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I Project Project Ideas

Takuma Nuva


Okay, so I'm just going to throw a couple things at you guys.


*Throws fruit at Onuki.*


Anyways, bad before-my-time-here references aside...


1. My epic. I think it's almost done. Depends on whether or not I decided to add some more stuff in before I get to the end. By a show of hands, anybody actually planning to follow it? Also, how often should I release chapters? Right now I'm thinking once a week might be good. Depends on how fast y'all will be reading it. (Yes, even though I'm a northerner I DO say "y'all" now and then.)


2. TNToran Revolution is still dead. I intend it to stay that way. However, I'm looking at an alternative as far as comics are concerned. First off, it would be strictly blog because I can't pressure myself with deadlines (revival) right now. What I'm thinking, anyways, is something different. A photo comic series (ohaiGerlicky), but instead of uploading all the photos to a maj or bshelf folder and making you click through all of them, I'm thinking about aranging them into a sort of slideshow/video. Not stop-motion animation, but slides set to some music and the occasional sound effect. After all, I don't do so much MOCing with my sets anymore but I want to use them for SOMETHING besides sitting on my shelf collecting dust. Does this sound like something you'd be interested in? I'd also have to find a reliable way to distribute the vids. I'd rather it not be bshelf but if no other option presents itself...


Also, that'd be AFTER my epic is written (most likely).


3. In regards to Toast Busters. As I mentioned before I suspended all writing projects until my epic is finished. After that I should (hopefully) be picking that right up again.


4. I've also got to finish these AudioSurf videos...


5. I'm currently waiting for somebody to contact me in regards to my prototype piece. I'm also waiting for somebody to come up and tell me "UR DOIN IT WRONG".


6. KOTOR is now on Steam for ten smackaroos. Yes, this is totally unrelated. Yes, you should go buy it.


7. I keep forgetting to compose that "Blog's First Birthday" entry.


8. This seems to become less of an entry about projects and more about random stuff and things I SHOULD be doing.


9. Halo is like Finding Nemo. Both are good, but the hype is totally exaggerated.


10. No, there is not a grammar error in the entry title. Read it a few times if you have to.


11. Suddenly, as I write this list I'm hearing it all read off in the voice of Vic from RVB. That's not cool, dude.


12. I'm gonna AudioSurf a Daughtry song or two and head off to bed. It's getting late.


13. Muahahaha, thirteen. That reminds me, I think the hot cocoa machine at work is possessed. The light flickers in the most disturbing way.


14. Negatory: I just don't like organic meatbags. Except for the master, of course. Ha ha.


15. I love you guys (and gals).


<End Track>


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I'm actually thinking about going back the glitz and glory of pic comics once I finish two SpoofQuest!s and a TMU. I actually plan on compiling multiple pictures onto one image which may reduce forcing everyone to not look at it or else they will lose their PGSing rights. I'll also shrink the pictures in general so they won't be all HUGE when I look at them.


The series will be called That's Messed Up: The Series 2, by the way. Working title.

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*Raises Hand* I'm very interested in your new epic, seeing as the old one was quite good.

And oh yay more Toast Busters!


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Well, if I'm NOT totally addicted to Final Fantasy, or my brother actually finds something to do other then using my laptop, I can probably keep up with things.


I might make several picture comics, including Exo-Force and Castle, if I get more time on my hands. But, I need batteries that actually CHARGE themselves...

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About 13: Today one of the lights flicked off in my English class, and the teacher said that happens all the time. Called it a "light show."


And I've probably lost track of Toast Busters (even if you stopped writing them), but that's because I rarely visited the comedy forum and forgot often enough to lose track. Tracking the topic doesn't help since I never have time to read my email anyway. I think I have at least 200 unread messages. I don't have enough time to get through the BZP ones. I'll try to catch up on Toast Busters before you start writing them again.

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