name for a Newer creation of mine (I might get some WIP pics (it reuses Eveangelions' torso a little (yeah, I scrapped it))). Any Ideas? Maybe some pics will help... P



Quit Your Complaining!

Seriously. Stop. Now. I'm gonna scream the next time I look through any place and see someone going "I don't like this choice, you could've done better, there were better MOCs this week, there are better MOCers, yadda yadda yadda" I don't like it at all. And it's rude to the people who make those decisions, and in the case of the last two, the people who were being highlighted. It's all about personal choices/preferences. If you're going to say that you don't like a choice, explain



10 Things

1. Gotta do something with my Eveangelion WIP 2. Do something like this (I like the idea) 3. Do some of my PBZPs 4. Finish Luz's self MOC 5. Finish my entry for Bunda's contest 6. Complete another contest MOC 7. Create some instructions for some easy designs 8. Decide whether to relaunch the second Heirarchy challenge or to post the polls 9. Make some banners. 10. Redo my PBZP: D and change the current version and call it something else. P




Just got back from the varisty football camping trip. It was great. And that's pretty much all I'm gonna say about it. Unfortunately, I have either jammed or broken my big toe (I can't really tell, but I'm pretty sure it's just jammed). Either way, it hurts and I can't really walk right now. Which is really bad, 'cause first day of practice/two-a-days is tomorrow. So it needs to get better quickly. P



Mocing Do's And Don'ts

A little list I thought up: DO: Build a lot. Build when you have an idea. Just build. DON'T: Build the same thing over and over and over. Repition of a design only works for so long, and isn't impresive. DO: Be creative. Use pieces in a neat way. I don't care what piece, just use it well. DON'T: Be a "niche" MOCer (i.e. only toamods, only rahi, only small stuff, only matoran). DO: Try multiple different MOCing styles. Try out weave style, fusion, make your own style. Take a style and



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