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Evil Blog Master's gotta have an evil place to put his feet up, ya dig?

Entries in this blog

Shame On Me

It's been almost a week since I last made a blog entry. What kind of blog assistant am I?!   Well it's been a busy week. Had some friends over for a bonfire, did some Warhammer 40k (painting and playing), then there's work, etc. etc. etc.   I'd like to enter some of the library olympics this year, but that's looking less likely as time runs short.   In other news, my Minecraft server provider reduced their prices a little. I just might have to bump up to a higher tier... To that end, do we have

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva


There obviously have been some concerns raised lately that I am a sexist person. While, through misunderstandings and perhaps a poor choice of words (my fault), it may appear that way, I'd like to reassure everyone that it couldn't be farther from the truth.   If any of you have questions, doubts, or concerns, I highly encourage you to send me a PM without hesitance. I don't get nearly as many PMs as some of the staff around here probably do so I should be able to get a reply to you in a relati

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva


Good gracious!   Seriously, what's the rest of the staff doing over there in GD? They let a bunch of spammers role-play as dolls for nearly THREE DAYS before they finally got it under control?   Good grief, maybe I should have been assigned to forums instead of the blogs.   «TN»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Season Of Giving

So far, this is what I'm giving for Christmas this year:   One of my cousins will be getting PORTAL for PC. Another cousin (brother to prior mentioned) will be getting a book: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (though, the book wasn't written by Tom Clancy).   For the Secret Santa at work, I'll be giving a co-worker two things of 2000 66mm .24 cal airsoft pellets.   And one of the managers who always gives me and my family a platter of Christmas cookies and a pecan pie (all home-made of course). She'l

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Scratch One...

I can now officially remove in-line skates from my wishlist! I haven't had a pair of these things in about a decade. I'M SO EXCITED!   «TN»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Sappin' My Birthday

Traditionally, this is the time of year when I make a blog entry that is so obscure that few people actually figure out what I'm getting at (here's lookin' at you, Turakii).   Well, not this year folks. This year is different. Today I am twenty and one.   Since this particular birthday is such a big deal, there's gonna be some demands made and met by me and you guys respectively.   First of, I'd like to thank the other 93 people who have joined the True Fans of Bionicle Club. I was expecting

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Saint Valentines' Day Protocol

Happy Saint Valentines' Day, everybody!   To all you "Singles Awareness Day" people out there, I've got a special message for you:   Shut your whining mouth, ya pansy, and go jump in a lake.   Now enjoy this video:       TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

S3 Thus Far...

So, right off the bat, I grabbed Rayman Origins. I'm a big Rayman fan so it was an obvious choice. Yes, I already own it for Wii to play with the family, but flying solo I play on my PC a lot more. Also, none of our televisions are hi-def so it gets hard to see what the heck is going on. It gets even worse with 4 players. o_o   Today I grabbed KOTOR while it was a flash sale. Yes, I already own that as well. But I loaned my Best of Star Wars for PC a while ago and he has yet to give it back. xP

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Rufus (iforgotthelastname)

Made it! We met up with Avohkah Tamer in Chicago where we proceeded to make it to MSS (gruesome details about the train mess later). Then we had McSmeag and Makaru pick us up at the Subway there. After that, we checked in to the Holiday Inn and proceeded to the convention center...   Then the fun began.   We kind wandered aimlessly for a while not knowing where to go to sign-in and stuff until we found McSmeag and Mak again so they could point us in the right direction. After grabbing our stuff,

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

RPG Update

RPG got big update.   Kanohi got completely reworked.   EU Kanohi added.   Noble Kanohi added.   Carry on. NOBODY CAAAARES TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Rock Raiders and Let's Plays

For those of you who may have missed it on the front page or in Zatth's blog, Zatth and I are doing a sort of . You should totally check it out, y'know? We name the minifigs after BZP members (spoiler: somebody has already been crushed in a landslide), cartoon characters, and far more absurd things. There are puns galore. We also discuss everything from LEGO games to pop culture to how to be a skinflint and everything in between.  So go check it out and leave some comments/feedback. You might

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Remember That Time I Was French?

Well, I think it's been 1up'ed.   I will read/reply to your comments there, so this entry is locked.   EDIT: Hmm. I acquired a blog approval for it. Shnazy.   «TN»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Read This Nnnnnnoooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww!

