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Evil Blog Master's gotta have an evil place to put his feet up, ya dig?

Entries in this blog

I've Made Too Many Of These Terrible Entries...

Earlier today, the last of my great-grandparents passed away.   My great-grandma lived to the age of 101 years, God rest her soul.   I'm going to miss the birthday parties we shared with her. She was actually staying at a nursing home I used to volunteer at, many years ago.   ●TN●

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I've Finally Done It

Under the new title of "Unsung Heroes", Book 1 of my epic is now fully written. All that's left is to read over it to make sure everything stayed consistent with any storyline updates made to Bionicle since I started writing it as well as the standard forms of proofreading and etc. I've heard that it's much easier to catch all the mistakes if you read your work backwards...  Right now I'm looking at releasing a new chapter every Wednesday. For some reason, looking over this, it doesn't seem lik

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I'mma Goin' To A Weddin'

I'll be gone until next Tuesday sometime. I'll have my laptop with me, but there's no guarantee I'll ever have a connection. Either way, this means there will be no TakumaCast this Friday.   See ya on the other side.   «TN»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I'm With Sokka On This One

So this kid I work with (good kid, but boy, somedays...) is all, "[Takuma] have you watched Arrested Development?"   I say, "I don't watch that."   "What shows do you watch?"   Given this guy's interests, I don't even hesitate before saying, "Nothing that you watch probably."   "Just tell me one!"   "Doctor Who."   "I love that show!"   It's not my first rodeo, I know he's either joking or straight-up lying to my face. "Okay, what's the show about?"   "It's about..... Doctor Who."   "There IS NO

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I'm Nothing If Not Honest

Why is it that people will believe me when I tell them that the fine ladies around have told me I'm: CharmingSweetCaringFunnySmartReliableBut then when I tell them I've never even come close to having a date, let alone a girlfriend, they look at me like I'm the biggest liar on earth?  «TN»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I'm Making a Dating Sim

Yes, you read right. I need to make a JavaScript application for my final and, since Gerlicky retconned all the shipping I was writing (except the two aren't actually related at all), I decided to make a simplified dating sim that may or may not involve an alien invasion.   Suggestions anyone?   TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I'm Engaged

Imagine my surprise upon getting back from Montana and finding BZP down. When I finally get back I'm all, "Oh yeah, I entered that blog contest. I wonder who won?"  Haha.   So, what have I been up to this past month-ish since I left for vacation? Well, that's an entry for another day. A day where I have more time to type it all out.   Hmm? What's that? Oh, the entry title? I almost forgot to mention...   MADE YA LOOK.   <End Track>

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I wasn't going to do a Christmas/birthday "stuff gotten" entry...

...but I didn't want to repeat myself for those few I'd bother telling.   Tom/Apollomahri gave me a box of Tyranid Gargoyles. Ironically enough, my parents almost did the same thing.   Avohkah Tamer gave me a Fluttershy plushie. She sits in a place of honor now (read: sitting amongst the pile of other various stuffed animals on my bed along the wall).   My stocking had a couple pieces of candy, A $10 iTunes gift card (I don't like buying through iTunes, but this'll for sure be going to Cryoshell

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Want You To Understand Me

Today, we had a big blizzard. My T-Bird was slippin' and slidin' all the way home. But many people here probably don't realize just what it means to live in Minnesota. I recently remembered that somebody had put it into perfect words and I decided to show it to you all so you can know just what the life-style is like in this state of the USA.   60 above zero: Floridians turn on the heat. People in Minnesota plant gardens.  50 above zero: Californians shiver uncontrollably. People in Duluth su

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Think I Got It...

Took me a while, but I finally figured out how to start. How does that sound for the beginning of an epic?   Granted I won't actually be posting any until the whole first book is done. Does this sound like anything you'd read?   <brk>

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Suppose I Owe You All An Explanation...

No doubt you all have noticed my relative lack of blogging and just BZP in general (Except for the NMQ&A for some reason... *shrug*). Well, I'm not going to make any excuses, just give the cold, hard facts.   There are a number of reasons I've been ignoring BZP for the most part lately. First and foremost would be work. As I've mentioned in the past I'm sure I had been getting a lot more hours than usual. And now that I've just recently received a promotion, that pretty much locks the near-

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Suddenly Feel Like I'll Be Penniless

Oh man. I'm gonna burn a hole in my pocket book come 2011.   Portal 2 DoW II: Retribution Warhammer 40k Space Marine Beat Hazard Ultra   This is not good. How am I every supposed to save up money for schooling? Can't exactly wait until I actually know what I want to go to school for.   «Takuma Nuva»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Remember This One Time...

It was lunch time and I was hungry   So I went to the fridge and found some leftover Sloppy Joe   So I grabbed the container   And microwaved the Sloppy Joe   Then I got a hamburger bun   And fixed me Sloppy Joe   Then I sat down at the table   And took hold of my Sloppy Joe   And then I took a bite   And it wasn't Sloppy Joe..   ●TN●

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Recorded A Bionicle Thingy

Because if I'm gonna learn ocarina I may as well doing something worth while with it.   http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/213422500/MoLthemish.mp3 Not much, but there you have it.   Didn't go so well the first time...   http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/213422500/dupsiees.mp3   TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Project Project Ideas

Okay, so I'm just going to throw a couple things at you guys.  *Throws fruit at Onuki.*   Anyways, bad before-my-time-here references aside...   1. My epic. I think it's almost done. Depends on whether or not I decided to add some more stuff in before I get to the end. By a show of hands, anybody actually planning to follow it? Also, how often should I release chapters? Right now I'm thinking once a week might be good. Depends on how fast y'all will be reading it. (Yes, even though I'm a nort

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Need A Hat Expert!

And if you came here thinking "TEAM FASHION 2" then you're totally mistaken and should probably just leave before making a fool of yourself.   Now then, what is the name of the style of hat that Cad Bane wears? I can't for the life of me figure it out. It's like some sort of Fedora or something with a really massive brim....   TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Myself Prefer Pecans...

But only in the case of turtle sundaes and pecan pie.  Otherwise, I'm not exactly partial to tree nuts in any form. Macadamia's are only consumed by me when accompanied by white-chocolate cookies.   Also, pistachios are yucky.   <End Track>

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

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