1. Just imagine the title is all captials.  2. Just recovered from the flu. Ugh.   3. AUDIOSURF IS ONLY $4.99 (50% OFF) ON STEAM THIS WEEKEND INCLUDING NEW AWESOME UPDATES (THAT I'M TOO FREAKIN' BLOGGIN' ABOUT TO GO CHECK OUT). GO GET IT NOW. GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO.......   you get the idea   <End Track>

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Re: Rock Raiders Let's Play

I'm well aware that episodes haven't been going up every Wednesday and Sunday as of late. Suffice to say that Zatth and I basically took a collective sucker-punch to the life and we haven't had as much time for it the past couple weeks. For my part, I'm finishing my summer semester finals and the restaurant owner I worked for for the past near-decade of my life was in a bit of a bind so I started working again to help him out. Fret not though, BZPopulace. We are by no means throwing in the towel

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Re: Recent Avatars And Signatures

Arguing, flaming, trolling, fighting, etc. etc. etc. isn't getting anyone anywhere good.   Look, guys, the rules aren't going anywhere, regardless of what you, I, or anyone else think/want/whatever.   Just as some general information for you all, here's your options:   1) You're well within your right to simply leave BZPower. Nobody's keeping you here. However, if your act of leaving includes, "I'm outta here, yo. You all suck and should die," then you're probably "worse" than those you're ha

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

RE: Politics in the Blogs

People seem to be forgetting the blog rules going in both ways. Yes, politics are allowed in the blogs, but only in a very small capacity as follows:   You would do well to read the entire entry from Blog HQ detailing politics and religion in the blogs.   Now, everybody chill out for, like, a week at least. Yeesh. Sad that this is the only reason I'm making a blog entry in forever. TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Re: Funerals

You know, I've always thought funerals were set up wrong. I mean, all these people come to bid goodbye, say things like "He was such a nice guy too!" or "HE WAS TOO HANDSOME AND INTELLIGENT TO DIE! *sobsobsob*".  Me? I don't want to miss all this stuff! That's lame. Ergo, I have decided to have an early funeral right here on BZPower in my blog. You may all come and pay your respects and throw me all the flowers at your leisure. This way, when I die for real, you can say, "Oh you mean he's actua

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva


It is too late.   Well, they'd better make new Heroica sets for me to review then!   ●TN●

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Rahi Companions

With Bionicle's inevitable return right around the corner, I found some motivation to continue working on that pen-and-paper Bionicle RPG I started some time ago. Consider this a poll of sorts.   One advantage I'd like to give Matoran over Toa at character creation is the option of a Rahi companion. Outside of the obvious Ussal or Kewa, what would you consider to be a good Rahi companion for a Matoran? Yes, the Rock Raiders Let's Play is still a thing. Working on this can be done in short spurts

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Question For Xbox 360 Controller Owners!

UPDATE: I took the gamble and bought it after doing some web searching and BladeTitan974's confirmation.   *** Can anyone tell me if an XBox 360 controller (which can be used on Windows XP/Vista computers) works for the following games?   LEGO Racers (1 and 2) LEGO Star Wars 1   Those are the important three anyways. If you can tell me about Republic Commando, I'd appreciate it.   If you don't know, but have the time to test it for me, you can download the software to use your controller o

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Q for Takumacrafters

Don't get too excited, this is just kind of being thrown out there to see what bites.   Given how outdated the majority of settled land on the server is and how gosh darned far apart everyone's base is (which basically destroys any sort of community feeling we may have left), the question has been asked: What if we reset?   Yes, losing all the awesome stuff we've already built would suck, but it would mean that we can now build closer together without infringing on the land of people who may nev

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Put On Your Party Hat!

'Cuz today is Steak Boy's second birthday!   While I didn't have time to write another comedy in between "Toast Busters", "Book 1 - Sacrifices", and just life in general, you can still re-read the story from last year!   Oh, and Steak Boy wishes me to inform you all that he is very proud to have so many fans that will surely give him presents and he thanks you all. Also, in the case that the cake is a lie, he wants you to make sure there's some snickerdoodles on hand, just in case.   <br

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Psionics Piraka Solutions

This has absolutely nothing to do with my RPG; I'm not making rules for 100+ combinations. But I was still unsatisfied with not knowing how a Piraka of Psionics would combine their powers with a Piraka of a different element. Somehow, the gears in my mind finally got unstuck today and I've come up with a list of possible solutions that I think satisfy. Granted, these effects are all telepathic in nature. If you want some sort of physical manifestations go figure it out on your own. Fire: Severe

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

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